/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General #250

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Star Citizen Information:

Alpha 3.0 PTU is released for all backers. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Comprehensive look at the current state of Star Citizen

>Squadron 42 Vertical Slice

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC to become playable.
ED info:
pastebin.com/zEufftYe (embed) (embed)

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

Retaliation Trailer*
[YouTube] Commander Chronicles: Retaliation - Elite Dangerous (embed)
>Frontier Official YT

*Not actual game footage

Old Thread:


edg genocide when

The SC part was good, but you fucked up the ED section and used an ED pic.
usual standards have been met

when there's a substantial game to play I guess

Realistically, never. It's obvious fdev doesn't give a fuck anymore and is just going through the motions. It's only a matter of time before they give up completely. There are a few holding on to hope they release the source code, as was promised by Braben, then it's fucking on.

I found a Fay Valentine, wasn't going to not post it

You may not know, but corny names are a thing. There was an open submission period and people sent in names that made it in game. CR is in, tons of actors, a few memes made it through.

Still going to post them when I find them

So is Star Citizen going to remain unplayable until q3/q4?

Don't get me wrong, the combined thread annoys the fuck out of splitfag, and this pleases me.

There's no reason to split the threads when one game is a half finished scam and the other is 3 expansions away from having real gameplay/content

You would think logically that gimbals should be the weaker weapons that give more capability to inexperienced pilots while fixed weapons are for more experienced, stronger and with the ability to set convergence.

I mean they give away Sidewinders for free in a star system with billions of people, and there are like 20 people, including npcs.
How fucking good is the VR in the future if people choose that over actual spaceships?
>3 expansions away from having real gameplay/content

I assume gimbals are weaker because you need to add a lot more parts to the same amount of space, equals a smaller caliber projectile/laser

outside of gameplay reasons, but ya it does make little sense that you can't just have fixed weapons point at the same target

It's just funny if you think about it. They want to be world war 2 dog fighters in space, but then they do dumb shit like putting your guns on the tips of your wings.

The guns are physically smaller as the mount gets more complex, that's why the damage is lower. The gross weight of the weapon is fixed, so if the mount weighs more, the gun has to be smaller.

What's the Asp Explorer of Star Citizen?

I'm getting back in the SC mood for the first time in about a year, and I found money on my account that I didn't know was there. I'm thinking about using it to upgrade my cutlass to a constellation. Is that a stupid idea?

nearly nobody can actually afford a ship. you're a rich kid favored by the bank

>Get sued by Crytek
>Lets just put the Crysis armor in game why don't we.

Elite is still just space trucking for the most part, the game really just needs to start you in an AspX and make income easier or give us way to have passive income

>crysis armor
what did he mean by this?
did he mean cell? it's not that similar again

The nanosuit? That doesn't look anything like it. I really hope they add something like Grey Fox's suit. For all of Kojima's hack-ness, he made a badass character and suit.

>the game needs to cut out 40% of the progession
>it needs to play itself
you are an idiot


It shouldn't be a daily grind MMO damn it, should just be a fun fly around and do what you want with limited consequences game

carebear spotted in the wild

Hello daddy, will you go to the park with me tomorrow?

advocating for an easy, conflict-free game is the dad thing dad, good try to fit in though.

the fun comes from progression that is difficult, the games problem right now is that it's not difficult but just tedious instead. doing an easy thing 1000 times is still easy.

in the classic elites you could get a lucky break and earn a lot of money finding a high-risk high-reward mission or trade, which would be one-time and very difficult. most money exploits are just as easy to do as the regular grind, destroying the game and fun.

You just explained why I'm right, while I agree just giving you stuff is not necessary, the game lacks depth and the pace is so slow that most of the "content" becomes worthless.

yea, not much reason to play when the economy isn't implemented in any meaningful way yet

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>You just explained why I'm right
when? you just want the game to become even shittier by removing the two things that need to be more of. progression and challenge.

You kinda can do that, no one is forcing you to go full autist min/max and omg i gotta get the best cr/h I can.

but I have to stop and grind every often to keep up with the insurance cost of my anaconda

As outside of passenger missions, there's hardly any real profit

The helmet is like the fucking same.

Fuck forgot pic

Looks like Planetside TR or NC.
Pic related looks not even close.

I wish I was this blind.

We were complaining because the game has no content and the grind is unbearable without using an exploit, we want more high risk high rewards missions and more meaningful challenge but we only have a giant wall of grind and I support anyone who wants a way to skip it in order to enjoy what little content there actually is.

