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>Mercy - Valkyrie gutted
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I want to nut hard in Symmetra's cervix!!!


My wife!

>Waifuspam filter
Updated daily

I love my wife Sombra!

Cute Hana Song!



Why the fuck does mercy have such a huge chin?


Blizzard owes them what they paid for
If they're playing comp for a serious competitive experience, and he isnt, blizzard is well within their right to remove him so he doesn't ruin everyone else's time

Hana Song.

I'll go ahead and take both these cuties

because amerimutt, strong chins are a genetic feature of WHITE people

Superior Genes.

I also need more pictures of her in engine graphics.

Lena Oxton!

My man Rein.

>he doesn't know about the mercy nerfs.

rekt, only Sombra for you

She is married to her work, user

Fuck, the one minute I turn away from /owg/

A strong jaw line is a positive. It's only a problem when it looks terrible like with Symmetra.

What a fucking braindead hero

Hunkrat primed and ready!

The best!
And she knows it

Reinhardt and Genji Fastball Special when?

Someone STOP Ana!

t. Gengu



Ill be taking these two

>implying not Symmetra

I want to fuck old Ana pls help me

I'll take this fucking faggot because no one else will. I will fuck the depression out of him.

>All IS Inches

You better have a vagina then.

> League of Legends: 138 champions
> Dota 2: 114 champions
> Smite: 92 champions and Cerberus is coming soon to make it 93
> Overwatch: 26 characters, 70% have braindead kits and are boring to play and are obviously made for the casuals and CoD baby so they feel strong when they're not

uuuh.. blizzdrones? blizzard? the dynamic skillful heroes? where are they? we need more heroes i remind you. Where is the skill ceiling? Why do we still get characters like Orisa and Moira post-release? BLIZZBABY?

>heroes who can solo tanks
Yeah, sure, let's just make some dps completely outclass others.

overwatch isn't a moba, user

all 15 lunches

Why would I need one?

A dick works fine for a kissless virgin.

It's funny because /owg/ hates overwatch more than you.

The tanks are all in a pretty good place in terms of balance, aside from Dva = Too strong and rein = too weak, but the dps are fucked all over

4 (Soldier, Genji, Tracer, McCree) shit on every non-tank non-healer in the game. So in actuality the game has closer to 4 dps, 6 tanks and 5 healers.

>27 heroes
>12 are useless

>lo-rez knockoff only has a couple more heroes
>gets by with a pick and ban system
>also lets you pick game modes you want to play

Where do the billions go?

don't worry, blizzard are merely pretending to be retarded, you'll see once the OWL kick off and crash back into earth, they're going to kick up development and fire the whole OW team then replaces it completely with a new one, just like HOTS, you're just too bitter!

Stop comparing mobas to fps games. Despite being much older, fps games have far more considerations for characters and gameplay than top-down / third-person dreck

was that massive prepatch we just had for all those skins that are being added next week?

sombra! because d.va, tracer and mercy are already taken

Jeff Kaplans pocket
stop bullshitting people, OW don't have an item systems or a mana system or a dragon the OW team don't have many thing to take in account when making a new heroes.

What the fuck were they thinking when they added Genji?

too slow

i'm not defending blizzard, i'm saying your comparison is unfair. fps are far more chaotic and have far more variables than mobas

Who to ship Mercy with!

Someone else already had claimed d.va so that guy's post is invalid!

You wish pal, how about you take an autistic poo wizard instead?

Chu is a living proof that even a braindead moron can make it into modern gamedev.

>this guy gets paid for this

fine i take pharah

> far more variables than mobas
OW do not have a mana based systems, OW don't have an early games or midgame or lategame, it doesn't have itemization & recipe, it doesn't have talent (like HotS), it doesn't have any kind of map buff, it doesn't have minions and minions wave to take in account.. lane matchup, gank potential.

you're underestimating mobas balance user in my opinion
An ASSFAGGOTS is far harder to balance correctly than an FPS

>tfw Irish/Scottish so weak chin and not white
Worse than Americans who have 1/64th German in there

>leave game
>wait a while
>blizz still tryies to throw me back into the same game
Fuck OFF

42st for reaper is a pedophile

Gib Amélie

>our team clutches a win after a long battle
>next round someone goes Widow "ill switch if no pick"

>hero tips, tricks and basics
>Whenever an enemy dies the fallen hero will drop a "soul" (the little red/orange floaty globe things), which Reaper can pick up to replenish his health. The orb will automatically float towards him if it's within ~5 meters of him (unless he's at full health).

