/dng/ Dueling Network General

YGO General #2678
New year Edition

Last Thread: ● YGOPro is an automated simulator.
>YGOPro Links Beta(Windows): mega.nz/#!MjwTgIgZ!UPINQF4pmyg520CnFvybYaBTbuj9ZcZFqzdPx1KTpXI
>YGOPro Links Beta(Mac): mega.nz/#!cmI22RBQ!VmHBOn1Vkg-E6cdEOsoxkW9aflanBTbq1EpS5NI9AVo
>YGOPro no Links(Linux): github.com/cromerc/ygopro
>High Quality YGOPro Images: mega.nz/#F!FjI11DhB!8yUbfIJupKLXXSznZb7Ymg
● Duelingbook is a manual simulator with no judges or databased rulings

Useful Links:
>Current Official Rulebook: yugioh-card.com/en/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_V10.pdf
>Wiki with a wealth of information for the players: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page
>Hypergeometric Probability Calculator: yugioh.party/
>Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market: yugiohprices.com/

>OCG decklists:

>TCG decklists:

>TCG/OCG news sites:

Upcoming Sets:
●OCG: LINK VRAINS Box (December 23rd)
●OCG: Flames of Destruction (January 13th)
●OCG: Rarity Collection (February 10th)
●OCG: Deck Build Pack: Dark Savers (February 24th)
●OCG: Structure Deck R: Curse of the Dark (March 10th)
●OCG: Starter Deck 2018 (March 24th)
●OCG: Cybernetic Horizon (April 14th)

●TCG: Wave of Light Structure Deck (January 19th)
●TCG: Extreme Force (February 2nd)
●TCG: Legendary Duelists 2 (February 23rd)
●TCG: Legendary Collections Kaiba (March 9th)
●TCG: Star Pack: VRAINS (March 30th)

*No CaC unless you can provide a 1000 word-minimum essay explaining why your card would be good for both the current OCG and TCG metas, is more creative than all the archetypes in the game, would not powercreep Card Shuffle, and has at least 5 citations in MLA format. /dng/ Dueling Network General

*Go to /dlg/ for Duel Links discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Lyco and Trickstars!


3rd for Evangelion Archetype

xth for the ultimate duel monster

4th for I want to fuck snow rabbit

>destroying any minute
so this lets you win in time?


doesn't matter, you won't go into time when you have darkly big rabbi winning you the game once beelzebub's seal is untied

Lovecraftfag here, i was out of the loop a while
Redpill me on Tindangles, please tell me they're playable

They're hilariously terrible right now. Pray that the character who uses them in the anime gets more duels.

Someone have an elemental lord list?

Guess i'll stick to Darklords. We lack good edgy archetypes

Grandsoil the Elemental Lord
Pyrorex the Elemental Lord
Forceaurage the Elemental Lord
Moulinglacia the Elemental Lord
Windrose the Elemental Lord




and this allows me to summon my linkuriboh
imagine the practical uses of such a card

when will konami stop printing such broken cards like this

Level 1 EARTH Cyberse Normal Monster
100 ATK / 100 DEF
An original species found in electronic space. The amount of information on it is unknown.
On the off chance you cared about "tron" lore.

not only that, but it also lets you summon link spider AND you can use link spider to summon it from your hand
this card is broken beyond belief, run 3 in every deck that doesn't rely on normal summons


Mask of the Pharaoh
Continuous Trap

>Cards in the graveyard cannot be destroyed by card effects.

Is this a good card

>spend time testing deck to get the ratios down
>decide to play a few games on ygopro couple days later
>brick every game
every time

>Still no working download link

spoonfeed me please
why didn't you fix it

Silly question but, If I make Slayer with pic related I can use the quick effect on my opponents turn right?

Did they make (Quick Effect) mean Once Per Turn, during either player's turn?


Does this one also not work?

Quick Effect just means it can be activated during either player's turn. Technically there are quick effects that don't have OPT clauses (like A-to-Z).

Hey guys I haven't played in a year.
Can someone point me to a link paleotoad deck ? I have no idea what I'm doing.

Thank you, looks like I found a new deck to test.

am i the only one that finds it weird that these things (and link spider for that matter) are earth and not light?


Super Quantum support fucking WHEN???

>last possible effect on a giant robot mech is floodgate shit
What did Konami mean by this?

i love that garbage like this is literally unplayable

>Crying about floodgates
>in the year of our loli 2017

It just doesn't thematically fit is all I'm saying.

Are there any Links revealed so far that would help them out?

i guess you could start with gofu into zefra metatron and then somehow still do the 6 mat magnus 'combo'.

What are your yugioh resolutions for the new year?

To give up

They can't search for Kaijus off slumber

Please teach me Madolches and how to steal souls please.

pls dont

Win a big tournament

learning how to read

To get a gf to sit on my lap as I play at locals.

and have her giggle when I draw a good card.


Happy New Year's Eve /dng/!
Remember to cast your vote before 2017 ends!

>best card of 2017

>worst card of 2017

>best deck of 2017(unchanged since this was a stagnant year for the meta)

>worst deck of 2017

>best waifu of 2017

>best art of 2017

Thank you for your time and once again, have a Happy New Year!

