What is the best political system we've ever formed?

What is the best political system we've ever formed?
Can it be improved?
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Whatever the USA had in the Reconstruction Era seems to have been top notch. From Civil War to world superpower in a matter of decades.

Small group democracies.

Everybody feels involved as a community. Everybody shares responsibility and is therefore more responsible

How it could be improved?

don't know. Maybe improve human nature?

Honestly human nature fucks up practically any system. Which is a good reason why capitalism works. Self fulfilling market and people compete with each other. But since people are assholes you need a little restraint with laws, which is why they don't sell snakeoil, mercury, or dead people powder as cure alls anymore.

Aristocratic Monarchy.

Scary part is that I'm not joking

I would propose a triumvirate of which the thrwe parts are all constructed and selected on technocratic grounds.

Triumvirates are hard as fuck to pull off because they support secret alliances and treasons between their members

However we absolutely need a technocracy, either man-made or machine-assisted. Democracy merely encourages party struggles for power and charisma over efficiency. Whatever promises and scandals happen during a one year electoral period determine the future of the country for the next several years.


Whatever Russia had after the revolution seems to have been top notch. From Civil war to world superpower in a matter of decades.

Anything + a socially and culturally homogeneous population.

That meme is stale. Russia was a great power long before the Bolsheviks murdered it into economic emergency. Look at the oil production figures prior to Red October. That's a measure of industrialization that is difficult to fake or retroactively revise. Russia outproduced Standard Oil under the Czar. Why do you think Wall Street financed the Bolsheviks? They didn't want competition.

Oil production is not a measure of industrialization you dumb cunt.

Otherwise I agree with you.


Whatever the Mongol hordes had and overran half the world.

Or maybe what the Ancient Persians had when they ruled some 40% of human population at the time.

Whatever the Arabia had in the Rashidun Caliphate Era seems to have been top notch. From Civil War to world superpower in a matter of decades.

Whatever Israel had in the modern era seems to have been top notch. From Six Day War to world superpower in a matter of decades.


As an american it hurts to say this but the Ottoman Empires governmental style and the British Empires Parlimentary Constitional Monarchy where the best and are still tied for the best

Had we a system that was a mairrage of the two it would be an unstoppable monster

>Mfw I always say republican capitalism when I hang out with humanity major hipsters on ny campus

Somewhere between(mixed) :

>National-soc (i know iknow ,but is balanced and fills the holes of soc. and unite ppl)
>Traditionalism (good for the culture and people)
>Theocracy (surprisingly good for the people and traditions. Atheists are needed for balance, however )
>Fascism (for maximum egginess)
Unfortunately (for haters)- that kind of sys. will work pretty well.

honorable mentions

Esoteric aristocratic socialism.

1. Fascism
2. Yes, by making sure to keep Italy from invading Greece next time

yeah but they fell in a matter of decades too

America is still going strong (I hope)


Constitutional Monarchy

It's dynamic as fuck being a Monarchy, Aristocracy, and a Democracy whenever it's needed.

put a good legal transitional phrase and you're good to go.

>All these autists who treat the people of these nations like pawns in the pursuit of glory.

Fascism is a retarded ideology for people who actually have to live in it... it looks cool from afar though

Honestly, most people shouldn't have a say, but democracy is an alternative when you can't have an ideal aristocratic system.

For example, you can't have American Serfdom, because all the college students are pawns of the Media, and will believe anything they're told.

Sure thing, lads!

It's not about having a say, it's just about what the concept of a quality life is.

Fascism is great for building up Glory and the whatnot. But it does so through imposing culture and violence.


I'd say the early twentieth century America means of politics was the best the world had ever seen. New ideology flourished and it was rare that people were censored by people of their own age groups. There was not a "mainstream media" per se, but people were still able to get news in via the emerging radio culture. After WWI, people began to abandon old ways of life and embrace modern industry without the sexual revolution and general disgusting slog of the sixties and seventies. It was a time of economic prosperity (aside from the Great Depression notably). I believe it represented a time of change along with traditionalism.

...or maybe I'm pulling all this out of my ass. I really can't tell.

I'm gonna be a huge edgelord and say social democracy. I'm such a special snowflake.

>Literally all four of the systems named have failed in multiple countries and led to mass death and destruction

What's it like being a retard?