Hell if there wasn't that much of a need to make money you faggots would get much more PvP encounters instead of having people running away or combat logging to avoid losing mission/trade progress.

That SC helmet looks like something from motocross. Without the visor on top.

there's 100k systems for about half as many players you're unlikely to see pvp at all.

you only see skipping as the way to play the game, which is why you cheat and then complain there's nothing to do. the grind is in your head.

in reality the game could be fun right from a sidewinder through to a conda, with some fairly simple changes. you want to add to the game, not remove half of it like an idiot.

actual comparison

retarded comparison


Looks like 3.1 is going to be the 3.0 that should have gone to Live

I () said that it doesn't even look close.
Learn to read, friend.

What defines the Asp Explorer? I don't play ED and all I know is that it's the ship that all the dads like.

And thus why i called you daddy, i have as much fun doing boom delivery missions in a sidewinder as i do in a conda, and hell all i really want is to go to the pleiades and kill some thargoids and even most newer players buy the game because of them, good luck having a new player kill anything thargoid related or even being able to reach the pleiades without doing over a hundred jumps, they're obligated to grind away at least a hundred hours in order to be able to buy a Python through normal methods and most people drop the game before reaching that point, literally ""artificial"" content.

I know the universe is big but there are obvious locations where players like to clutter with some being obviously CGs, people escape PvP encounters both because they don't have a good enough ship to fight back and/or invested way too much on a trade run to risk death, engineers being (nearly) straight upgrades doesn't help much either.

fuck off

you are the dad for wanting the game to be dumbed down because even cheating is too hard for you

Do this in open at a CG station

>fuck off
Don't blame me for your inability to read, user.

It's a comfy ship good for saying fuck all and leaving human occupied space to explore the unknown, It's not the "best" or most expensive ship but it's good because it's a nice all rounder for exploration despite being 2nd in terms of jump range with the first being an even cheaper ship.

Dumb fucking faggot there's nothing to dumb down, and it's not that people can't "cheat" but the fact that Frontier nerfs every way to make decent money whenever any good method comes up.

I love the space bikes, but they're so damn big. Is a tiny little space-scooter too much to ask for?

When will this Dad meme end?

Stop replying to this poster. He's a fucking autistic kid that cries dad at literally everything. He's also too much of a brainlet to explain how an always online connection prohibits features from showing up in a game.

Never. They've been touched too much by Eve posters during some dark past.

why does it matter how much money you make?

I guess I'm blind. I mean the suits different but the helmet looks kind of similar to me, even if its more like

>/edg/ is back

We never left

I brought it back like 3 threads ago, dunno what faggot removed it from the OP

It was gone for a few threads.

is it just me or are shields impossible to break right now?

not impossible but you gotta seriously outclass the ship you're shooting at or get good hits for 10+ seconds in a row

>cig isn't transparent enough

Or they'll get 3.0 into a playable state through small patches just in time to ruin it all again with a buggy-ass 3.1.

i have a illegal black box salvage operation in LHS 3447 been going inside uss for three hours cant find shit, there is no nav beacon what should i do

Only thing I can think of is honking your advanced system scanner and make sure you have cargo space.

You just need to use your 1C discovery scanner and it will tell you where to look

>absolutely meaningless powerpoint slide """roadmap""" which usually ends up becoming irrelevant in 6-12 months
>complete radio silence between GC 2016 to the end of the year and beyond on the status of 3.0 which was promised before Dec 19 ***2016***
>complete radio silence on the status of star marine for 6+ months before that
ummm, no sweetie

i dont have the money for that, i do have the cargo space though

I reckon that CIG suddenly having a developer hand them the tech to make PG planets
completely derailed that original schedule.
I also think that trying to make CR happy the dev that made the tech said it would be easier
than it ended up being to implement it into the game and engine forcing CIG to overhaul the engine massively to make the PG planets work.

anyone who isn't a retard would know it would take a massive engine overhaul

Is Elite good yet? I uninstalled over the summer. I enjoyed the Federal Funship but it was just "go here, shoot shit, go back, collect money, rinse/repeat"

>Is Elite good yet?

It's exactly the same as when you left it.

What is the default pub stomping setup for SC3.0 now? For a superhornet if it matters.

Still broadswords and a big ol cannon?

If anything is a constant in software development it's everything is underestimated.

Do you remember, /scg/edg/?


