/bbg/ - Bloodborne General

Out of Insight: >New players read this finish the story mode offline:

>/bbg/ Resource, Builds & Mechanics Guide:

>DLC access:

>Build planner:

>AR calculationsand gem setups:

-Guide to unlock FRC chalices for spelunks & fight clubs: i.imgur.com/KgVUkyd.jpg
-Gem farming spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q9enxffA3dyKGu6IVg-P4IVgmKSUYSP9UOOiThHmPIU
-Lost/uncanny weapons, runes, and gem spreadsheet: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1syKnSKflHbFiGY4pXkfIeXoMa2Lp9X1aXyme2qaTen4
-How to summon/invade in a chalice: pastebin.com/mjRU01XK
-SFRCs & FDs: i.imgur.com/yRxbVsN.png (if you want early T3 runes, wheel, chikage, or burial blade)

>PVE & PVP - Spelunking/sinister chalices:
-Spelunks happen. Join em. Leave bell-ringing women alone for invaders.
-Sinister chalice race on Friday at 6pmET/11pmUTC (if enough show, spelunks otherwise)
-Race rules & signup: docs.google.com/document/d/1PIWNIOpp2j3Hc7XJBZu_1yEYKAEIXxHEXiY0--sykqw

>PVP - Fight club (Every Saturday 6pmET/11pmUTC plus impromptus whenever):
-Rules: i.imgur.com/WJXCN0Y.png
-Pthumeru: n6rc9jh8
-Loran: jjpkdcgd
-Isz: 9v8qndas
-2v2 arena: i.imgur.com/71WOC0I.png

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm playing MHWorld



Cut the skybox part out and you've got a looping webm,
Grass, fog and skyboxes fuck with looping shit.

Let's get some MHW clan names suggested.

Good Hunters
Beastly Idiots
Moon-Scented Hunters
Byrgenwerth Dropouts


I still like MoonHun

Clan names have a character limit?

Falseflag much? Come on man, no need to shit up the thread like that.

Can anyone lend me a hand with Central Phtu L3 Descendant?

nevermind i killed him

>be alive right now
>still no cut mp or great one beast glyphs

Which church pick so I get for str/arc? I want something fast and serrated to convert, is lost versions the one I look for?

Yes, always go lost for weapon you want to convert.

Can I get a hand with Watchers on Lower Phtu L1?
Pass bbg, in front of fog gate

Best set up is this if you have 50 arc

1x Bone Ash Hunter elemental radial (23.1% + 14 flat element)
1x triangle Cold Abyssal with +15 flat element
1x waning Cold Abyssal with +15 flat element

thank you kindly

Are default beast claws the best for a beast build?

Ye, 2 radials and a triangle,

Thank you, anons.

Just bought The Old Hunters since it was on sale. I hope it's as good as you kino faggots make it out to be.

Make sure to pay attention to the music in the first two fights.
Literally the best in gaming.

>tfw this site is the equivalent to the hunter's nightmare

I've been posting ITT for a long time. Just figured there'd be some guys giving MHW a spin since we've been playing together so long.

What's the flag they're supposedly falsely representing anyway? Is this supposed to reflect badly on the MonHun community or something?

The Bloodborn official guide says to purchase it from the Bath Messengers I need to obtail the Defiled Chalice, which you can get from "L4 Boss: Bloodletting Beast". I don't know how to find that boss though.

I am trying to create a Central Pthumeru Chalice but I only have 4 out of 6 Ritual Blood (2).

BLB is in Lower Pthumeru, which is after Central. Dig into the first Pthumeru to find more Blood (2), or farm it from Snatchers

Last thread it caused a fair amount of asshurt, so I thought that user was doing it intentionally.

Have this



Someone should edit in what parts can be skipped if you enter ng+

Could we try and harass Zullie into making false depths of the lategame story chalices?

Could you try and be less of a faggot?

Tonight I have plans to start save scumming, I just go into the data options and disable autosave to cloud, but manually save to cloud instead, and quit the game to download the cloud save when I wanna rollback, right?

I made a nice glyph first try, how do I remake it without ps+?

Just don't use rest mode if you wanna avoid auto upload saves.

Does anyone really want to play through depth 2 or depth 3 Pthumeru? The early dungeons aren't difficult or fun, they're just there. Maybe we could start with Defiled Pthumeru, so people at least still have to do Hotdog.

Chalices till Loran are pretty cumbersome, with Lower Loran they start getting pretty comfy.

