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I really hate Incontrol and Artosis' music taste.


Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
2h2 hours ago

North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un just stated that the “Nuclear Button is on his desk at all times.” Will someone from his depleted and food starved regime please inform him that I too have a Nuclear Button, but it is a much bigger & more powerful one than his, and my Button works!

nuke my ass daddy

so hungry for a burger or two


is this game like sc2? i might buy it

>wakes up


no, it's a wc3 custom map

what are we gonna do. how do we get out of this hell.

perseverance is a virtue!

bros before 2hus

Ezekiel 23:20

who /kpop/ here?

literally all of us


shigumakun from zero escape?

post some good javs

i wish i could just stop jerking off and popping pills

call him a dumb pigskin cracker

i'm going to sleep

fucking nigger

keep up the good work

sigma is that you...

i got the biggest button on my desk

the kys button

i want a kms button

nothing to look forward to
nothing to live on for
2018? its gotta be the end

SUP dudesters! I am back

STOP posting, thanks!

whoa, noregret made it into code s this time..

scarlett x noregret fanfic >_

HI! you must be new here! that is O.K. but just so you know I am the only one who can toon post. I bought sc2 from hiro moot on an offshore betting site at the cost of 2 bit coins. This is my home so kindly stop posting cartoons!


he still viewbots right? his stream sucks butt

the GG button

so we meet again

I warn you, there is not enough room in this general for 2 toon posters. I own this place, do you know what that means? I own your ass too

toon my ass up bitch

this will hurt me more than it hurts you.


anybody wanna play a couple games?

d-dont make me do this. Just s-stop..

do what? are you gonna cannon rush me..


*drops a quick toon*
hehe widowmines

Heh..... this isn't even my final form. In fact I am only using 20 percent of my power. Behold! my first forms' trump card!

>mfw using only 20 percent of my power destroyed my opponents.

I warned you.

add me up

really stinky in this thread



is it time we created our own discord?
I mean just really fucking nail the coffin

gonna quit masturbating

not gonna touch my peepee