/lolg/ League of Legends General

League of Legends General: Tight Edition

stale bread

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xth for my wife Syndra

2nd for inting if a support main criticizes or backtalks any non-carry role. Support mains play the easiest and most boring role in the entire game because they are too stupid and bad at the game to play a carry role, so they rely on YOU to carry them. As such, if they are ugrateful, you should immediately throw the game and start feeding if they say anything besides "gj". Since all their role requires them to do is ward and hit a single skillshot or put a shield on the ADC, they are also able to talk more shit in chat, which gives the robots more evidence to work with. So be sure to report them afterward. Make sure ungrateful support mains lose LP and maybe even their account if you are lucky.


Post a champion that you really like, whether it be design wise, lore wise, aesthetics, viability, anything!
I really like Ivern and everything about him, especially since I main support so if I have to jungle, I can at least play him and still be a support. Be sure to have a wonderful day as well, and don't worry about any hardships, user. Things will always turn out okay in the end!

>no more jungle shen
>no more toplane khazix
>no more blue ashe
>no more ignite top
When did this game become so boring? Season 4.

I will xth for Sona because the regular guy can't do it

lmao they specifically added an interaction on Shen's E to jungle mobs.

lmao no wonder you think the game is boring

Caitlyn and Vi are the best couple and lovers!!


There's a pretty good cryptid thread on /v/ right now which got me thinking, why the fuck hasn't riot made any champions with cryptid designs?
The Wendigo, Bigfoot, Jersey Devil, and Chupacabra all have fantastic designs that would make for great champions.
Are they just too dark for league or is riot just retarded?

Remember kids, you ain't shit unless you got your support

Be grateful for your support

I wish I was a girl.

Literally none talks about video games there anymore and the only video game threads there are waifu threads or hidden /pol/ threads

what would u do if u were a girl?

Seeing how you're a pussy I do believe that you're half way there!

Elderwood kinda goes into that theme, I'd like a Wendigo Trundle skin though

Mista Kaiba, reporting the permaban of a Diamond 3 Janna main after I started inting on Viktor! That fool had the nerve to say "this adc..." after he died to a gank. He started flaming me for 30 minutes straight when I told him to get back in line and started running it down mid. I hope he knows his place next time he spends hundreds of hours climbing the ranked ladder on his crutch characta!

Reminder that cute people don't need to pretend to be cute.

This is the best edition
Tight Redhead of many kegel exercises is best girl

xth for Triforce Urgot (and Janna shield) CRASHING THIS TOWER

I thought you might approve

tfw ruining 4 other player's ranked climb in flex queue

tfw we fucking won no matter how bad i tried to lose.

It is time to D-d-d-d check this 5

Wear cute clothes do some league cosplays do some more cosplays and get some girlfriends to do stuff with just to name a few.

>garen's cum dumpster

well duh, why would you pretend to be something you already are?

Naturally my dick greatly approves

I wish for a day that the surrender vote in aram can be called up at 15 minutes.

>vayne gets legendary skin
>vayne becomes top tier again
makes you think

which league/non league girl would you cosplay? would you post your cosplay pics on lolg?

>hurr garens cum dumpster
try to come up with something else k?

Vayne's always been good
It's just 90% of the people who play her are fucking garbage and think they can 1v5

>that super minion

Please don't give Riot more skin ideas. They already managed to give 4 of the Cancer Quintet legendary skins this year and an epic to the fifth on top of giving Ahri a legendary. No more please for the love of fuck.

Sorry but I need that one leg revealed one leg in tights with Katarina, you can't stop me

I hate this pic
Kat is not supposed to be a mommy

post reasons to live

Can you do this in LoL?






>girls in office attire are now 'mommies'

consider killing yourself

How is that a mommy, she's wearing a tight business outfit?



I like this artist

Riven Ashe Shy would be the first ones I would hope to do more with more time thou. Only with my face out of them im shy


Katarina has one of the best asses in League

I know, right? It's sad to see so many people here having to overcompensate for their lack of cuteness.

You think so?

I don't believe you. You must show me more.


skins would also work
Thunderbird Anivia
Bigfoot Mundo
Wendigo Trundle

I'd buy them all.


woah, that is some excellent taste. I'm pretty partial to Riven myself. now I'm sad that I don't have a lolg cosplay gf


too bad, so sad. when will fuglies learn?



the best ass

>all these asses

sniff rating?


this is the ideal female body

I want to fill her up so badly

i bet she wouldn't let you fill her up


She wouldn't have a choice

I do what I want.

>my line about Kat being the Tight Redhead of many kegel exercises is taking off

Good, let the love flow through you.

post yordle butts NOW


>male tranny body is the ideal female body
Just admit you're a faggot jesus user




>4 games today on a level 15 account that included vayne "one trick" named accounts with project vayne skin
just fuck my shit up


>PROJECT Kat pussy
That shit has to be insane


Stop looking at butt and rejoice in the upcoming teaser for Swain, which might be here as soon as Friday

LF friends in EUW
add me ign nononthesnake

Considering the fact that the PROJECT line of Ashe, Kat, and Ekko are "G/netic" (I'd put Fiora under this too since her body is "slicker" than Leona's, Lucians, Zeds, and Yi's), it mean that she might be more technorganic in her robocunt than Vayne or Vi.

What would it feel like around you?


that's too far away

I don't know enough about the PROJECT lore to have a comment, but I bet it would feel amazing

Swain's face is better than any ass.

Praise the Sun!

things that don't exist yet don't get a say


i wanna fuck the little floating things

He will be a daddy

Shen supp is very good


Oh hell I think I might be running out of asses

I agree with you on Ivern, but how the fuck does Ivern operate now? Last I played him was on release and I have no clue what the first clear is now.

Don't worry, I have plenty.


Oh well