You replied to the wrong post, idiot

You replied to the wrong post, idiot

You replied to the wrong post, idiot

Can these /mhg/ guys please leave?

You're supposed to work on the chalices as you clear the main game. The early chalices are plenty fun if you approach them in the early game.

Next time, go right from BSB to the Chalice he drops and explore until it gets too tough. It's much more fun this way.

>story dungeons

They're a fine way to break up the pace. I love exploring them. They're cool. Of course they suffer in replays, but that's not a huge deal. They're more fun if you approach them the way they're intended to be approached.

Most people ruin them by ignoring them and then playing a big distasteful marathon of them so they can do FRC Roots.

If they weren't absolute trash compared to the main game, maybe they would be worth exploring.

Can someone lend me a quick hand before I go to work in 30 minutes?
Just want to kill the Madman duo to get the set before i head out

Lower Hintertombs, L2, pass: bbg

I'll try SRRCin in.

Anyone for a spelunkabooga?



More is more user. I don't expect them to be as good as the main game.

Absolute trash is a huge overstatement.

Clockwise, for all three slots, unless you want to get one-shotted.

Shit sorry I meant gems
Any reccomended Gems to use for my HMLS?



>nothing wrong with 110

The Ludwig fight is worth the price of admission, it's easily my favorite in the series

>35 vit
>20 end

Glyph is dwvrty8w
Pass is "vileblod"



somethings come up, will be ringing beckoning bell in about 15 mins, or if one of you wants to start thats fine as well

nah it's cool i'll wait

can somebody help me with defiled watchdog? pass bbg

Still need help?

Is a flat arc bom setup viable to twink with

which weapon has better scalings, /b/ros? the kirkhammer or the boom hammer? i really like both of them but i've just gotten the boom hammer and i'm wondering whether i should max it out or not. also, are gems that raise the scalings more valuable than gems that simply raise the raw stats?

Best method to farm blood vials?

>prelayer had lost BoM
>lots of methheads
>dude weed lmao
>EVERY SINGLE chest except for the BoM had ONE (1) RB5 in
>double fps witch got expertly dispatched
>lots of big empty rooms
>pthutato has been prayed to for some better loot next layer
>boss was piggu, bullied to death

Lecture Building
Kill sluggos for echoes
Bold Hunter Mark for more echoes
Buy them
Or just progress through the game and buy vials with echoes


Is there a glyph for a chalice I can get a single Ritual Blood (4)? I somehow missed one on this character and I already deleted the chalice.

Just buy it

Of course, the dodge didn't come out.


The dialogue of brad bourne
No umbasa, oddly enough because sanadsk said that was still in.

Couldn't buy it as I don't have the Yharnam Stone, but I found one.


n-no one uses strength weapons here?
where'd you get lost?


>Gehrman's cut dialogues

Farm Depth 5 dungeons for echoes.

>the Doll asking to be shut down because she displeased you

>n-no one uses strength weapons here?
I do.

>jesus fuck literally the most confusing layer of all time, I lost both partners in the prelayer, then we lost dana for about 5 minutes, then we found each other and Jordan got killed, then I lost dana trying to get back to the lamp, then jordan got back in before I managed to find it, then we went off to look for dana and found the lever, and then dana died somehow when there were no mobs left in the layer
>dude weed lmao
>jordan got swordmogged
>more fps witches
>pig got utterly rammed
>bepis boss, killed very quickly

then help me out dude. which is better the krik hammer or the boom hammer. theyre both hammers.


Boomhammer is cooler so I'd go with that

>no extra dialogue from Annalise

i did some stat checking the kirk hammer does more. damage. guess i'll keep using that and beast claws.

>...Heh, heh, heheheh. . . Oh, but I've nothing more to tell. I only show the way, and the way has been shown. Now... it's in your hands. Until the dank , sweet mud takes us all... Upon the awakening of Ebrietas... ...Heh, heh, heheheh... ...Heheheh... Heh, eh heh... My death matters not... It's your nightmare, after all... Heh, eh heh, eh heh heh heh...

>all of Willem's part

>You think now, as Gehrman did, to betray me.


Looking to co-op through the game again. About to fight Cleric BEast, password is "saw"

>Upon the awakening of Ebrietas
Who says that?

>segalt is penis

On my way.

Thanks Hunter. I'm heading straight over to Gasgoine with the same pass. Should be 2-3 minutes if you're interested.