>best card of 2018
>cards that aren't even released here yet

>no Sea Monster for best card

I don't understand this shadow realm meme

It's hard to come back to YGO once you've played other TCGs and found them much more enjoyable. Even in spite of the bullshit Pokemon has going for it in comparison. Not to mention I've actually had a pretty great track record at WS regionals over the past two years and I really think I can make top 8 this year if I really buckle down

this but she pulls the handtraps out of my hand to use them at the correct time

Once again:
Defend this, KoA shills.

Is Skulldeat good with World Chalice?

skulldeat is good in anything that can make him, his effects are broken beyond belief.

This must be the baby form for the firewall dragon evolution line.

Level Pod When?

There should be a spell card that lets you Special Summon 1 monster from your hand. But you can't Summon or Set other monsters the turn you use it.

Hopefully improve my shitty deck building skills.

>return all monsters on the field to the deck
>doesn't say shuffle it afterwards, or that they can't be placed on top of the deck
also what if my monsters have a combined level higher than 60?

>also what if my monsters have a combined level higher than 60?

You deck yourself out

>flip this on your opponent's pure link/xyz board
>they draw 0 cards while you can draw up to 60
i want this so bad

Then you deck out and lose.

Draw fucking 60. This aint no game boy

Level Pod would be the greatest thing

Good luck getting a board for 5 12 stars

>five 12 stars
>not one sixty star
I want casuals to leave.

Isnt there a loop where you can get a monster up to something like 128 stars or crazy shit like that.

We need to finish the hunder archetype as well


Why does this make them look like traps?

You know why

Hi, im new to this (i play MTG, i want a game to fall back on if the current debacle ruins it) whats a good Starter deck to run with? im playing the duel links game on steam.

Just play anything that catches your eye on YGOPro until you've figured out something you like enough to buy physically.

There is a separate thread for duel links which is /dlg/. We talk about the actual card game here.

This artist always makes Sakura look the cutest

printing when??

i just mentioned the duel links so i wont get treated like a complete noob, i have some semalance of an idea of what im doing. i just want a good starting point for physical cards.

For getting started competitively buying singles of the pendulum magicien deck is the cheapest way to play competitively as there are no recent starter decks that are competitive on their own closest being the dino one.

uum, i dont want to hop into competitive directly... is there a premade deck or something i could get?

>current debacle


If just playing the game is what you want the recent cyberse structure deck works.

buy 3 of the dinosaur structure deck

It has been recently brought to light that the MTG judge program (a volunteer force of ppl) is littered with pedophiles and registered sex offenders (these are people who are the highest judge level, level 3 mind you). and to boot the judge program doesn't require a criminal background check. and to really add the Cherry on top the HEAD of the judge program is an alleged abuser himself. so i want a fallback if mtg goes belly up
and the names that are being mentioned are being scrubbed from the judge website as well, here is a video.

tldr, there a bunch of kiddie fiddlers in high level spots in the MTG judge program and the head is a alleged abuser.


Thanks ill look at it

Is it that good?

>if the current debacle ruins it
What's happening now?


Anybody here play GOAT format?

If you are completly new to the game try to go to a locals and get to play with people there, at best you get yourself a starter/structure deck and just try to get a grip on the basic game mechanics. The Dino one is really good, Cyberse too.
The Dino one is just "better" as in that it has a defined playstyle while the Cyberse one relies on the newest summoning mechanic which you need an extradeck for.

Theres just a lot of shit to explain about the game that playing it IRL with someone is just better IMO

>token generation in yugioh
glad to see something familliar

I have an idea of what im doing, i just want a base to build up from, ill look at the recommended decks

Is non targetting removal still good?

>pedo judges

i wouldn't care how many lolis a judge fucks as long as he gets the rulings right

Yeah, i damn sure love spawning goats then make a Borreload while also summoning a TER then snatch something from my opponent then proceed with my plays

How do i play OCG in ygopro2

It says i have unknown cards.

Yea, but its kinda fucked up that these dood arent even doing a background check, there's one safety net they could throw up that they never bothered to pay attention to, and plus. think of the optics involved with this sort of thing. think of how bad you would look if a major outlet would run wild with this.

Also, are there Yugioh cards that are similar to some of the famous MTG cards (besides BEWD i know about that cunt)

No, because Yugioh is a fundamentally different game.

How about we do a backgroud checks on non virgin women too?

Fucking retarded nu-males obsessed with social stigmas.
Age of consent is social construct and bullshit invented by feminists to keep men down.

Fuck off to reddit libtard nigger.

ok, is there cards i should at lease have some inkling of a clue about? i mean, ive heard of BEWD, dark magician, and pot of greed (we have a card thats like that but its banned and draws three) but what sort of meta cards are out there?

Are you being ironic or just stupid so you can get yous?

>Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring
it's the best card in the entire game and it only costs you 70 bucks a pop and you basically can't play the game without 3 of them.
>Ghost Ogre and Snow Rabbit
it's the next best thing after Ash and you also need 3 of these, 20 each.
>Ghost Reaper and Winter Cherries
Not mandatory, but extremely good and CUTE! CUTE! CUTE!, costs you about 7 a piece + whatever targets you need to buy.
>Maxx "C"
buy it now