/srg/ - speedrunning general

AGDQ is tomorrow!

What runs are you looking forward to?


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So is there not going to be a Super Metroid run this year?

Nope it's been over done to death man.

let it die

>What runs are you looking forward to?

I like that jump

Now aren't you quite the negative Nancy?


But I thought save/kill the animals was a major source of their income?

ZFG's run might be cool.

Speedrunning needs a safety warning

you want us to watch 8 hours?

just skip to any part desu

grommr bois ww@?

I thought GameJ was about to die or something, what happened with that?


what are the weirdest categories you know for a game? i think it's mario odyssey's nipple%

Anything that isn't any% desu.

based fucking cfb

He's back.

I need you to get hype, /srg/ lmao

Narcissa, The Betrayed


cosmo looks like the bitch from the cranberries

narci looks like the girl from my dreams

doggie looks like the dead from resident evil

sorry, meant nightmares
gosh darned autocorrect xD

fake btw

*gets hype for the hype monitor*

name a realer nigga in the speedrunning game than this man right here

protip: you can't lmao


hey guys fill me in on the latest drama

Fuck off nigger.

that nigger doesn't speedrun games

what the fuck are your problem?


The only thing it can do if your run is interesting is distract and lower quality.


'Twas the night before AGDQmas and all through the thread...


Didn't even know.

it's in the OP, friend

>Werster raises money same he won't stream anymore because he's marrying some girl but ends up separating with her
>Cosmo literally becomes a queen
>trihex wins 10,000 dollars for being mediocre at golden eye
>SRL barely has any site traffic
>zfg probably still fattest shit

Just... stop. It hurts, you know? It FUCKING hurts so YOU'VE GOT TO STOP RIGHT NOW.


>de hippie spacing

Who's banned.

Not being invited if you went last year, and not being invited at all are De Facto bans


Is Edo going to be reading more donations this year?

no, she quit

How unfortunate. She could always get the crowd into the run if it was tanking and I know she was good for donations. Sad to see her go.

>cosmo literally becomes a queen

not enough trannies

>de tranny spacing

Are you stupid?

Big jon likes to fake health scares to stir up donations. Then he spends the money on food and gambling. It's only slightly less criminal than raising money for refugees under the guise of raising money for doctors.

Check out his youtube channel for slot machine fun

>It's only slightly less criminal than raising money for refugees under the guise of raising money for doctors.

Who is ready to hyped up

I'm ready for based Edo

I can't believe SpikeVegeta is still doing these. He looked so dead inside at last SGDQ.


Reminder that Pyatters is a shrew

Pic related: It's Pyatters


>burger time zone

greetings from germany!

I don't follow.

Any interesting people or trannies running this year?

Mike Uyama

I love cum!

Greetings from viewer. Long time donator, fourth time donator. I am donating because my cancer has died from games.

get rid of protomagicalfaggot and everybody would be having a good time.

There are some pretty chill runners this year, at least.

probably not fake

Edobean and Protomagicaldong are cancer

first time from germany, donating towards kill the cancer patients!

> What are you guys favorite moment at GDQ?
> Mine is Seat of Victory

my last monkeypost before agdq - see you in a week

>She could always get the crowd into the run
haha POYO haha XDDD

where do i go for chat that doesn't permaban you for chatting

Hi tranny general do we have any confirmed new trannies appearing at AGDQ?

>6 and 9 specifically banned in gdq chat, even alone
>not 69

fill me in on the krystal drama

fuck off cuck

his boyfriend stabbed him in the back and now the clique has turned on him

marathonfag here. Is that fat cow attending that sperged out on dansgame last time

wait are we talking about m_ or krystal here


thats a man, baby

>No racism, sexism (including excessive grill spam), discrimination, homophobia, or hate speech against other viewers, runners, staff or attendees
>No history, politics, conspiracy theories or religion (including 9/11 and nazi spam)
>No links
>Do not encourage others to spam
>No Custom bots that post in chat or whisper
>Adding Kappa to your message is not an excuse
>No excessive ascii or copypasta spam



i miss malos...

am i allowed to talk shit in this thread or nah

this thread is for posting monkeys during the boring runs

only thing to be hyped about is /ourguy/ blechy

is this general not complete horseshit for the next week or should I go to /v/'s thread

Remember his tropical freeze casual play through

will cosmo be speedrunning anything this year? haven't seen him in agdq for a few years, miss him

yeah, him and Sig will be racing on the final day

thanks, appreciate it