What happened here?

What happened here?

Swedes and hohols trashing the place in a few years.

Early democracy, religious tolerance, heavy drinking, fucking, russian butthurt, german tears, lots of we-wuzing, 15% of population was noble.

The Deluge


Wrong place and wrong time for Awesomness...

polish ineptitude happened

>hohols trashing the place
hohols were niggers of plc and had to be put down every few decades or so
>b..but we wuz opressed n shit
There was proposed option to create third state in union but cossacks decided that they want to be independent and got btfo, they also got fucked by Russia.
When Russia took over cossacks they had it easier to deal with them because all they had to do was sending them all over siberia

the fuck is pospolite ruszzczcsx

You mean "pospolite ruszenie"? Something akin to conscripted peasants.

>You mean "pospolite ruszenie"? Something akin to conscripted peasants.
The PLC didn't have peasant conscription.

The pospolite ruszenie was the general population of nobles called under arms while not part of regular/professional units.

Sort of like the American concept of militia.

It wasn't all ukrainians that were the problem desu. Because majority of them had better life under Poland than under Russia.

It was mainly about Cossack scum that didn't listen to Polish king and raided the shit out of Ottomans, even though Poland couldn't afford the war with them. They were breaking every Polish-Ottoman treaty. And you can't afford that when you're surrounded by enemies.

Didn't rebelling Holos lead to Russia invading leading to Swedes invading leading to everything starting to slowly fall apart?

It was mostly Sigimund Vasa who fucked up and set 3 time bombs that would explode 50 years later. He had to be one of worst european monarchs at the time which is ironic considering that the nobility quality peaked during his reign and PLC managed to look like its doing good.




im glad that this pic at least acknowledges that poland unlawfully stole schlesien and other German lands.

Now give it back

>im glad that this pic at least acknowledges that poland unlawfully stole schlesien and other German lands.
I'm glad there are illiterate retards like you.
This world would be boring without the likes of you.

Now, show me on the map where the bad Pole touched you


If only this would be set up before earliest Cossack uprisings, after which it got only worse.


>poles proud of genociding veletians and others fellow west slavs so that germans may settle these lands
truly poles are niggers of euorpe

>unlawfully stole schlesien
are you talking about g*rmany?


>Fellow Westslavs
Pan Slavism is about as alive in Poland as Pan Germanicism is in the UK.

I agree. It's a fuckin shame that we turned against our Lechitic brothers after cucking ourselves with c*tholicism which has always served interest of the german

And yet you have no problem with claiming that Pomerania was historical part of Poland

A problem the Russians would soon fix

They can't fix it since 1772.

Russia is a pile of shit.

Russian dogs would do shit without Prussia and Austria. Poland could only be outmatched by combined force of 3 powerful countries and it still took 30 years to destroy it.

das rite

We wuz Sarmatians

better map