/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #320

handholding Edition

Previous Thread >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa (embed)

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s (embed)
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
"Your Reality" sung by (You):

>It's a slim chance you'll meet your doki, but bey...
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:



first for tf2 engineer

no more doomposting please

Daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

first for tf2 medic

All dokis are great and deserving of love.

Handholding Wholesome Thread ACTIVATE!

Will we ever have a /ddlc/ simulator?

now THIS is when real comfyhours begin

i made 3 friends yseterday
but i still am lonely
hope keeps me alive

Monika's eyes!

Stop the doomposting, only wholesome topics this time please!


Alright, I won't doompost anymore.

I just want to say that I'm extremely sad though. I just want a place to call home.

Monikanon please stop being sad :(


Hello, everyone. I hope you're keeping your chins up and a smile on your face.
It's not the end yet, don't worry!
Welcome back to my humble poetry club~
Maybe today we'll breathe some life back into it. It seems participation has gone down significantly lately, which is such a shame!

Word of the thread is "redemption"~!
Alternatives are 'flame' and 'sanctuary' and a special ultra-rare third option, 'rebirth'.
I know I've used these words before, but I feel they're at least a little fitting and deserving of a bit more attention!

As always, if anyone would like to write a poem, no matter how good or bad you may think you are, please consider using one of these three words as your theme or topic or inspiration or a word you use in a random line or just something you keep in your head as you write! There's no need to force yourself to use one of them, but if you do it makes it much easier to discuss your poem with others, such as comparing and contrasting different interpretations of words, or different styles, or what have you!
I always look forward to seeing what you all write, and today is no exception! I hope you all have fun, and just remember to do your best! I couldn't ask for more~

Hopefully plenty of people participate and discuss with each other. It makes it so much more fun!

Your Doki
Cool Ranch or Spicy Nacho Doritos

I just want to hold Yuri in my arms and cuddle with her while it rains outside.

And i love this cute dork forever and ever!

I hugged my wife today!

So ddlc, who's your doki and what's something you need to improve on in your life.
My doki is Sayori and I need to loose weight.
Remember, do it for her!


I want to stare into them for eternity!

The offer stands, guys. If you need writing critiques, someone to listen, or just a (You) or two, please don't feel shy about coming to me.

I love you guys too much to do nothing when I see you hurting like this.


Great work, user. Even if you're not my favorite type of creator (the writers), I'm very happy knowing that you've found the motivation to make yourself a better person.

That motivation, it seems, will be pivotal in the days to come, as well. People like you will be the rock upon with other Anons lean when they think the general is going away.

She is the sun in my sky!

Is there any way to get the /ddlc/ experience but also keep you guys as friends?

Friendly reminder that the general isn't dying

Friendly reminder that it's always darkest before the dawn

Friendly reminder that no one deserves a good general, it's all up to (you) to make it comfy

>Natsuki trying her hardest to convince Yuri to lactate into her bowl of bran flakes
>Y-you w-want me to do w-what?!
>S-stop making it weird, okay? It's a reasonable enough request, Yuri! Gees...
>Yuri blushes and looks away while Natsuki continues to speak
>I-I mean it's not like you're really having a shortage there or anything...
>Natsuki begins to stare at Yuri's breasts longingly
>It takes a minute of awkward silence before Yuri looks back at Natsuki and notices
>S-snap out of it Natsuki! You're scaring me!
>Yuri, I need your milk just once okay! Just fucking once! I mean you don't even know about---
>Natsuki what the hell are you even talking about?! I'm really trying to help you but I just don't understand!
>Natsuki begins to tear up
>Yuri, do you even know why I moved my manga to school? Or why I look for spare change under the vending machines?
>I-I never really thought about it too much... I mean it's really your business isn't it?
>I have to do those things Yuri, b-because...
>Yuri realises that Natsuki is having serious trouble opening up about whatever the problem is
>N-Natsuki, I'm sorry...
>Natsuki's face reddens even more as she prepares for the inevitable rejection
>I-I'm sorry because... Because... Y-you wouldn't ask me to do something like this unless something was really wrong! Natsuki, I don't need to know why you're asking me to do this, okay? Just know that I'm doing this not because you asked me to... but because of how important it must be for you to even ask me to do something like this!
>Natsuki is shocked and tears begin to stream down her face
>Th-Thankyou so much Yuri! I-I...
>Yuri slowly begins to take off her shirt
>I-I m-mean it's a little weird b-but...
>Natsuki is somewhat back to her usual self
>Are you gonna do it or what?
>O-of course b-but...
>Do you want to get fucking smacked?

