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>Guide to the Witcher Books


first for Ciri

1st for little sister

3rd for shani best girl

Geralt and Triss OTP

Top waifu.

tfw can't make her Dijkstra's fucktoy

Does Scorch banish cards now?

How to I get my good cards to stick? Black and sometimes blue have consistently fucked my behemoths before I can activate them.

i want to bite her puddipuddi.

7th for tHE EMPIRE

Emhyr blows.

Forward! Albaaa! Long live the Emperor!



>ywn drive-by maul a filthy nordling

This is why i eat ass

I don't care if you all think she's ugly, to me she's perfect.

I remember there was some particularly beautiful Skelligean NPC somewhere in the islands. I think she was related to the slave side quest iirc.

I like this Ciri outfit. Better than the official 2 in my opinion.


i want her to ride me like that!

For me default and Syanna's armor are the best.

At 'em, lads! Tomorrow we sup at home!

>In the world of the Aen Elle, elves are constantly at war with unicorns.
The fuck? How does that work, then? I'd have thought the elves would kick the asses of unicorns. Even saying it sounds funny.


Cursed units have the best quotes

Magical angry group up unicorns


>Third legendary pull from my daily 3 Kegs today
Am I literally the luckiest person on the world?
Should I pick Shupe? Is he as fun as he seems?

Ithlinne is the safer pick. She's currently the best gold in the best deck. Shupe is a meme that's somewhat viable.

yeah but only retards play dorf. Even though ST is my second main faction, I'd never touch this boring piece of shit.

they're all good and viable, ithlinne is most likely to get nerfed and refunded

Unicorns are the only beings who posses Ciris power over time and space
they 'psssh, nothing personal kid' elves all the time and impale them with their hornes

WHY they are at war, I dont know

Shupe is definitely the one most likely to get changed as he is brand new and he is weird to play. No reason to just randomly assume Ithlinne would be the one.

hey guys i've left gwent since the new patch came out. is it still shit yet? what did i miss?

Nothing, it is exactly the same except only three decks are played in ranked.

i'll be off for at least another week then

pretty bizzare experience to me after being here every single day since the lunch of OB. well at least GTA V is legit fun

Have you played Witcher games already? I am considering replaying Witcher 3.

i've played all 3 once. marathoned them one after the other actually. gwent OB came out like 2-3weeks after i finished blood and wine so basically CDPR has been a major part of my life in the last 8-9 months

won't replay the game though. i already milked this franchise hard enough

seriously all the games I'm losing are because they remove my behemoth or harpie eggs and then even though I go into third round 2 cards up their gold cards are way better than mine and I lose

Read the books you cuck

> reading 7 books of mediocre genre fiction when i have more important things for my future to do

i'll pass

you can just listen to audibooks you fuck


Yet you are here after you burned +1000h begin a fucking little shit playing videogames

are the books actually good and well written or are they just overhyped because of the games?
I really like the worldbuilding/mythology in the series and im considering buying the first one

They are pretty solid, if you liked the story from the games, the books opens new horizons for you.

They're ok, prose ain't that great but if that's your area of interest you'll probably enjoy them

even unicorns are sick of elf faggotry.

>mcbearded still playing shitty eredin frost decks

this man has pure autism

>burza is finally off vacation
>does nothing but posts about how there's no hotfix or update coming, complete with smiley face

>no hotfix or update coming
please tell me this is a joke

>We have no plans for updates yet.
>Update the very next hour.
CDPR in a nutshell


it looks like they don't plan their updates, he's not wrong that way

imagine literally being hired to post :) on reddit :)

did Yen kiss you?

>Update the very next hour

Not him but the books suck ass meanwhile the games are great. We've been through this.

>I posted my opinion multiple times
good for you

Should I take the notes from Keira? Can I do anything with it?

it's for the ending you get a line about it depending of your choice, do what you want

What happens I don't mind getting spoiled

she cure some kinf of illness or plague and get famous for it if you let her keep the notes




>crushing dorfags and bearcucks with homebrew moonlight deck

>win the first round while saving my scorch and only being one card dwon
>get a 33 point scorch off
>still lose

Hi I made this thread on Veeky Forums but I think you guys could help me out with it a little more Basically my school library has the Witcher books so I wanted to try them out, but they don't have the first book, The Last Wish. Is it worth buying or should I just skip it and go to the second book then come back to it later? How would it rank in comparison to the later books?

>mfw I cure an illness
The short stories are already out of order chronologically, lol

Oh, I should've mentioned that I meant first and second books chronologically, not by release year.

Are you unironically asking whether you should read the first book in a series before the second?

...yes. How do you expect to know what's going on if you jump straight to the second?


I mean the only one of the games I've played was the third one and I understood it fine.



much graphics1!

intense much!

No you didn't. You were able to get by, because the game's quests are largely self-contained, and most of your time is spent in the open world anyway. But you didn't know who Yenn was. Or Ciri. Or Dandelion. Or what Geralt's relationship with them means.

So yeah, if you want to "understand" the books, read them in any fucking order you want. You will "understand" them in the sense that you won't be utterly confused as to what's happening in a literal sense, but you won't get anything from them beyond that.

If you actually want to actually appreciate everything that goes in the books, you should read them in order.

>you are looking around Novigrad's market
>you look at the stall beside you
>see this
what do?

>a week later, gwent part of the thread is completely dead
unbelievable. fucking dead, again

actually the truth is I only played through like half of tw3 and I plan on reading some of the books then starting over with tw1 to see if I enjoy the other games enough. I will read the books in order now that I know they're important chronologically. Thanks

whoever was in charge of this update in terms of text to actual in game effect needs fucking executing.

Probably just take a couple creepshots then cry about how I was too much of a pussy to make a move later while I'm masturbating to them.


Thanks for replying

>3 legendaries in 8 kegs
>no new legendaries

:) its bittersweet

none of the new patch legendaries i mean.



Yen keeps telling me to "come" while dropping sexual innuendos.

Thanks again bro.

Come 'ere, man

Wow thanks so much dude, means a lot

Now kiss.


I want to be excited about bear ursine armor, because I'm almost high enough level to get it.

but are the heavy weapons+armor bad in this game like every other game? or is it pretty good?


They're fine. There's really no way to play this game wrong. The bonus to Quen is pretty nice.

i want to cuddle anarietta

anarietta card when

>over 100 new cards!
>OC's instead of Anarietta

fmlsmhtbh cdpr