/svg/ - Shadowverse General

No nerfs in December

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis

>Rotation, formats, new class
>Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

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Any good unlimited aggro dicks?

Will Cygames step in before its too late, or let Shadow and Dragon fuck up the game for a second time?

Reminder that Eris is forever seventeen.

Shes all grown up


>midrange is good
>midrange is OP again
kys fuckers who baited me into shit

Is there a worse feeling?

Reminder to nerf Oz

My, such a clever burn, I'm going to need some ointment now. And no, AA.
Some tweaking to occur, may kick Gobbos back out for Puresluts, who got booted for Galvs.
Hakrabi got booted for Bahamut since this deck is slow, so I was finding myself in a lot of grindy situations where I really just wished I had a Bahamut to kill everything.
Safira can cheese wins at the end, because that's what Storm shit is always for.

Anyone who's running shit like Biofabrication deserves to lose because they don't have the amount of card draw, actual card draw, not discarding a card to Do Nothing to consistently get the engine rolling.

gg (short for "get good")


Imagine being too retarded to pilot the second simplest deck to play after unga face.

>Thinking Shadowcraft would ever be good in this meta
You have no one but yourself to blame, liquefy and start over.

you gave me a fright

>he fell for it
get fucked shadownegro

The first armor push her tits apart, the other push them togheter and up.

Imagine being this shit that you can't even play one of the most unga decks around.

Thanks, based vampy and her bats.

>40 packs
>not a single legendary or gold
I refuse to believe that this game doesn't punish you for not spending money.

>not a single gold
you're lying

>get 400 level up coins
>nothing but bronze and silvers
>spend 50 crystals
really chronos by genesis

Post ONE video of you winning as mid range shadow.

I love CoCK

>skull ring with atomy
jesus christ just when i thought this shit was gone for good

Who the fuck besides a streamer records their gameplay for a CCG? Taking the actual time to upload, process, and post a video is fucking petty and pathetic. If you're not good enough to play Shadow, you're not worth the air you breathe.

i'm not. i wish I was.


>israfil is neutral and not dragon

do you think there is a japanese person whose whole job is to make sure tits follow company guidelines

Neutral Forest plays Israfil.

you're thinking of hearthstone

>There are people RIGHT NOW that aren't building decks around Chloe

Who said that?

I got memed on by Khawy, Saber, Ceres, that weird new lego and reanimation in rotation. "Meme". Look at these memes.

I think that's his point.

Master rank is stressfull as fuck after 730 matches and never went past 2.5k score points
Not even climbing much this month neither, i am suffering climbing like 200 points a day


Pretty much my experience.
Get stomped by endless dragon board clear, heal and storm
Lose to shadow mirrors because my opponent went 1st and perfect curved.
Run into that one portal player who drew well and cleared a board full of shit with skeleton inside them in a single turn and lose to sarifa
Lose to rune because I get burned.
Lose to haven because banish.
Played for 6 hours yesterday and couldn't even climb 100 points.
I have much better luck playing Rune desu.

actually I don't know, salami and scyther?

>Jormungand blood player pulls off jorm and plays a bunch of self burn, putting me from 16 to 4 and himself to 2, including playing all his wraiths
>I'm playing storm haven so my only board is amulets about to pop off next turn
>pass turn
>his wraths swing in
>plays purehearted
>he scoops


This is revenge for dshift.

Saha israfil

What program do you use to farm levels?

hi i am looking for help with my high skill AGGRO FOREST deck
i am a bad player (AA rank)
should I go for a more fariy based version (#1) or a more buff based version (#2)? or does anyone have any recent nip decks I can look at? tyty

>dominating against portal
>lmao machina
>lmao retardatium
Fuck offfff

Another bahamut
wrath drake

I haven't thought about it much this set, but wouldn't the buff version be better off the top of my head? I'd think the fairy version lost too many good fairy generators. That deck worked partially because of a critical mass of 2 drop 2 fairy makers I thought.