Cool ranch duh

How's it going tonight boys? You drinking anything?

I have some weird mixed wholesome horror and dark fics coming up.
In the mean time.
Hope everyone is doing good.

Spicy Sweet Chili doritos are better

I really do try to make it comfy, but it just feels like I'm not good enough. Everything I try to do is mediocre.

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

Drinking makes me sad

Neither, I don't eat Doritos

Nah. Ate a pizza a while ago, though. Trying to cut on soda so I'm only drinking water.


>Sayori's boobs grow when she's happy and shrink when she's sad.

I love it

About to drink a tall glass of whatever i find in the kitchen

You might be interested in this

i love you guys
i won't be back in a very long time because i'm hopefully graduating this semester for my bachelor's and i gotta give it my everything, so i hope you all take care of yourselves and others too. see you all again someday!

Alright, assholes, listen up. I started writing because of /ddlc/ and it's become the creative outlet I never knew I needed. Since I first responded to a poem prompt I have written a poem every single goddamn day, and I have no interest in stopping for the foreseeable future. That means we need to keep this general running, and THAT means we need to actually get in and DO something.

The first something we need to do is quantification. There's a lot of very vague doomsaying going on, a lot of talk about how "the thread used to be like X but now it's like Y". Well, the thread is made up entirely of people and can be understood entirely in those terms, so we're going to start this off with a little exercise. If you want to help out, then start by answering these two questions:

- What do you WANT from the denizens of /ddlc/?
- What are you currently GETTING from the denizens of /ddlc/?

This will help us to understand the gap between where the thread is and where we want the thread to be. Once we understand that, we can start working on bridging it.

>Maybe today we'll breathe some life back into it. It seems participation has gone down significantly lately, which is such a shame!
Alright, Monikanon, in the interest of helping the general, I'll attempt your prompt for the first time. It'll probably take a while,
so be patient, please.

monika but she fucc me

Let's try this again

1. Dear Sunshine
2. Wheel
3. Ghost Under the Light Pt. 2

Yuri, and I need to gain weight.

Would it be too much to share part four? I can't help myself...Huff...

>decided to drink away my sorrows when I was feeling particularly bad
>now cracking open a cold one automatically makes me feel like shit even if I'm feeling great beforehand

>That pic
What does it mean?

As long as it's something, literally anything at all, you are helping the general, even if it doesn't feel like it. You never know if that poem/fic/words of encouragement made someone's day, and as long as one single solitary person has a good day because of this place, then it's all worth it.

Sayori! I need to stop hating and being so hard on myself, since I'm probably not as bad as I think I am. I can't help but feel like I annoy people and make them unhappy, though.

No need to call us assholes that’s rude.

Please post your routine. Mirin those friend gains.

Goodbye and take care of yourself! I wish the best for you, user.

I love that pic. Just Monika in that pic, everything about her. Unf. Love you too, MonikaAnon
Sadly, I don't feel like writing something right now but I can recycle one of my poems due to a similar word, and I bet you haven't seen it, so here goes.

The fire of my desire never dwells
As the more I am within your proximity
It doesn't dwindle, in fact it swells
Even if I must share my love through anonymity
It is love all the same

why not? what’s wrong with doom?

>What do you WANT from the denizens of /ddlc/?
The same sense of community that it had just a few months ago. I just want people to be nice to eachother and be supportive.

I also want Monikanon back

>What are you currently GETTING from the denizens of /ddlc/?
Fucking sociopaths. People that just couldn't give less of a fuck about your problems.

New thread so might as well repost my new chapter. Been trying to be a bit more descriptive, especially of characters, I hope it's working well.


Today after school activities have been cancelled so the literature club decides to meet at Yuri's house!

A bunch of things. While I'm not necessarily overweight I certainly could afford to get some exercise, there's still a lot for me to improve on my art, I should actually get back to learning Japanese, etc.

