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Happy New Year edition


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Big decks are now known as THICC decks


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Recruit Warrior will be good next rotation don't dust your recruit warrior cards

I would Tyrande tbqhwy lads.

THICC priest


Nothing without super powerful combo shit will ever be viable again

this is by far the most pay2win meta ever

every half-viable standard deck is full of new epics/legendaries

literally disgusting

what are you even supposed to do in this game if you dont buy packs? just grind out games winning 1 out of every 5 until you get 100 gold? its literally impossible to even compete.

pay to win bullshit

What do you guys listen to when playing? I listen to The Chainsmokers

i love the chainsmokers! i listen to david guetta and ariana grande too!


>he doesn't blast Death Grips while he beasts on ladder

So I'm trying a janky midrange shaman deck that uses guild recruiters to cheat out 4 mana 7/7s and drakkari defenders. Seems to be working somewhat well so far. Any recommendations or suggestions?
### Shaman
# Class: Shaman
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Mammoth
# 2x (1) Unstable Evolution
# 2x (2) Ancestral Spirit
# 1x (2) Crushing Hand
# 1x (2) Devolve
# 2x (2) Maelstrom Portal
# 2x (3) Drakkari Defender
# 1x (3) Healing Rain
# 2x (3) Lightning Storm
# 1x (3) Mana Tide Totem
# 2x (4) Flamewreathed Faceless
# 2x (4) Hex
# 2x (5) Cobalt Scalebane
# 2x (5) Guild Recruiter
# 1x (5) Volcano
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 2x (6) Thing from Below
# 2x (7) Bonemare
# 2x (7) Corridor Creeper
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

Haha nice Ill have to check them out. Have you heard of Imagine Dragons?

there's literally no way to tell what asrchetype will be powerful because it all depends on who gets the broken 123 curve, like who the fuck thought murloc pally would be good before they got the 123 curve?

That's not true at all, there's lots of good decks without incredible 1,2,3's

ya i used to be a big fan but now i listen to hardcore stuff like xxxtentacion and gucci gang >:D

do you know what broken mechanic recruit warrior needs? possessed lackey so he can complete the barnes high roll trinity with priest and warlock

Golden rare isn't that bad.

Who n-n-needs a golden epic an-nyway?

i'm so fucking funny

please don't shade ariana like this

This is actually a good designed card for once. Do you actually make this you pleb or did you steal it? I'm impressed you should send it to Mike Donais and apply for a job.

Trip Hop and related genres: youtube.com/watch?v=Y5UPjQEbwYY

I've been playing a lot of control mage and winning against jade druid a lot and what i'm noticing is they're playing the match up what I feel is incorrect or wrong. They're not valuing card draw enough and putting too much emphasis on ramp and armour gain. I know i'm winning because they have dead turns with no proactive plays. They could take the initiative way easier if they were to draw into playable cards rather than hope for UI everygame

how is there stilll no r34 of Aya being penetrated by various jade golems?

Made it originally just as a "add a healing spell to your hand" card, then realised the potential for a really fucking stupid joke and jumped on it.

that so interestingly designed and a cool interaction oh wow neat

Same thing as Gadgetzan. They need to power creep the last set since it is in standard for shortest period of time. People would just skip it like TGT if it was trash.

A 5 mana 5/6 dragon that discovers a card from my deck? That's some crazy value right there, my man. Well played.


Because a lot of Jade Druid players overvalue a card with too much value. It's a great card, but like you said if they are only trying to play it before doing anything else you can just develop a board and beat them even after they refill their hand

this is really fucking broken

it literally doesn't die to damage

hahahah wtf

You do realise enrage triggers even if the minion dies to damage higher than 2, you'd need hard removal to get rim of him.

tgt had tons of OP cards

alexstrasza's champion, twilight guardian, justicar trueheart, living roots, arcane blast, thunder bluff valiant, tuskarr totemic before nerf, flame juggler, fucking chillmaw immediately come to mind

>OCfags not knowing how the mechanics the game they are making OC for work
not surprising

nigger there's like 4 enrage cards in the whole fucking game you expect me to have done a case study on the things

Does thing from below getting recruited by guild grill?



So I haven't played in months but I botted to 6k gold and got some legends. What's the best op deck in ladder right now

>20 dust isn't that bad.
>Who n-n-needs a golden common an-nyway?

Yes, I do expect you to understand a mechanic that you are using in a card. What type of stupid question is that?

Reminder only fags play highlander priests

Yes, Snowfury Giant would also be recruited assuming its been discounted to 4 or below. I havent played it myself, but it works in druid when the quest discounts all minions to 0.

Oh boy, 6 mana gets me 8/24 in stats.

Clean your notifications you fucktard.