sorry I got the numbers backwards, #1 is buff based and #2 is fairy based, pls no anger

i only have this 80% wr or some shit


>Goblin Emperor
Shit, I thought that card was good for Shadow but it must be great for Forest.


auto play option when

File a request with the bracer guild. .

baha into baha into gimnir into lightning blast (10) into grimnir into grimnir into lightning blast(10) into lightning blast(10) into baha into ouroboros into ouroboros and you lost

Ding Ding Ding

My god this shit is unbeatable epic fucking design positive cost rush+draw/ward/storm

Best winstreak i had since never


Sword is solid. Fuck you all and your "muh Mid Shadow" meme.

>this one thing is fine, so this other one can't be
We all know Sword is in a fine position you stupid nigger, but Shadow is Tier 1 right now. Get over it.

post dick

Is Rayne actually good in aggro forest?

Post dickster

>struggling vs portal

>Posting the "win streak" instead of the match history
Typical false flagging shadow nigger

I don't play forest. I have no idea, here have another one

I am talking about the retards that keep saying that the meta is shadownigger city, when it clearly isn't.

Fuck off, retard.

rate my rotation dick

>release new set
>the problem cards you refused to nerf have invalidated the new cards
Your move cygames

>lost to kys because he had 3 spiderweb on 6 and airjammer pulled 2 yurius and had another on hand on 7
I want to fucking die

Where are the fucking gold chests? every other fucking time this event has happened you'd get the emblem and sleeve in like 5 games

you need better 2 drops

Post elf bullying

I don't even know what magna legacy does

>I am talking about the retards that keep saying that the meta is shadownigger city, when it clearly isn't.
Shadow was the easiest deck to make competitive, which meant it destroyed a lot of people trying out new decks so they all thought it was really good.

This is what I'm experimenting with right now for Haven, been changing cards here and there but it seems to do fairly well vs shadow and vs the one dragon it can do ok, the ones I've faced don't seem to be running the dread queen combo anymore so sudden burst is less of issue than pure grind. A single turn where you have Astaroth and any minion is gg too.

>4 out of the 6 games were meme classes
>not even one shadow

Bitch please. That Sword deck is basically Shadow. Spam tokens, buff with semi-Eachtars. There's even heal.

>tfw toying with shadow boards with jorm fireworks
So satisfying.

To add I don't have any of the new leggos yet, been waiting to craft since I'm still opening packs and want to be conservative until things settle a bit.

Of course. Also, people don't just think it is good: it is, in fact, good. However, we aren't in Neutral Blood Meta: Shadownigger Edition like some people here keep implying.

But I thought 90% of the meta was Shadow? How come am I playing against non-Shadow classes? Keep moving that goalpost, retard.

Don't respond to me with your unrelated shit ever again nerd.


>playing babymode
lmao kill yourself underage discord

Sword isn't stronger than Shadow, kiddo.

post your dick already, slut

Read the comment chain from the beginning, you're retarded.

>playing portal in unlimited

>tfw never had a winstreak with Dirt or any other kind of Rune
How to get winstreak with Rune?
Got winstreak with Haven, Sword, Forest, Budget Dread Queen OTK Dragon but Rune andShadow just can't get over the win 1 lose 1 win 1 lose 1 limbo

Reap is a fun card.

Man, nobody ever said Shadow was the only viable deck in rotation. Portal, Daria/Dirt, Haven, Sword are all good. Shadow and Portal however, are both just broken. No matter what you imply, anyone can get that winstreak. Hell I got 11 winstreak playing Aina.

>But I thought 90% of the meta was Shadow?
No, you're just the retard that believed /svg/ bitching. Though, more likely, you're probably a falseflagging shadownigger that went a few games without winning so you decided to switch classes. Either way, literally kill yourself.

>Portal is broken
D rank?

>momposting THIS fucking hard over a win as SHADOW
holy shit shadow players are fucking retarded

>meme Reanimate deck is the same as Midshadow

Ah, the classic "everything shadow, regardless of what it is, is t0 broken" shitpost.