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soyboy edition

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>ggg nerfed strand because they didn't want people only running one linear map because it was too good

>now we're running strand again because ggg didn't change sextants and strand gets 7 sextants

this is the future you chose


>want to try summoner build
>still insanely complicated
i feel so fucking stupid

Is that sellable? If I saw that I would just vendor it

summoner is the easiest it has ever been

but mechanically i'm struggling with it
how do i raise my iq

could be better, but has a good base. Sell it for a few chaos so someone else can exalt it and ruin it

>5k hp
>3 end charges with ic and enfeeble on cwdt
>3.9k armor with 30% phys reduction
>lvl 16 fortify
>unending leech thanks to slayer and then VP on top
>chance to blind enemies on hit with cyclone
>Still get oneshot by mobs because armor might as well make you feel like you're wearing paper

The only thing that fucking works in this game is evade with leech and shit like IC on cwdt to mitigate the 1% time you do get hit by something

>Seoreh DansGame

This is how hardcucks communicate, lmao.

>evade constantly complains that armour is way more reliable
>armour constantly complains that evade is way more reliable
really joggins my noggins

>running strands when strand is used for sextant blocking fields
>running strands, a long low density map with no good cards when there are better maps to mf
>running strands when you can sextant block better yellow maps using only white sextants
>running strands when you have to reroll all of those 7 sextants twice or more because you can't sextant block

>enter someone's hideout
>it's empty
>it keeps happening with almost everyone i try and trade with


I played both an armor and an evade character this league

Evade guy relies more on insta leeching back the damage when I get hit by something spiky and being retarded. Has a harder time moving

Armor dude leeches like a beast and frequently drops to like 5% hp. Usually almost never die at that health because of the leech upkeep, but leeches way slower than the evade guy for some reason. Also gets oneshot more often than evade guy even though he has many more defenses. Evade guy has enfeeble always on, ic on cwdt and fortify with acrobatics and phase acrobatics but a high evade chance.

tl;dr damage mitigation in the game is shit

For one handed wands or scepters I'm assuming you use two of them while casting spells for more damage? If so, I'm also confused because lifesprig by itself gives less increase to my spells compared to Reverberation, but a second Reverberation doesn't add as much as lifesprig in offhand. Doesn't make any sense.

What do you think it is like inside Kitava?

>playing attack builds with shit gear


>remaining achievements are absolutely fucking miserable
How do I convert my currency into achievements? Do people sell red elder fights so that I don't have to autistically shape the Atlas?

based retardposter

>playing attack builds


Can anyone get me a 6 link beast belly?


People sell that one at least.


anyone bother to do a siege commander with all of the flat damage jewels

wanna start actually backing up your shit instead of spouting random bullshit

>budget build
>league starter
>1 mil shaper dps
>destroy the atlas on the cheap
>beginner friendly
>char is on standard with mirror tier gear
>videos are made with same gear

b-but you can do it with cheap stuff too!

Red elder is like 10c or something.

Anywhere you can point to this service? Can't find it anywhere.

post comfy selfcast builds

>he puts together a budget build to show that it's still good with shit gear
>utilizing the standard economy
>he's level 100



Sent buddy, check your PM's on the PoE Webzone.

mine is voided :(

Spent over 800 fusings today, I'm going to buy my 6-links in the future

Ask in trade 820. "LF Red Elder Kill", if no one is advertising.

It's not that common because of how retarded it is to setup.

>video shows toon doing shaper on a 4 link
>with level 21 gems
>in mirrored gear
>on a level 100 toon

i honestly think mathil is the only one who can actually pull of budget shaper builds and that is just because he is mechanically great at this game

This faggot


>dude 32 million dps
>you need gear worth like 40 ex though otherwise you're stuck in the low 100k :^)))))

oh you're like a little baby....BOOOOOOHHHHHNNNNNGGGGGG

Is there a big difference between level 20 and 21 gems?

>successfully killed Shaper and Uber Atziri
Is there any point to going on?

sell me that user

No, now give me your currency so I can attempt it

>people are paying 23c for gracious master, a hilariously common prophecy
Stupid fucking goyim

I don't know why you morons read or watch guides. They're almost always complete trash by even bigger morons.

are you fucking kidding me

I could have been making bank if you had shared this earlier you retard

twice enchanted,zana needs help and some fated uniques like signal fire are also going for much higher prices than usual this league
Make sure you know what you're worth, user

lafamafao @ shitcrow economy

Thanks user, but I ran out of silver coins.

