/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #2564

Light lives matter

>Recent News
New Years skins are available - new skins for Lancelot, Charlotta, and Zeta
Varja, Earth Vaseraga, Ilsa, and Grimnir released
Olivia released - gbf.wiki/Olivia
AK-4A 4* released - gbf.wiki/AK-4A
Granblue Fest happened
- Day 1: pastebin.com/5W94vG7c
- Day 2: grancypher.com/2017/12/23/granblue-fes-2017-day-2-news-roundup/
Balance Update went live - pastebin.com/yMve0nK6

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for January:
12/30 - 1/9 - Right Behind You
1/10 - 1/16 - Rise of the Beasts (Rerun)
1/17 - 1/24 - Guild Wars (Wind Bosses)
1/25 - 1/30 - Miscolored Memories (Rerun)
1/31 - 2/?? - New Story Event

12/21 - 1/4 - New Year's Special (pastebin.com/d2L4VpvH
12/31 - 1/4 - Legfest

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

Previous Thread:

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>woke up and still can't find motivation for the coop IV row grind

wtf bros lucio looks really like lucifer doing his charge attack


>want yugu sticks
>keep getting swords


>rolled him during grandefes
>can't stop thinking about how cute the small wings are
wtf I'm gay now

Why didn't they make Nep the water primal like the other RotB bosses? She's cuter than that tentacle slut


Once you unlock it, its fucking easy to unlock the rest though

predict eden's skills upon 4*.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Light Daria SSR.

Which elements use GW fist? Just dark?

added skills: +small attack/+small crit

Anyone know what he says as he's charging up?

should i grind for Seraph or utima weapon?

This, please. But actually good and not DAO-tier.

Raise the healing and healing cap.

massive attack up
small hp up

Massive boost to healing cap

>wants the cancer that killed shadowverse here

My husband is so cool

Will her 5* save fire?

She looks way hoter/cuter in grabble

>caring about SV when it died at Alice in Wonderland.

Why is this bitch so fucking ugly and useless

>Activate her skills
>Enemy gains charges
>Fucking gets nuked and die

remember that you owe lyria because she had to perform consensual soul-linking to save you.
don't hurt her feeling by cheating on her with other women danchos.

Fire doesn't lack great characters, it lacks broken weapons.

Daria isn't going to be cuck-tier, right?

I'd fuck the first erune in heat just to spite her for shotgun soulmarrying me

I cheat on Lyria every day

>caring about SV
>wanting a character based on SV
>wanting Daria without any of her RoB friends

I love Ruria, I'd never cheat on her.

Have you tried using her skills when the enemy is at full charge diamonds?

every time. That one guy.

Is it miza-chan? That disgusting whale


Why does Kaguya-chan cry?

Daria is the cutest girl left in RoB that isn't in grubble.

>wanting to fuck a monki
monkies are disgusting desu

She is a Foe mole

wtf is "scamed"?

His wife is Rosetta... Let that sit for a moment

I'd imagine the idea is you use them to force an enemy with a bad charge attack to blow it before they go into OD.

Post ルリア!!!!!

How viable is an a atma axe team with Nemone, Halle and vas?



build light incase you wanna make mlb six

Magna crit = additive, stacked chance of dealing 50% damage

Normal crit= multiplicative, all have the same base chance of procking individually for potential 50%,100%,150% etc

>i can't raise her level anymore

It's not fair, bros.

I rather go blind with this chick than staying with Lyria

you can start giving her the "+" now

>Anne eats Dimensional Cleave for 7k
>Anne eats nm plain damage for 2k
This is getting to Razia levels of bullying now.

Replace halle with Sarasa and you might have a thing

Anne a shit anyway

So any preditions on which 90s anime colab are we gonna get this year? kenshin is definitely out of the list lol

Fuck you faggot Anne a cute

Is it worth playing Rage of Bahamut these days?
I have an itch to play those old trading card games that was pretty popular in like 2011-2013 era like age of ishtaria.

>cheating on Lyria
I never thought I was going to say this about ANY character of Touyama Nao, but I would never cheat on her. She's pure waifu material.

What a slut

Can someone link the site for mogra new years eve downloads?

I got loads and loads of magna summons. Is it okay to reduce them for Quartz?

>cuter than Lorena
Nice jok

>cheating on touyama nao characters
Aside from lyria I wouldn't cheat on any, her voice is too good. Maybe on yuigahama yui but Iroha is just that better than her

Is having 4000 potions on slime alts enough to last for a while?

Any Atma/Ultima team can be viable, thing is that if you want more bang for your buck, you go sword. The availability of sword characters in all elements makes by it far the best choice as first choice but i guess if you have second core and care about spears, theres nothing wrong with picking other things

Lanlan is a slut.

Lore wise, it's infinitely better than this shit, it also has cuter girls too

No one gives a FUCK about you pedos. Day of the rope any day now.

I love my cute limited waifus!

Why are you so mad?

Dumb cuck


I have several things on my mind, I didn't mean to let it out on you.

You do realise it's Lyria's fault Gran died in the first place?

Should I bounty the room when I slime?

It's ok friend, we all have our share of hardships

Thank you for understanding.

room bounty buffs yes, might get an extra elixir or balms

I want to fuck Seamonki

Now kiss

>No one gives a FUCK about you pedos. Day of the rope any day now.
No lewd intentions from me, I hate pedoscum and worry what those degenerate artists will come up with if she ever comes to Grabble


Same, bro. Same.
I'm rank 115 and still have yet to unlock them.

Pretty much this

>reddit meme

fuck off

Thanks, I'll do that on the room after this one

Don't worry, artists dropped gbf a long time ago.

I don't get it.

What a fag

i couldn't find 'meme' in the GBF glossary, what is it?

>banwaggoning arists
we don't need them anyways

Why visa-chan there two times?

Based KMR slowly killing this game.


Jesus Christ this isn't even accurate.

Dang I just realized new accounts start with 300 pots right now maybe I should have made more slime alts

>reddit in charge of grasping a fictional character's personality