/fgoalter/ - Fate/Grand Order NA General

Previous >[News]
Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones

>Happy New Year 2018 Campaign
Login next 3 days for Quartz, Apples, EXP cards and tickets

>Saber Wars facebook campaign
Either 10,000 likes or 2,000 shares will grant us 3 Saint Quartz
2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC

>Returning Master Login Bonus!
If you haven't logged in since September, log in now for a total of 10 tickets and 16 golden fruits, you lazy piece of shit

>London Chapter Released
3 new Mystic Codes and 5 new interlewds

>London Pickup Summon Period
2017-12-19 8:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC
Servants on rate-up:
5* Mordred
4* Frankenstein
3* Henry Jekyll & Hyde, Paracelsus von Hohenheim & Charles Babbage

>London Pickup 2 Summon
2017-12-26 4:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC
5* Nikola Tesla
4* Altria Pendragon Lancer (Alter)

>New Year Pickup Summon (Daily)
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-04 03:59 UTC
5* Arjuna, Karna
4* Altria Pendragon (Alter)
3* Cú Chulainn (Lancer), Medea, Medusa

Trial Quest Period
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-06 03:59 UTC
Clear Rewards:
x2 Summon Ticket

>Training Grounds AP Cost 1/2 Period:
2017-12-28 07:00 - 2018-01-04 03:59 UTC


Daily Quests: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/quest_daily_us.php
Drop rates(Click at NA tab): docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Check the schedule and drops before asking in the thread

Rate ups in JP FGO: imgur.com/w6VAowU
Upcoming event materials: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1V2iDoN2HjafZ8Ube6Jgi0woIibY-Di3YxLMZdJ6quTA/edit#gid=585071742

View: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo/edit#gid=1722316510



Footfags need to be put to a firing squad


Vive la France!

i'm so glad that all my arjunabros get another chance to roll best curry today

My husband Astolfo is CUTE!

The Saint

>polar bears

>phone keeps dying off and one even if the battery is at like 50%
Do I need a new phone?

Alright doomposting retards, here's some food for you bunch of hungry fags. Why is JP's start dash so much better than ours?

So they can go around and shoot all the plebian non-footfags?


Yes, get Apple's new iPhone X™.


Post your supports.


You're free to try, but how can you shoot WHAT YOU CAN'T SEE

Who /snek/ here?


>he plays on a phone

Unless you are away from your house long enough that you need to log in once to get rid of your AP there is no reason not to use a superior emulator.

just wait for seiba wars bro

complete system reset might help. I had the same problem for a while and I think it was just the software being miscalibrated and not properly assessing the remaining charge

Please understand

>tfw you're not a footfag, but your waifu seems to have a huge footfag following
It's conflicting.

But I want to ascend and grail my okita before that


the snek

he's ok

>no paid gacha


Why is he such a slut?

>tfw think Okita is cute but everything is footfag shit

mounting frustration

>>tfw you're not a footfag, but your waifu seems to have a huge footfag following
I wonder how Okita- and Ishtarfags deal with that.

Considering rolling for King Hassan when he appears. What's a good setup to use him in?


>who would win: 10.000 trained soldiers under the leadership of the king of conquerors or a spinny staff?

Please Understand.

>dead burger hours
>no one to stop discord OP
>bunch of garbage ritual posts


Please don't post pics of me and Astolfo

Silly user, boys can't be sluts

The Other Saint

Perfect timing.

Pretty good start, actually



just look at who his master is

I was never a footfag before but Okita changed me

The best part of Ishtar is her legs, so I'm guessing Ishtarfags just deal with feet because it gives them more leg shots.

>>dead burger hours

But it is not even 1AM in any state that isn't horseshit right now?

Fuck off moron, all threads start with a lot of images then taper off...don't be retarded

Kind of boring since I haven't rolled any of the new SR or SSRs yet.

It's almost 4AM on the east coast, user.

>spent 180 quartz on London Pickup 2
>pulled Jannu
>pulled Tesla
>pulled Drake
>still no Lancer Artoria Alter
fuck you very much RNG

but if astolfo is my husband, how can he also be yours ?

>americans wake up
>general goes to shit
Pure poetry

Kek, that's funny west coast tard. California is a shitty leech upon the united states and the others around it are insignificant.

Hes a slut.

>Have like 90% of my favorites already on JP
>Working my way on getting them on NA
>All my grails are unused on JP
>All my grails are unused on NA
>I know I should grail 2 or 3 servants on JP and at least 1 on NA
>Can't bring myself to do it
>Can't decide which one of my favorites I want to grail
>"If I grail this girl I will letting down these other 6"

How I make my mind?

How can one guy be so based?

>got 3 SSRs in 180 quartz

>this doujin
this is why i have all dudes in my support.

The fuck is that filename? Also stop posting this awful tumblr-tier art

But it's still midnight in America.

>americans wake up
Are you retarded? Also, this is Fate/Grand Order NA. If you aren't American/Canadian/Mexican you really have little right to be here.

J-jannu! H-hayai!

You ARE a girl right user?

He's the final boss

please stop
okita is my favourite servant and i hate seeing her ruined by footfags all day

Why does the Fate series have so many footfags? I've never seen so many feet artworks in any other series, even the developers play around this.

just grail your favourite

What's the appeal of Arjuna outside of appearance? I am seriously curious because people mentioned being a fan of him from JP.

open sadpanda, open the best doujin of each girl, grail the one you nut to

Baited, thanks for the (You)s


He is a good writer, that's how

those aren't bright tumblr noses, it's just a shadow

Why would this dummy typesetter go over the Japanese in white instead of the background colour?

This art was the turning point for me



Still pretty bad art

nice lmao i thought it was opposite day or something haha

>still giving me replies
Happy new year to you too


>he thinks the west coast matters


Okita knows exactly what she is doing. She dresses the way she does because she loves footfags. Sorry your waifu loves us more than you.

>he doesnt live on the west coast

It could be worse.

>He doesn't live on the moon

Would you like to see a Berserker Jack the Ripper in FGO?

We motherfuckin' Thug Life ridas, Westside 'til we die! Out here in California, nigga, we warned ya, We'll bomb on you motherfuckers! We do our job!
You think you mob? Nigga, we the motherfuckin' mob! Ain't nothin' but killas

Why would I roll for karna and arjuna like a faggot when they're not even good?

No. Jack was a smart, silent and calculating murderer, not a guy who randomly went around shooting people in plain sight. Assassin is the only class that fits him.

>he wasn't part of Elon Musk's top secret early Mars colonization mission
Laughing at you from the red planet

Five Facts about Okita
1. She stinks! She probably never showers!
2. She has no friends! They all died!
3. She's not even a Saber! Sabers shoot beams!
4. She's always sick! She's no fun to play with!
5. I hear Oda Nobunaga is WAY better!

I'd want to see an Assassin Solid Snake more


she isnt my waifu my waifu is from a different game
Okita is my favourite servant and seeing her ruined by footfags brings a tear to my and her eye.