Hey teachanon, mind taking a look at a piece i decided to polish up last night?

I met a man with shadows beneath is eyes
Wrinkles written upon his skin
And a story trailing from his lips
Pigment dots peppered along his cheeks
His wire-rimmed glasses glint
In the dancing light of the peat fire

Hesitating, but momentarily
A rough voice broke the silence once more
His words hard to understand
As he spun a tale so widely told
That my mother rolled her eyes
When he began and said
"I've heard this one too many times"

Grandad never ran out of old stories
If he did, he'd just retell his favourites
Passing hours with words.

His skin may be wrinkled
And his glasses may glint
His hair may be the colour of rice

But his heart is big enough
To fit the world in. Twice.

Just a bit of Fireball, yourself?

Good luck user! I know you'll do great!
Any tips for an user starting community college on Monday?

she is worth all my and my love and care and should be valued and loved and protected at all cost

Sayori and i've stopped doing coke
i still can't sleep well but i'm feeling a little bit better
i've read shit gets real on the second week so i'm kinda scared
but that's okay, i wasn't expecting this to be easy

i wish i knew
i made two of them here
and one of them in a shitposting group
i'll be your friend

It was meant to be affectionate!

Remember, Anons, she wants you to be happy and healthy, so do it! Don't give up: she believes in you!


I need to stop being so bitter and learn to cut loose a little and be happy.

>Just found out I'm suspended for this semester.
I'm parents are going to fucking kill me. Fuck Hurricane Irma. Anyone have suggestions of how I should spend my suspension more productively?


Good luck user! im sure you can get through this, we believe in you

Its scary!

we're all here for you
will you hold my hand?

You know what I meant, ya fuckin’ comedian.

keep going fellow sayorifriend!
you can get through all of it!

I'm pretty sure I responded to everyone else in the previous thread, so feel free to roll back one if you think I'm ignoring you.

Due for critique so far:
(I'm looking forward to both!!!!)

Did anyone saw how did the greentext about thief user and police woman sayori end? last post had them at the roof with thanks to popular vote user about to take sayori´s gun and shoot her

I love it user!
Keep up the good work!

I know you can do it, cokeanon! Are you the same one that promised not to go too hard on the cigs? Because if so, remember that you made your promise to her!

>What do you WANT from the denizens of /ddlc/?
Comfy doki-posting and boners.
>What are you currently GETTING from the denizens of /ddlc/?
Comfy doki-posting and boners.

Life is pretty great.

You can do it, user!

Was meant for

Good to see you again teacher-sama
I'm coming back down from food poisoning and only just now almost normal, so Jaeger.

Aside from the doomthread, anything else I miss in the last 2 days?

Long story short, it was a greentext with edited images that featured Natsuki in a forest. MC gets eaten by a bear, but it turns out to be a dream. Then he wakes up and talks about how it was all a dream, only for Natsuki to be the bear.

Its the least i can do in return i cant really wright or draw i but can brew ideas and concepts! and i will try to help anons as well! i want to contribute!

What's wrong? Can't KEEP UP with that guy?

shit i gotta look out for this in the future
Stolichnaya Vodka

I need to lose weight and keep it off. I lost 60 pounds and was sort of happy where I was, but then I put on another 20. Now I need to lose about 40 to be at my goal weight.

Nope, the popular vote made it so we got the sappy ending. Since the vote was extremely close, CYOAnon may or may not write a parallel ending to it, though.

I don't have motivation or drive


Lose weight, be less lazy and try to learn to do a few things on my own. And my main goals this year to learn guitar and move out of my mom's house and start my own life.

Keep going Yurifriend. I wish I was you.

In the flames of redemption I will be reborn
spirit molten, heart untorn
cast into a great new form
the person I will to be

>I'll be your friend
But you can't.
Because we are anonymous.
And I'm also afraid of intimacy, so we will stay anonymous.
Even though I feel extreme pain because of my solitude. Even though I could reach out to anyone at any moment.
I just don't think I'm worth you time.

Your favorite Doki but she's fitting in just fine irl without you

The janny that kept deleting these threads got fired.

It's nice to see this story's back, I really liked it. This new chapter's even better than the other ones, you've improved pretty well

Work on my art andstop being a massive asshole around others.