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2018 Waifu


post smiles
or attempts at such

Finally, after 5 days of literal modding, troubleshooting and just getting to know how to play Skyrim, my dream has come true.
Pheraps it's time to pay a visit to Laketo...Riverwood.


Snake your character makes my penis feel funny, but are you as gorgeous irl as well?

do you guys play with clothing clutter and weapons and armor fixes?

That was Yarti who posted, but i'm glad you like my characters.

>are you as gorgeous irl as well?
Wew lad, no i'm ugly as hell.

How does one go about making a cute dark elf?


What's the best collections of UNP clothing?

i have like 20 single outfit esps instead of collections that add tons of clothing like UNP merchants


More like jizzay lmoa

>My conversion is at number 5
Shitposters btfo lmao

someone make a mod where you can switch body textures mid game already

It's called BodyChange

oh thank god

that blog is hot garbage tho, no UUNP conversions

>responding to cancer

We're not even 24 hours into 2018 and you're already being an attention whoring cunt for no reason?

>download 5 mods
>now need to find 5 mods to deactivate


It's fine since 95% of the outfits featured there are low quality CBBE weebshit.

cut the cow tit and she would be god tier

The fuck are talking about? But yes, nips having shit taste as always.

>cow tit

Too big m8, those are ridiculous udders


does ECE and racemenu scale the skeleton differently

She looks weird, like she doesn't have a philtrum.
Like she has fetal alcohol poisoning or something.

Fix that and I'd consider her a top tier cutie.


HDT armours?

I want some flowy cloth with my plate.

Is it better to use a steam version or a standalone version of the Oblivion? Does it matter at all for modding?

Okay, bro, just my advice.

lmao this looks like ava

so /tesg/ what are the chances I can mod my oblivion like this?

what enb ?




>that face
>those textures

>that beuty
>that detail
>that non existent neckseam (its just a reflection)

Is there a way to mess with UUNP bodyslide so I can give my character a normal belly? I know there's a slider for it but it looks bad

Its oblivion user...

Is Talos supposed to be Jesus?

Dem is some nigga lips.


pretty sure it does
Ece will make sheathed weapons super huge for some reason


There’s multiple belly sliders

If what you really want is muffintop you’re a little fucked

>If what you really want is muffintop you’re a little fucked
Ye that's what I thought. I can mess around with wide waist and hips but making the belly have a proper round shape may not be possible. The belly I can get with the sliders looks like a pregnancy belly at all levels, not just fat.

Sorry senpai your taste is just a little weird
you need detailed normals and a whole new mesh to get what you want

best you can do is a nice wide waist and stuck-out belly

Not possible


>first playthrough was a destruction spellcaster
>part way through two-handed weapon elf
>want to start a new playthrough as a male altmer mage again
Help. I know doing this is going to make me burn out but I still want to do it. Maybe I should just use the console to respec my dumb warrior

Look up drawings of similar type characters to your own and then see if that makes you excited to continue playing

I'd say around 3/100

Wait, you became the dragon? Good taste.

Orc semen is very virile and potent! Can easily produce three babies in one fertile Nord woman!

But they can’t get it in there unless they hire someone to use growth magic on their micropenis.

Funny joke! Orcs have massive penis! Big yet smooth enough to easily slide in the tightest vaginas!


>hdt boobs and ass

Where the hell does bodyslide save presets and output when you run it through MO? Nothing shows in overwrite, it's not in bodyslide's folder in MO, but all my changes take effect anyhow.

Also I have like 3 different rug mods at the bottom of my load order and I can't get rid of these hideous vanilla rugs in Jorrvaskr somehow.

for some reason my female characters can't smile what so ever unless i open up looksmenu and push up the smile slider. I don't know if it's the the face itself or Skyrim in general have shitty smiles.

dude same

Those are some old hands. Is that on purpose?

Why does she have a black chicken on her shoulder? Does it mean that she wants black cock?

Are there any mods that allow you to transform into various critters or take control? I want to play as a dude who transforms into spider.

>Those are some old hands. Is that on purpose?
yes, the character is using magic to keep her youth


>yes, the character is using magic to keep her youth
oooo nice I like that sort of stuff

yeah, but they're scattered throughout lots of mods

also, why

This is more than most likely that user's fetish

>finally decide to change my body type to unp because I here it was better
>my character's body (and my character alone) is purple and the body texture on other npc's don't match up (nipples in the wrong place for example)
>can't seem to fix it
I knew something like this would happen

If you have any custom races or mods that add followers, they too will need the UNP textures.

You also need an UNP textures.

Can you give me at least some examples?

A handful of the main magic mods have brain control spells, where you can target things like rats or spiders and controll them (move around, attack)

there are werewolf variety mods that have all kind of freaky fucked up bullshit like crab monsters and I think I remember a spider version

Forgotten Magic or was it Lost Grimoire has a few transformation spells, but I think they work like the Dragon Aspect shout as opposed to being an actual shapeshift.

Does Sexlab add actual orifices with physics or do I need another mod for that?

You need other mods but you shouldn't bother, it doesn't look remotely as good as you're imagining

One may think in 2k18 folks would make all-in-one shapeshift into everything pack, yet somehow nobody is interested in the thing, I mean it's not impossible right? could just get werewolf as base and modify it or something...
Man I don't even remember how dragon aspect works

Sexlab is just a framework. Sex mods for Skyrim are also shit, unless you are willing to put your heart and soul into that shit, which I imagine you don't.

Did they fuck up the polys or something?
Does it have all of the holes? Can I easily mod in a situationally quivering urethra?

Thanks that helped. Turns out my npcs are fine but my follower wasn't and I was able to fix it using this information. Haven't been able to fix my character yet though. Will see if I can get it working later.

I don't think there's any "good" sex game thing out there anyway so skyrim might just do if you don't mind misaligned animations and dicks poking through bellies


Honey Select if you don't mind gooks.

Are you talking about that shitty unity game that features amazing telescopic dicks that would "work" only with original island gook censorship

This shit is really weird, I mean what the fuck? Our 3DCG level is good enough to make pretty accurate copulation depiction simulations in realtime yet still we have this nonsense

why so greasy

Holy crap Interesting NPCs are insane. I'm using Zora Fair-child and she has custom dialogue for almost every new area we enter.

I was in a dungeon where a vampire had killed a bosmer, and she said "Poor wood elf, vampires are cruel" or something along that lines.

she's wet, cos she's outside in the rain.

hes a shitposter, report and ignore

what is Moddrop, and why is the skse developer adding checks for moddrop client to disable mods?

if (CheckModDropClientService() == 0)
_WARNING("WARNING: ModDropClient found.");
MessageBox(NULL, (LPCSTR)("ModDropClient found. \n" + mName + " will be disabled.").c_str(), (LPCSTR)mName.c_str(), MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
return false;


How the fuck are you playing as a dragon?

Dragonborn goals right here.

Interesting NPCs is a fantastic mod. Lots of bad voice acting for sure, but worth the addition of new content.

holy shit lel

Why would I report someone for posting a screenshot that doesn't break any rules?