It's a fucking google search. You know that there are cards like Frothing Beserker that trigger when damaged that don't have enrage, you melt, you plonker


this is some shit deck building. unstable evolution just for guild recruiters or or your 7 drops? why is it in a deck based around overstatted undercosted overload minions? I don't see it. I guess its smart to put in geist to blast that card out of your deck.

I both really hate this card and like it.
I could see this be a real thing they did.

Not a beast??

expansion was too shitty i only played to rank 12 on asia. cardback looks great.

Beasts aren't made of carved wood. It's a figurine of an animal, not an animal itself.

I'm an anal fucker.

Absolute cancer.

replace stealth with something else, you would never ever have any reason to have stealth on a charge minion

I get why you've used stealth, flavour-wise, but mechanically it's retarded

Maybe that's okay?

Maybe it should be a legendary minion. But even so, most classes have some kind of silence and/or hard removal. And it's not like patrons that could replicate easily and get charge and repeatedly smash on you in a turn.

The idea is cool, and maybe it would need better removal to be available in the game to be more fair, but I think the idea of minion that's immune to damage is interesting.

My original draft had Barnes and costlier minions instead of the overloads, getting a geist from Barnes wasn't a complete loss with UE. I'm keeping the geist because losing two UEs is fine if I can shit on a priest's otk ability or warlock's Rin into pact.

winter's veil cardback is still the prettiest

blizzard should give new players a chance to earn it this year too

oh that's right there's no new players this year my bad


>6 mana 4/4 battlecry: summon a random 10-drop

So what?

Dreadsteed is warlock and has demon synergies and is part of combos that can wipe the board(literally having weaker stats makes it stronger in warlock.) This would be a warrior card.

It's okay because you could summon a random 8 drop instead :^)

It's not that great. Sometimes it's just an eight drop.

>6 mana 4/4 battlecry: play gimmick deck without spells

You're retarded if you think that the difference in stats can be excused just by tribe, and this
>literally having weaker stats makes it stronger in warlock
is even more stupid.

Sooner or later we will get a minion like Kingsbane.
Enjoy your paladins.

I mean maybe it'll be different post-rotation but with the huge cardpool we have now, it really isn't difficult at all to run nearly minion-only decks. Great example is Xixo literally winning the entire seatstory cup 8 where 3 of his 5 decks were spiteful summoner decks:


Turns out 6 mana: win the game is pretty good. The spells themselves are also super high value spells.

Anyone else pissed off that half the classes have ways to go basically infinite now? Fatigue used to be a viable win condition but now they shit all over it.

DMH, Kingsbane, Jade Idols, Astral Tigers, Benedictus and Faldorei Strider just to name a few.

jew here any decks that have a jewish play style?

>and Faldorei Strider

Miracle Rogue runs counterfeit coins.

>faldorei strider
d-do we tell him guys?

Dragon priest takes cards faster than you take Palestine.

Jew druid.

Nah, let shieldbearer think that his opinion is important.

Murloc Raider actually, thanks.

>jewish play style


Thief Priest

>Gucci Gang is the #4 song in America

what a time to be alive

I enjoy trying to make the weakest classes work, and I just started this season at on the 26th and had a really smooth rank 5 climb with this deck. It feels like a real tier 2 or maybe tier 3 deck. any suggested replacements/what have you guys gotten to work for shaman and warrior?

wrong rarity

It's okay as long as the priest doesn't win.

-1 doomhammer +1 rockbiter weapon

muslim here any decks that have a muslim play style?

Face Hunter
>The Money Store
Aggro Druid
>No Love Deep Web
Pirate Warrior
>Government Plates
Tempo Rogue

That dungeon deck with the dynamite boss

but adding a 3rd rockbiter would be cheating

Mad bombers+devolve shaman

Not SMOrc enough

Any deck running Weasel Tunneler.

Tempo Mage with Pyroblast

oh shit I thought you didn't have any, back when I played shaman they were 1 mana and I looked at the wrong slot

still 2 x doomhammer is too much, maybe primalfin totem would work instead

this deck excites me, the moles seem a bit weird they are basically trash without flametongue. Im gonna try this with thalnos over 1 of the moles, thanks for the link

doing a few arena runs today, haven't played it since early in KnC. Anything I need to know/look out for? How's the arena meta right now?

wat pick


how should I draft for rogue? Does rogue play aggro?

Had some success climbing from 5 to 1 with it before I stuck to Tempo Rogue to finish, always been my favorite aggro deck because you really have to think about how to use your burn and overload. Probably gonna climb to 5 with something like this next month along with Hunter and Zoolock

Just having a sticky 1/3 1 drop really does help, Thalnos doesn't sound the worst though