So, who's going to update this stuff


> Yetzi
> Rumble
> Mama hong
> Psyblade
Oh man, i wish i could travel in the dimension where overwatch has all these characters! Brit look great, imagine an exosuit characters that choose a Support stance and an offensive stance and it switch forms into mech like design

They needed a real ninja and not Hanzo.

>someones goes torb or bastion on first point
>ill switch if we lose it
>doesn't matter they snowball with ults anyway

>Mercy was once a black guy
>Genji was a jap girl
user, please, they had the doujins planned from the beginning.

"Switch after pick" or "Switch after losing push" really doesnt matter

Good heroes you never have to switch from.
If its optimal to switch off a hero after something happens: Its a shit hero

I've heard from many people that mobas (dota2 in specific) are really well planned when it comes to balance, but my point is not that. ow is a three-dimensional game. there are a few game who did what ow is doing (most of them are recent. team fortress is old, but less characters and none of them came with a patch post-game release). i'm not saying ow is perfect, but saying mobas are balanced so ow should be because of that is to be too harsh with it for the wrong reasons, imo
also, mobas have calculated variables, chosen by the devs because if fits properly the nature of the game. my theory is that the problem of balancing games like ow is that the game itself, at its core, is chaotic. imagine balancing a 4 dimensional game, and compare that to balancing a 3 dimensional game

>OW do not have a mana based systems,

Plenty of heroes in OW have a resource they have to manage, just because in some games it's called 'mana' doesn't make it different.

>OW don't have an early games or midgame or lategame


>it doesn't have itemization & recipe, it doesn't have talent (like HotS),

Babby's First RPG mechanics aren't in OW? Demanding players perform simple arithmetic doesn't make a game deeper.

>it doesn't have any kind of map buff,

OW could make the maps more interactive, sure.

>it doesn't have minions and minions wave to take in account.. lane matchup,

Having to deal with dumbass AI mobs only gives your game the illusion of depth - it's another RPG-lite grind.

>gank potential.

You're joking right?

>you're underestimating mobas balance user in my opinion

Possibly, dumbed down RTS mods don't appeal to me

>An ASSFAGGOTS is far harder to balance correctly than an FPS

Let us know when you make the step to 3d

>shield begins recharging faster when not up
>120 damage firestrike

Blizzard obviously doesn't care about all the extra "Variables" that come from a "Moba shooter" in a 3d space, considering that every hero they've added has been extremely hit or miss in terms of fucking up the game/not affecting the game at all.

I mean, all the heroes with mobility options are good. There is no mobile "shit" hero (Other than doomfist for being riddled with bugs and shitboxes)

All the heroes without good mobility options are shit.

What does that tell you? Blizzard designed game in a 3d map space, and then didnt give every hero a good way to get around that map space, then thus invalidated half their roster

>tfw lost all will to even play the game since the new season
How do you do it lads, how do you go back?

that doesn't address
>broken charge
>broken shatter
and a faster recharging shield still makes him inferior to orisa when playing the current spam meta


I go to bed and wake up with the desire to get my points back. But then I play and I lose that desire by lunchtime. Rinse and repeat.

