/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #326

Natsuki! Edition

Previous Thread >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa (embed)

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s (embed)
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
"Your Reality" sung by (You):
[YouTube] /ddlc/ Sings "Your Reality" (embed)

>Talk to us first user:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


first for tf2 engineer

Second for tf2 engineer

Don't leave me hanging over here man

The suspense is killing me

>did she eat her dad?
>is that why she's not attacking user right now?
>will she still attack him anyway, because she hasn't learned yet how to control her own hunger?


Since when i first posted it we had already reached bump limit, i figure i should post it again here
>Oh no! Your favorite doki was lonely and missed you, so she decided to insert her .chr file into the last game you played, and she is now a character in it.
What does it change?

>Natsuki taking a selfie with the piece sign and everything
Of course this fucking nerd would do something like that
I love her, she's so cute~

Monika > Yuri > Sayori > Natsuki
All other opinions are simply false

Nth for your Doki suddenly being a squaddie you can choose in XCOM (Bureau, '94, TFTD, Apoc, and nu-XCOM)

So then you're arguing that they aren't autonomous then? Okay. I guess Monika really didn't do anything wrong. lol
Or were you jumping in to be an asshole without even knowing what you're implying?

Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you

It's been three days. It will stop hurting eventually, r-right?

Good evening, everyone!
I hope everyone had a wonderful day, or if you're just waking up, I hope you have a great day ahead of you!

Word of the thread is "corruption"!
Alternatives are 'revenge' and 'flight'.

To anyone that would like to try their hand at writing a poem, consider using this word as your inspiration!
Poets of all skill-levels are welcome! Don't feel forced to use this word if you don't want though, it's just a suggestion so we can compare between ourselves!
Each word can be interpreted in any way and can mean anything you want!
I look forward to reading all of your poems!
Good luck and have fun!



Sayori is cute!

I want cute Yuri as my childhood friend!

daily reminder sayori loves you

Repost for Vampire Sayori
Yes I see that if in the first line and that's why this is a 24 hour upload forgive a man for enjoying letting his ideas bleed out onto the paper.

>Sayori in arma 3
I'll put us in a custom map I made where I just blew up a bunch of vehicles with a tank. She'll be fine.

Friendly reminder to gather humanity so arachne Sayori can feel better!

If you put your head in your freezer and wait 10-15 minutes you would able to see your doki's face.

I'm not the guy you're replying to but holy shit how did you make a leap in logic like that? Literally nothing in that post has anything to even do with "autonomy."

Your doki but you have to defend them in court after they've been accused of murder

Is this a continued part of a story?

>Tekken 7
Is she playable or not? Because if she was just like a random encounter in treasure battle or something I would feel bad beating her up with dark waves/blades

>Batman Arkham Asylum
She would definitely like the Scarecrow and Riddler parts of the game

What would Monika's events in a Rance game be like?

Sorry for the delay, I was hoping the new thread would have popped up - didn't expect everyone to start kissing eachother


Where did the other girls' Twitters go? Also, who does Monika type in all lowers online?

Stop user, you're just making it hurt more.

But you have to kill her sister first!

By following the comment chain.
Conversations consist of multiple posts.

Where is a version of DDLC's OP that isn;t in english?

> visited the archives because i keep on missing Vampire Natsuki
> finally got back on track

She could just be a secondary character in the story modes, i suppose.

did you want in on the action?
not yet

Daily reminder that in Sayori's name, I declare you to be a triple nigger!

Fug, I forgot the link: I better repost that in case anyone else sees it.

They don't have one because Dan wrote the story with option 2 in mind in this post . HOWEVER, this is also true

Monika can defense herself very well

Eep! A-user stop that! A-are you trying to dominate me with kisses?

nowhere because this game isn't for non english speaking third world trash

Here's the rest

Oh fuck there's two now
So for Arachne Yuri, fire is what blood is to regular Yuri?

Alright, I'll give it a try. This better work.

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

Thanks familian

I'm gonna stop crying, right?

> sees this
> dude.. why must you hurt me like this?
> i still feel grovel and grave about that part of Quelaag

>Guilty Gear

>legitimately can't pick one favorite

Imperial Guard Sayori arrests me and Yuri as we're trying to join the Dark Brotherhood.

Monika gives quests for the mage's guild and Natsuki is a chapter head in the fighter's guild.

I already have!

