/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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Reminder that the top two on the women's side in the next CYL will be Tharja and either Azura or Nino.


this is not fire emblem

Tharja's going to lose in the first round again

kelik/siege/cia banner when lads

Ride the bike!

>spic thread
New OP where?






/feg/ why did you use mostly Nohrians in Revelation?

Whats the stands between the others, chrom, azura and ryoma

If she gets a bonus next hour then we'll get a lead big enough that Chrom can't cross. And we'll obviously be spending flags in the last few hours to double make sure he doesn't catch up.

She's cute


Does Azama want dazzling or wrathful?

How did your arena runs go today, /feg/?

Staying in Tier 20?

>making a third thread
Fucking why

Dazzling. His attack is way too low that Wrathful won't help anything. You'll also probably want Fortress Def anyway to make him more annoying to kill

How many orbs have you saved up for legendary banner 3


A skill for amelia?

dont use this thread, use the Camilla one
-t. Hinokafag

>dropping back to tier 19 like always
>couldn't get a deathless AA but still got this
The map rotation is absolute fucking cancer again so I don't even want to get a perfect AA run

Distant counter

I really don't think so

This is my first time in tier 20. I bet staying in it is impossible for me. I only have olwen for the bonus heroes

>didn't give out blessing
>no merges
>1 death
i'll just try to climb back next week and do back and forth

Really don't think Nino is gonna be all that popular.

Brave Tharja better not be another red. Make her blue since Rhajat is green

A skill for amelia being used by a poorfag like me

Shit team for a shit player

oh great, another autistic beaner thread

Run a meme team of 4 gunnthra or merge them all?

Those four are my highest point scoring units so I have to use them for the first match of AA, then I get 720ish scores through all 7 matches. I'm still mad I got a death cause of a fucking Genny. It should have been an easy win but I hesitated too much

Why the fuck do people in the voting gauntlet set the most nonsensical shit as their friend units? I keep seeing swords while being on Ryoma.

>he doesn't uses the items when shit hits the fan

non-spic thread

Steady breath

Don't you want her to be the best red mage of every movement type?

I always forget items even exist in AA and have never used one

I really should learn to use them, I have a fair amount of each

Would be cool, but then I wouldn't really be able to run a proper all Tharja team since the balance would be out of whack

Shit taste for a shit player

I told you I was poor

spic mod

Haha fuck your other threads

>got a death cause of a fucking Genny
wtf I love Genny more now?

>Camilla thread down


>Ike is going to win male CYL again because IS considers PoR Ike and RD Ike separate characters

Buying Anna's services!

Kill yourself spic
Your family would appreciate it as well

fucking mods

he phoneposts/reports/spams to get his way, this isn't new. just go to the kirby thread or make a new one

Are you really a mod?

Fierce stance


oh wow the worthless hotpockets sided with a notorious shitposter, again

kirby got deleted too

Well to be exact, it wasn't the Genny herself that killed a unit, it was because I couldn't safely attack into the enemy since the Genny would have killed me the next turn. Fucking useless best friend was the one who died against a Katarina and a Marth. I think they were both +10 though and she did have Fury so I can't be too mad.

This. He was obviously phoneposting yesterday.

Or he has a pass. Dunno which would be more pathetic.

speak for yourself. no one from team tharja is going to use flags when they already think she's a guaranteed win


Mods basados

time for a new thread then

been caught phoneposting and thats how he gets around the bans to porndump.

>Spic is so mad that he has to call his discord friends to take down the other thread

That's fake.

Thank you for destroying my Arena run you illerate fuck.

Don't you think if I was /feg/ would be a lot better?

>implying that spic has friends

Swimsuit nino!

Rheinhards hate me and Blyns fear me.
Also only whales run CA Blyn, and I'm still in the non whale range with just 1 unit at +9

I seriously love all the (You)s I get in the arena with her

What's up with the way Sheena dresses?

Unironically Tharja would have stopped her

>Lucina wins again because of 'Marth' being a separate character

It's actually not, apologist
What, you thought I would stay on that IP?

Lucina has not a preference for black males.

Delete yourselves!

Four generals were up at the same time. And this happens so frequentally I'm sure the mods don't care to check which ones are legit. Just deleted the most recent extras that had no reason to exist, especially the Kirbycuck who just wanted to shitpost. I know you fags like to scream about conspicracies, but if you retards could stick to one thread and not jump to early threads immediately this wouldn't be an issue.

>Kirby thread down
The world has no justice



she did her best


>gronn rape

When are we getting a Kirby banner?


>get a base kit Ike as an ally
>never fight any sword units
>get an Ike with some vantage build
>gets ripped apart by a bunch of fast sword units like Ayra

people who send Ikes are the fucking worst

Actually, he just did it again with his two posts below yours. So it's either phoneposting or having a pass.

What a sad, sad sack of shit.

Not because of your tastes or opinions, but it would be a terrible idea.

Fire emblem

she's a princess

You can't get permabanned for a post like that. Nice photoshop.

It's not. Making fun of Raul results in mysterious "off-topic" bans, even if it's in the context of Heroes. I've seen multiple people post their reports here.

It's disgusting desu

Please explain this to me /feg/.

Sorry, my ESL was showing there.

The power of 4D Chess thinking

I like her heels

>Earlier today
>Man, Ursula's really a pretty bad unit
>Later run into this
wtf I love Ursula now

Not even close, apologist
Suck on that beaner dick some more

Rabe is german for raven

He sacked a 5* one so he only had to spend 20k feathers once

>mysterious "off-topic" bans

because it IS off-topic you fucking idiots

Reposting since the spic got the old thread deleted.

What C skill do I give to this cutie? She has BoL learned for her refined egg build and eventually Owltome+ build, but I'm wondering if I should run something else for her bladetome. Already going to run double hone and at least fortify res seal on her team.

Also is there any point in giving her a water blessing? I have 4 blessings but I don't know how I'll fit her and Fjorm on the same team.

Can't delete something like that. Mods locked it