Already been done ;^) you can play Paragon and Smite right now bitch and you'll see
> Plenty of heroes in OW have a resource they have to manage
no they don't
> OW don't have an early games or midgame and lategame
HOW IS THAT BULLSHIT? It's an inherent fact because there's no levelling or power progression in overwatch there's no power spikes. I guess if you are picky you can considers having your first ult = lategame
> babbys first RPG
MOBA are not RPG. Itemization makes the game deeper because they allows player to make all sorts of different build for their favorite characters - they allow versatility, you see fellow anime posters, they allow counterplays and creativity.
> having to deal with dumbass AI mobs only gives your game the illusion of depth
No? The minions have a real roles in a MOBA and that is
Give gold and experience which allows you to level up, they give gold only when you last hit so you have to be good at last hitting AND to be good at denying your enemy their last hit and experience by zoning them out of the lane by either poking them or ganking them or pushing your waves toward your towers to make them less inclined to farm.
> gank potential
rotations are a thing and lane commitment is important, an hero with huge mobility skills will be able to rotate lane to lane quicker. Imagine a midlane hero who can freely move between lane without any regards if the enemy midlaners is there to keep him from going away or else he's gonna get pushed.
> Dumbed down RTS
they have nothing to do with RTS, from the beginning Dota was a full conversion mod that radically changed the warcraft 3 multiplayer experience into a pvp team based game with non warcraft characters.
> let us know when you make the step to 3d
this is why, i invite you to play Paragon and Smite fellow animeposters, game that you will surely enjoy (or maybe not) and you will understand my argument.

>and a faster recharging shield still makes him inferior to orisa when playing the current spam meta
>Could play Rein with my 120-140 ms PING because he was easy to tank with
>Can't play Orisa for anything other than shield/supercharger
I think I really gotta spend time learning how her projectiles work with hi-ping

Im not gonna until they seriously shake up the hero balance. I mean a dota tier patch of hero changes

None of this "ohh we're slightly nerfing mercy" and "Slightly nerfing junkrat" bullshit. As if they're the only two heroes that exist that need ANY changes.

I'd argue the only dps in game that dont need any changes are Soldier and McCree

>Im not gonna until they seriously shake up the hero balance.
I'm kind of holding out for the Mercy nerf because the current meta is stale and not fun to play at all.
>I'd argue the only dps in game that dont need any changes are Soldier and McCree
They put a lot of work into balancing both heroes so that neither is overly strong. They shouldn't need changing unless just about every other hero in the game is touched.

I disagree with that. Teamfight are not something only Overwatch has. You see, pushing in OW is the exact same as in any MOBA: you group up and do a huge teamfight. And boy are they chaotic most of the time. Nothing is coordinated beyond the stuns, the initial positioning. MOBA are also chaotic, they're "battlegrounds" after all. And we can look at game like Paladins to proves that balancing like a MOBA is going the right ways (they have an healthy meta there).

This is wrong thought.. vertical mobility is pretty well done in Overwatch. Most heroes are boring and have fairly straightforward kit like Orisa Moira Mei Winstons Reinhardt but Pharah, Genji, Hanzo, D.va, Winston proves that they can makes good use of that vertical space.




Do they show these in burgerland?


McCree need a full rework. His roll is useless. His flashbang is annoying and useless most of the time because it's very previsible and easily countered. His ultimate is the most useless there is even thought it's the most simple to use.

and his rightclick.. what the point of rightclick anymore since people understood that headshotting was just as good as rightclicking after flashbanging?

> cause this is serious, the league is gonna be huge
. . .

heroes that need no further balancing

road hog

>A new sport is formed


post it on /v/

Zenyatta should have some damage drop off. He should not to be killing people across the map with his right clicks.
Widow's hook cd needs a small nerf, it was overbuffed.
D.Va is balanced, but as dps and not tank. She should lose some rocket damage in exchange for more DM.

>You can't prove that
Only, you WILL lose more SR for staying after someone has left. If your leaver hits just after you won a round and doesn't rejoin, you have a lot more rounds to play now and your stats aren't going to be as good.

That's why you just leave.

Can't wait for this to finally fail and blizzard can just focus on making the game good

>Zenyatta should have some damage drop off. He should not to be killing people across the map with his right clicks.
Fuck that. You will experience the justice from the robo-Dalai Lama and you will like it.

Why is team talon so much cooler than overwatch?

it's not if you have triple digit IQ