Oh for fucks sake. There goes my shitty joke.

oh man, i nearly forgot about trannyverse. What were they even thinking.
>Remember when we said we were going to make a proper mechwarrior game? Well fuck that, and fuck everyone who actually paid money for that shit, it's done now, give us money for our space game though!

Are you still worried about ' weapon convergence'?
We are talking of the game who sold us that we would be able to customize the avionics or something. I don't see why they will not add later the ability to set fixed weapon convergence which is cost free for them

QoL features are a waste of time until everything else work

It may require rebalancing though if they ever allow it

>progression and challenge
None of those are present in Elite Dangerous.

Grind is not progression, it's doing the same thing forever to get ship that just ave better stat in an area.
And Challenge imply skills, the game isn't skills based it's just a minimal gameplay while you grind for engineer and high wake out of combat

you need more than force PvP to salvage it.

The point is that CIG are fine with completely ditching plans when they get an opportunity for something shinier. Hell the roadmap in was one that replaced the original one since they were able to have a "scope increase" with more funding. Now here we are excusing another drastic change of plans to include procgen planets. If they keep getting pumped cash, what's to say CIG aren't going to continuously keep inflating the game with the next big feature while steadily pushing any foreseeable polished and released version past the horizon?

For what it's worth, it was procgen planets that pushed me over the edge to backing SC. I think it's worth the delay myself. I wasn't that interested in a game that was almost all space with only a few little boxed in areas to visit planetside, but hundreds of individual full planets to explore is exactly the kind of thing that tickles my autism. I'd imagine that I'm far from alone.

I agree. The planets open up a lot of avenues for more gameplay and to add some environmental variety to the game. Features get added, development takes longer, and we're stuck waiting for it, but I'm mostly confident the wait will be worth it.

"With the release of Alpha 3.1 planned for late March, our aim is to deliver new releases quarterly, going forward."

Sounds familiar. Croberts said the same thing for 2.6 which took like a year to come out. According to this previous schedule in 2015 we should be playing 4.0 right now.

You can see it however you want, but I followed everything from the start and my perspective is:
>We're working on this, but one small team (that usually means a group of 2-5 by the way) managed to make proc gen planets, lookit dis! *shows video*
>We'll put ARTISTS on making assets for this, they may as well while they wait.
>We've worked through the abstract phase of getting the PU working in practice and now we have figured out a lot of tasks and features we need in order to accomplish that, this could get tricky
>We've tried to implement these features but the amount of content we have now and the lack of previous polish on the game's current state has meant a ton of tasks are buried under issues, issues that create massive performance problems and crashes. We have to re-assign programmers who could be working on features such as mining to try and excavate the game out from under all these issues.
>Good news, we killed fucking thousands of bugs and crashes so what we can make of 3.0 content wise is now ready for publishing
>Bad news, the tech side of 3.0 including performance related features are not ready as it's now the holidays and while there's no issues blocking their implementation, we have to take a break and close office for a couple of weeks.

Cry incompetence all you want, they shifted a metric fuckton of workload every week, it really couldn't have gone any faster.

That wasnt your point you fucking liar you were crying about transparency first and got btfo. Kill yourself

First time properly doing one of these bounty CGs, getting an invite to an impromptu wing with other randoms to blast pirates is pretty fun desu


>CIG dedicate a lot of time to make video showing how a game is designed and made
>kid complain because it wasn't exciting and should have spoiled the whole plot of S42

>CIG release an alpha tech demo showing coding miracle
>kid whine because it's not stable and balance like a finished game with less feature

what is this concierge dinner with Chris deal?

I'm worried about it because like I said, they do stupid stuff like putting weapons on wing tips. I wouldn't be surprised if that's a "balancing" decision.

>If something you own is destroyed, that only has 3 months of insurance and it has run out before it was destroyed, you will need to pay more to have it replaced in the game, but it won't be permanently removed from your account
I think this is fine.

Tbh I think it should be gone for good, most people opting for auto-renew.
I don't want people with LTI still getting to keep the policy as criminals who would have normally voided it immediately.

With old-for-old and a criminal underworld economy to support piracy there really shouldn't be any reason to prevent punishing people who pledged for any ship. Even if you stay legal it should only be a minor gift package.

That's retarded.
if you dont have insurance and it blows up it should be gone for good.

The 'increased price' for replacing it should simply be having to buy the ship again.

>voided it immediately
Is this confirmed? LTI going away if you're a pirate?