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first for gay game

2st for reaper is a pedophile

I wish Tracer was my wife.


what's the easiest way to tell if you're shit or if it's your team that's shit?

I just feel like i'm letting others down when we lose.

I wish Tracer was my husband.

>watered down Hero

you're shit

LFG: NA players that want to lose all their placements and/or work towards sub 500 SR.

pay attention to what they do. How well are they playing their roles?

This game is bullshit.
I can tell they are debuffing my attacks at times when I win too much, unloading a clip in the back of widows head and half damage. Sometimes my diva rockets kill a turret and sometimes they dont

wat hebben?

Everyone is shit.

>comp placements
>4 wins 5 losses 1 draw
>felt like I was playing pretty well, matches didn't seem unbalanced except at the start
>was doing well
>get placed at 1681
>200 points below my placement last season
>20 points higher than my low last season

woodniggers btfo the rich get richer

out of all the "lol i wanna kill myself haha" images, this one is the most retarded

Sad times, silver is not a pleasant place

Nth for a Blue year

>No health
>No cooldowns
>Waiting for health pack to come back up
>Damage orb bounces into room

i hope anyone who actually likes this piece of shit firecrotch in any way, shape or form gets sent back in time to the potato famine


How is it any different from a Hanzo Scattering into the room or any character going in there?

i lost 9 of my placement games and got 200 SR lower rank than what i finished at last season

i also played like total shit often not even having a damage medal as dps lol

because I was mccree and had everything up (I realize now that No CDs made it sound like everything was on CD but I meant the opposite), anyone walks in there and they probably die despite me having a nonexistant health pool since I would have had the drop

old cunt drops her damage orb and any chance I may have had flew out the window since there is 0 interaction in that entire fucking ability, even junkfuck would have had to show his ugly face to drop a mine and run, it's 20x as insulting

hanzo arrow would have done the same thing but it's just as fucking retarded so fuck that too

Character would be one thing. Scatter he has to aim. The ball just bounces around at random

New animated short when?

Junkrat can accomplish the same thing with a Grenade, and Scatter doesn't need to be aimed when a fragment can just bounce into the room.

>call gamemode lockout elimination
>mercy can still rez people

grenades are a thousand times easier to dodge than the orb

Both of which have to be pointed in the general direction. The orb does not.

>It's another game of enemy team having Mercy+Zen while we're stuck with throw granny and Moira
It's okay i didnt want to win anyway...

I think what the guy was implying happened is no one knew he was there and the orb just happened to fly in because it's a chaotic, random ability after the first couple bounces. Hanzo and Junkrat both would have had to know where he was.

Its balanced :)

but then its no longer a lockout elimination

You're right, remove Moira since her slight bit of randomness totally ruins the entire game for everyone.

When the Doomfist-buffs are coming out on live?

I got your animated short right here.

>randomly kill people who play skillfully after a fight
It certainly fucking kills the fun of it.

moira is trash design tho

>McCree player actually complaining that another character has an easy mode ability

>remove Moira

I agree

only total idiots actually like her playstyle or find her attractive

btfo them all so we can focus on best wife a n g e l a

Winning Yeti Hunt as Yeti without getting any meat is a special kind of feeling

It makes them angry that someone else is as easy to use as Flashbang FtH High Noon.

genji get off the computer


Imagine having such shit vanilla taste.
Sombra is quite obviously the best wife.

The Meis need to be pretty "special" too...

He doesn't get buffs. If you're talking about his bug fixes, they put them in already.

They're incoming.

>even professionak support players think resurrect is a retarded ability that doesn't belong in the game

guess he needs to just git gut amirite bois :^)

Me play good


Gotta keep the roasties happy. Its the only hero they can "play".

All of the bugfixes are out? Okay, I meant that

Not all of them but a number of them.

This qt shota is the child Overwatch both needs and deserves.