I don't fucking get this shit. It's triple EXP for a master, but you can just buy 3 high-tier zanas for like, 4-5c each, right?

gotta get that Zana 8 my dude

Shut the fuck up before some streamer makes a vid about prophecy profits and ruins it for everyone

Buy more, they're cheap as chips
I bought 110 for 30c earlier. All you need is one gracious master and you've almost broken even from that, and you'll probably get like four or five out of 110 coins

baked should retitle his stream steyox whines in my chat for 12 hours a day

is vaultism the reason all this stuff is going for so much?

I noticed in general maps are a lot more expensive than in the past

>implying streamers ever come here
I'm sure nobody's a rotten enough person to crosspost on reddit, so the secret's safe here

generally yes but it varies between gem
for most gems, the additional gem level is like a small more multiplier to their damage output

Breach being locked behind Zana 8 makes all that shit super expensive.

>post guide to crafting abyss jewels on reddit
>12 hours later
>Fixed a bug where Abyss Jewels would incorrectly apply restrictions from their old mods when rerolled with Chaos Orbs. The Chaos Orb replaces all mods, so the restrictions should not apply. The purpose of these restrictions is to prevent incompatible mods from spawning, not to provide guided Chaos Orb crafting.

The balance team really does sit on reddit all day looking for shit to nerf don't they? Just proves you should keep all info including build guides to yourself.

>I noticed in general maps are a lot more expensive than in the past

thats because last league was full of insane map inflation shit like harbinger orbs and the beachhead

>twice enchanted up to 9c
>have to scroll through a bunch of retards listing it for 25c just to find the reasonable prices
what the FUCK happened?

Yes. That's literally part of their job.

meant 25 alcs but you get the picture

If you don't wanna see Alchemy orb pricing, go to Buyout lower left and set to Chaos. No min or max.

>all these retards listing their items for alchs now

>my plans for full abyss uniques and jewel wander destroyed

PUNISH alchemy scalpers.
>join their parties
>waste their time
>waste map portals
>do everything within your power to make them miserable

Or just don't buy from them. There's no sense in going out of your way to be an asshole. If shit doesn't sell, they'll change.

>need biscos to get rich
>need to be rich to get biscos

>what the FUCK happened?
for some reason people started using alchs as a serious currency
its everywhere, you get results priced in both alchs and chaos for pretty much every search

It will sell, because retards buy with alchs. It's better to bully the sellers.

this is the face of a poet's pen player

Hey, if this guy's still here, I'll run it for ya. Just drop me a name.

what even is your problem
what difference does it make if people list in alchs or chaos
do you get mad when people list something for 90c instead of 1 ex too?

t. alchtard

>Chaos has been the go-to currency to list everything for a long time now
>Suddenly, everyone's doing Alchs because "muh precise price and Chaos bloat"
I don't want to have to convert currency or drain my Mapping supply.

It's like if people started demanding you use quarters instead of dollar bills.

brb pricing all of my shit in fusing

>corrupt two +20 quality gems I was using
>they both downgrade

It's really pissing me off; they should probably die

>-t. soyboy

i buy all of my cars in pure dollar bills

>not playing with pens before the inevitable nerf
They're going to get fucking destroyed come next league. Enjoy it while you can.

list all of your stuff in alts

i list things for 1 alt when i want to give them away

Breach has pretty much always been locked behind Zana 8, so there is something else causing it

CWDT Immortal Call setup question: am I just not supposed to level any of the constituent gems or am I supposed to level CWDT now?

>biscos is now 500+ chaos

I fucked up not buying it at the start of the league when they were 150c. Thought they'd be more common as people started mapping.

CWDT IC has 0 benefit from being leveled up if you don't use Endurance Charges. you level the Increased Duration on it.

>t1 unique
>going down in price


think of how much effort people put into having a lot of useless currency at the end of their play each league

>error opening file art bla bla bla
loving it

The trick is to waste it on stupid shit

And then they give it to me and I have a week of intense fun.

I use Endurance charges at least for clears since I run Warlord's Mark (it's a Ngamahu Cyclone Raider) so I guess I'd level all of them?

Conversion is annoying, and it's leading to dumb miscommunications of price.

Oak or the two passives for a physical cyclone build?

2 passive.