/tsg/ - The Sims General

tfw when ts4 will never have this edition

>Gallery Tag:
#ts4vg (Enable Custom Content in left pane)


>Links, FAQ, Sims, Mods:

tsg.booru.org/ - Old Booru
thesimsgeneral.booru.org/ - New Booru

>/tsg/ Creations:

>Mods and Custom Content: A lot is out of date

pastebin.com/wS3a2En9 - Maxis Match for Sims 4
pastebin.com/TBqj7S7b - Sims 4 and 3
pastebin.com/eYZvWXYs - Sims 2
pastebin.com/Qr7a989F - Adult CC

>Game Cracks:

>Parenthood Crack:

>ZLOrigin(Origin Emulator):

Other urls found in this thread:






Wow, seems lonely in here

Turns out googling "Sims 4 cat ears" doesn't get me anything close to what I want, so here goes.

Has anyone separated the catgirl ears that Catarina Lynx wears? Or converted a cat's bell collar for humans?

I'm trying to make a generic "sexy cat" halloween costume for my Sim... about 3 months too late.

"Hi, do you have a few seconds to talk about the environment?"


"Do YOU have a few seconds to talk about why hot dogs have anything to do with the environment?"

"Well, it's like this. Our hot dogs are sourced from the only finest hog anuses and industrial by-products, and oftentimes those by-products are found IN the environment!"

"Okay, whatever. Put me down for a monthly donation."

It's been a looong day, without you my friend
I should probably let him rest in peace, his existence consisted of drugs and cooch and a near state of constant sadness

Got the Sims 3 on steam for Christmas. Wont download. It cant confirm key so everytime it get to the last step of install, allocating disk space, just sits there and does nothing. What do? I wanna make a big nice house and have a strong black man live there, while outback a smoll white guy lives in the cuck shack and watches his wife get fucked by the bull. Or have a secret room in a normal house that contains the aspy, locked away from the world on a computer.

complain to support? Never heard of something like that happening before

yeah. was just me

yes. i cant remember where it was, but someone did.



tfw you take your roll as bootycall a little too seriously

there is nothing too serious when you have an ass like that






dont die

Sims 3 posting is killing the general

Why has nobody copied the style of game that is the SIMS but done it better and removed all the microtransaction BS for content?

Probably because people won't buy them. The Sims is a genre in itself. People don't buy it because it's a good life simulation game, people buy it because it is the Sims

no, desu i'd love to see some awesome indie concept sims which are similar to the isms

Who here steals mort from bella?

No its not.
But if you have a problem post some content instead of bitching.

Id like to see a sim like game thats mature rated.

>mature rated
Singles did that, but it's not a very good game.
Tbh I would love to see a sims alternative game that has a more heavy consequences and random events. Like, if you raise a child badly, he will end up as an addict or something and completely tear the family apart. Probably too real, but it would create more interesting dynamic stories.

It's hard to learn how to build aesthetic houses

GTA level?


What Mods should I get for sims 4? Like must have mods?

>When you try to do the kardashian trick and you end up overdoing it.

Das raycist


looks pretty nice desu

garden seems a little overdone though

Shit feels good having to wet my sim to not let him die of heat, playing this game again just reassures my opinion that its much better than sims 4.



The ass is good


You made that one? cause i don't remember uploading mine

I just googled 2b outfit sims 4 and found it.

i wanna sim too
is there a direct dl link for ts3 or am i hopeless
would it even work on my linux potato

games4theworld has the complete collection and the store content, you will proly can play with at least all the exp and some mods to clean up the game on a constant basis, or a few of the more important expansions.

No conversation about the new teaser ?

It seems we're getting a "mayan" World Adventure type of game pack.

Make me wonder how many fucking gamepacks will there be in this game.

I didn't heard about it, even tho from what you make it doesn't sound anything remotely close to World Adventures level of work.
>one world
>modders already made mayan ruins worlds for the sims 3 with WA treasures and more
Since i reinstalled sims 3, sims 4 is just even more of a dissapointment for me.

It's here:


Yeah it sounds it will be just like Outdoor retreat but with mayan tombs.

Outdoor retreat was so fucking dissapointing and just empty and lackluster, like every exp they release.
I think the superior game to this date is still Sims 3 in overall quality of the content, they just went full quantity on the sims 4.

For a second I thought it meant end of the year winter I was gonna rage.

Also I'm def excited for this too.
Don't judge me.

Let's hope it's not "Pay 100€ to unlock X things".
Unless you can download hacked apk version and still play online (like Simpsons Springfield mobile game which is also by EA).

I do hope none of you paid close to 1k to play the series....right?



I admit Sims 3 is a better game but for the life of me, I cannot stand the artstyle of it. I prefer the cartoony look of The Sims 4 over the potatos and rabbit holes.

It was more like 200 some-odd for all of sims 3 w/o the stuff packs but most of it wasn't my money so I don't feel too bad
4 though... EA keeps fucking me with 4. I remember asking on both Sims and EA forums and hitting them up on twitter to see if there'd be an Easter sale or something like that and was assured that there wouldn't be and I went ahead and bought an EP for 40$
Two days later there was a sale... I was livid

I have sims 3 and like.. 2 expansions from the starter edition or whatever installed through origin. Is it worth me uninstalling and using the DL in OP to get all expansions?

>Trusting EA ever

Ok but does sims 4 have cuddles?

Interesting. I best put some money aside




Post her

dl her from the gallery and do it

I want to marry her


>piano in the garden
Haha, ((upper class)), when will they learn.

Is this one of them thots I keep hearin' about

more like ttots
if you think that thing is hot you got some brain problems.

>Sims 3


sweet treats

mary and lydia licking each other's sweet treats

I don't have much to post in the thread since I haven't played sims in a couple days but I like to read the general and don't want it to die.

How do you go about making your money in the sims? Cheat it in right at the beginning? Paint goblins? Career? And if you do a career, do you pick something that aligns with your life aspiration skills (body builder sim to the athlete career, etc)? Any careers that give a special reward you think is worth mentioning? I think I'm going to switch my heir from crime to pro sports, he's level 9 fitness from working on his aspiration.


Oh, y'know... Gardening
If I do a career I pick something that works with my sims traits, I don't really pay attention to aspirations much since you can change and continue them anytime
Oh and I remember there's an easel in the art career that gives a huge boost to your paintings worth


>Selling weed
you are like little baby, watch this.

can you fuck the dogs yet?


oh no

Shes already in my game. Has kids with claude

My sims are not allowed to breed unless they get max career

asking for a friend, haha ;)

Chads son ended up with quite the butt.


He's gay right
Whicked whims latest update

Is that the patreon one?
if so anyone got a link?

Not 4 u

Not 4 u

aw yis

post her pregnant

>It's twins
I guess that elder dad is more virile than I thought.

The state of this general makes me sad. I've never been a frequent poster and always dropped in whenever I got the whim to play the game, but it seems like /tsg/ has gotten even more slow than what it used to be. I'm currently rebuilding my world right now and repopulating it, so I don't have much to share at the moment, but have this homeless sim looking happy. I'll try and take a bunch of screenshots and share them once I get my save the way I want.

Those redheads a cute, especially the one on the right. Would marry and start a legacy family with.