>”C’mon Natsuki, you can tell me, no need to tease…” user replied, assuming that she was being sarcastic again.
>”I’m serious user!” she shouted abruptly in a pained tone. Her cracking voice breaking the stark silence of the dark hall.
>user stood dumbfounded, unable to think of how to respond to that. He couldn’t believe what she was saying, but she would never act this way unless it were true.
>”W..what? How? This can’t be serious. Natsuki, wha..”
>Before he could finish, Natsuki switched on the light in the hallway.
>Before him stood a disheveled Natsuki, her clothes and hair a mess, and her face stained with tears.
>Her skin was pale, her face was sickly, and her eyes showed as if she hadn’t slept in days.
>She stood before user, shakily holding her hand up to shield her eyes from the light of the hall lamps.
>user’s heart broke seeing her in this state, and even though he still had a hard time accepting what he had been told, there was no doubt that she was serious.
>In a hushed, weak tone, Natsuki broke the silence. “It’s true… I’m a monster.” She said, he voice failing as she cried. “P..please don’t hate..”
>Before she could finish, user quickly wrapped his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace.

13 reasons why but with Sayori and the MC.

/ddlc/- gay erotic roleplay general

100% OJ!
She's my favourite character with the best outfits, palettes, and poses!
She has good attack and evade but lower defense!
Her hyper card can be used as both an event and a battle card. As an event it reduces all other player's stats for X amount of turns. It can only be used as a battle card if fighting somebody with reduced stats, and allows her to delete them or otherwise easily win.

I HATE Sayori!

She's the worst!

but what if i hit myself in order to obtain immunity to impact damage and i stay up late BUT ONLY TO PROTECT MY DOKI?

Who's your doki, friend?

So you're replying to the people he was replying to, not to the post you actually quoted?

Are you a little bit daft, son?

BTW if is still around I'd be willing to if you give a topic. Unless enough anons tell me not to before you show yourself.

Have you played Dark Souls, user?

>tfw I keep calling that character 'tf2 engineer' while addressing every other class as just their title now

/ddlcg/- Dudes doing lewd content (GAY)

>13 reasons why but with Sayori and the MC.
Add the non meta or game related stuff. MC needs to also be the 11th tape.

I'm gonna farm humanities the whole day so i can make her smile!

Why though
Explain reasoning

No, but you clearly are.
If the implication is that she's lying about them being autonomous... then they aren't autonomous, retard.


user, why?

>ywn rate Sayori's the best ass in the class

I need Skyrim mod to replace Cicero with act 2 Yuri

What would Monika's streetware/home outfit be? A t-shirt and sweatpants?
Shorts and a tanktop?
Yoga pants and a sheer top with a tube for modesty?

>Pokémon Ultra Sun
It’s gonna be nonstop wholesome fun

if i pretend to BE gay but not actually gay but i also pretend that other anons are not gay?

I have, didn't she bleed fire everywhere or was there just a lot of it around? Or are we talking about the fact she dies

>combining both my waifus who I couldnt protect into one being
Why must you hurt my soul like this


Don't fucking do this shit to me man. Don't do this to me. Don't write this.

Your Doki now is a Magus who participate in the Grial War.

Who heroic spirit she would summon as Servant?
Did she win considering the others Dokis?

I would totally play this.

I cant do lewd things anymore though! So thats like 60% of the gay gone

Sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt

Mon-ika but she peaked in high school and now she spends her days as a NEET making brainlet wojak threads on /v/ and bullying Sayori over the internet even though Sayori's been engaged to user for the longest time and will be married soon

>Samus Returns
Really only one option there, time for space genocide with Monika! I bet she'd look slick with the Power Suit in her colors.

why is this on Veeky Forums

this isnt a game

its a fucking story clicker picture book. basically a dora browser game

I like t-shirt and sweatpants. That or yogapants

omfg i completely skipped that post in last thread

>100% Orange Juice
I'm not sure how that'd go, other than occasionally getting fucked by the RNG.

Yuri would probably get Jack the ripper
Sayori would get Artoria
Natsuki would get either Heracles or Spartacus
And Monika would get Gilgamesh

The dokis but they've wandered into tf2 engineer territory and there's level 3 sentries everywhere
Monika cannot delete them, she will be VAC-Banned and sent to a permanent hell void

Friendly reminder to not reply to bait!

No those are point and clicks
This is a VN

That's can't be right, I specifically remember marrying my wife Monika.


Revenge on myself for those unwanted thoughts
the razor draws ever near
closer until it seeps in
spilling the crimson tide

A night like any other
filled of self hatred and despair
a solemn end to a normal day

A day in which the mask goes on
and happiness radiates from me
rendering my true feelings unknowable

but beneath that mask lies the corrupted host

alone forever


>It's not a game
No, it's a visual novel

What role would Monika have in that story?

>ywn skip every quest and just collect unique knives with her
>ywn spend a day adventuring with bestgirl and see her eyes light up with every rare dagger you find