>not posting the better line
Do you even limit breakers?

why is d.va pouring some kind of gel on herself
is it a korean thing?

how does this make you feel?
got absolutely garbage teammates but still placed 3600
>pic related

>Game is coinflip even when I surrender dignity and play mercy
>Play DPS instead
>Game is still coinflip but I'm having fun

Remove mercy from the game or trash resurrect.

But it has the ideal female body


Actual game

What is meant by this?

>swiss slut
>best wife
sure if you like to see her get railed by other men, you fucking pillock.

If anyone has links to her full set please post and thank you

If anyone has links to full set please don't post and thank you


I hate mercy but imagine liking a trashy whore who takes thousands of cocks instead.

His reason is dumb, (mecree campong) but Moria is cancer. Her orbs dont miss, because of thier aoe range from the orb. Not kidding, they just dont miss, unless she fires them into the sky or off a cliff.
And she is another no aim mainfire. She is pretty fucking cancerous

>literally confirmed to be a neet shutin that spends all her time behind computers
>takes thousands of cocks instead
Get your lore straight buddy.


noaim characters are basically fucking required since blizzard refuses to do anything about adadadadadcrouchadadadadcrouchadadadcrouchadadad spam

No momentum/acceleration was a fucking mistake.

>last balance update was November 16
>still no LFT/guild system
>"guys we have super exciting news, new retarded skins are coming out and a new maps that probably will suck just like horizon and junkertown"
I just hope OWL fails. At that point the game either dies for good or blizzard wake up and try to balance around skill

>part of a gang before
>not have taken thousands of cocks

She was a child while she was in the gang.
Again, get your facts straight.

>practice Ana/Moira
>enemy team has a Mercy

Valkyrie is a fucking joke at this point. You simply cannot afford not to have a Mercy too if the other team has one.

>quad queue players play cancer comp on defense because they got triggered that they lost the last QP game

I wouldn't mind if moira aggressively gave me a fuckton of love bites tbqh

i would
that bitch is ugly as fuck

same but with sombra

remember when the new mercy was just announced and everyone thought it was a huge nerf and would make her unplayable?
we were all so wrong

take it back

Wont take long until Blizzard confirms Moira is a tranny.

Same but with d.va

As soon as i heard they were turning it into a tempo rez i knew it would be a huge buff. The people saying it was a nerf either didnt play Mercy at all or were just ass blasted mercy mains who wanted the POTG stealing 5 man rezes.

Her 3d model isn't that bad.

In every piece of 2d art they made of her she looks like a hideous fucking monster. It just doesn't make sense. Blizzard's left hand didn't know what it's right hand was doing, which honestly seems like it sums up the entire design process for Moira.

That's just how it is with Blizzard, they can't balance shit

>implying that'd stop her
>he doesn't know that mexican women are sluts from the day they're born

Thats just your disgustinf fantasy at work now.

Oh yeah, that's why she has a Los Muertos skin when she's a grown up and graffiti made by her in Castillo . Not an adult at all. :^)

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I got brown Lucio
I got red Moira
I got yellow Moira
I got blue Bastion

What did you guys get??

who cares they all uggs

>hit the nail on the head

It's funny because I didn't get any good skins in loot crates.

>being this sheltered
Ay, pobrecito.

They confirmed the opposite so fuck you m8 i'm gonna go to my classes and daydream about making love to her until it's physically painful and you can't stop me

Don't cut yourself on her huge pointy man jaw.

i'd rather she cut my back with those fingernails

I hate how I properly balanced the DPS in this game are. You got assivley high skill ceiling characters like Doomfist and Hanzo who also have situation where they can’t be effective, then you’ve got low skill ceiling characters like Solider and Junkrat who don’t have any situations where they aren’t as effective with much less effort required

Hanzo is a stupidly balanced character. You cannot make a shit hero and hope he'll be viable because of an op ability

Blizzard could fucking tell this playerbase anything and they'd fucking believe them, I hate this fucking community and blizzard so much

Would fug