Fighting Games General /fgg/

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bullet sucks


i love animal ears!!

No one ever plays me in KoF it's making me sad

I mean I'm sorry for begging for dedgame but EO GC is due for New Hotness status. A2/3 are played out to where people aren't interested in cracking open Alpha 3 Max online (been trying with that one too). CvS2 is an uncanny case where the original game was fine but EO GC made balance changes and people to this day aren't really aware of what all that game has to offer. Dolphin netplay actually works on my system too (unlike PS2 because speedhacks); GC games in Dolphin run on toasters, and the netplay is solid (tested with Melee, feels damn near offline). When we hoppin on this thing fammos

Why aren't you practicing Karin to prepare for her Ingrid and Tron Bonne costumes?

cvs2 sucks in its vanilla version, why would I want to play a version worse than that

If you're gonna shill a dolphin game shill TvC, thats some hot shit

These generals only go by so fast because of people spamming lewd pictures. I bet most don't even come here to discuss fighting games..

post birb combos

my gf forbid me from playing her or juri anymore

I don't play Shit Flinger Jive.

strongest soul cal sniff

>CvS2 sucks

No one even knows

P-Groove SCs make it better, or at least more fun

I have trouble emulating Wii, GC is all I'm good for

Because fuck Ingrid.

Also I need to know who's getting the Gene outfit, it's either Ken or Cody surely

It's Abigail

who is the ryu of SFV



what region are you, i dont mind picking up CvS2 its been forever since i played that game

Anyone got a safe download for KOF98UM on PS2? It's not on emuparadise and every other site is shady as fuck



Because I don't play Karin, he does.


is this a joke?
it's ryu, idiot.


anyone jive eu?

give 3 reasons why

Post Sniffs!!!!!

I want to push heavy buttons safely that lead to massive crush counter damage. Who has the best ones other than Necalli?

That's a fair enough call my dude, to each their own and you should be completely fine with that choice of yours.

Post on-topic discussion!!!!


Urien, Bison

Evo Japan has fighting games. Let's all go to Tokyo.

Balrog, Urien, Bison, Akuma

They will have Soul Calibur6 at Evo Japan.

Necalli's isn't safe. Urien, bison, rog, akuma are the good shit.


which sf is best waifu and why is it juri

Why didn't they just copy Bisons torn up costume from sf4 instead of turning him into big gay purple man?


what am I supposed to laugh about here? that you excluded tekken?

everyone btfo?

did the patchnotes say anything about laura getting throw loops from everything midscreen

We want the sat am cartoon audience

I hate his fucking hair in the sf4 one.

fatesniff fg when

>which sf is best waifu

Hakan's waifu.

Got a problem with grapplers, punk?

robot zangief when?

Hasn't he got like 9 kids? The last one must've walked out, no pushing required.

no, she was oiled up

why is she white with blonde hair and blue eyes?

every game besides based jive is dead trash?

Why is hakan red with blue hair and no pupils?


Fighting games are dead

gonna throw loop this dick in ur ass

That's his hair? I thought it was some weird muslim special ed helmet.

Why did they break Bisons legs and then make him move faster?

There are quite a few light skinned people in turkey.
The Ottoman empire used to abduct and rape white girls all the time back when it reached all the way to central europe.

Uriens standing heavy punch is the best neutral CC fishing button in the game.
other notable mentions are karins standing heavy kick and balrogs standing heavy kick.




You're going to watch AGDQ in a few hours right /fgg/?

of course, how else am i going to survive the next 9 days until AE without 24/7 speedgames


If you try your best, that could be you up there on the big stage one day.

>watching Autists, Gays, Dykes and Queers

when will you transition?

the only big stage i want to be up there on is fighting game majors

speedrunning is just a bit of fun for me

I'll have it on in the background and watch anything that seems interesting.

A Hat in Time isn't on this year which is a shame because there's a lot of good movement tech in this game and I'm considering starting to run it once I've 100%ed the game

i'll only go there to make fun of the trannies a few times.

kys faggot

>play against honest characters
>win or lose I have fun because of the moves they pull and I see what I did wrong
>play against unga bunga or Akuma
>lose most of the time to bullshit
Am I braindead lads?

Why do I have to dash every time I knock someone down in Jive, why are walk speeds so garbage

there is literally nothing wrong with being a tranny

I'd rather not

>Reading abook about egyptian hyeroglyphs with lotsof examples
>Reach the part about society
>It means "wet nurse"
Capcom perfectly knew what they were doing.

you're not good enough at guessing yet

>broski plays BASED mario odyssey
>chariot plays game that /v/ shills
friendship ended with chariot...

i'd rather you did
don't reply to me you fucking homo

wtf i love chadcom now

But /v/ is full of Nintenyearolds and contrarians that say Hat In Time is bad because its got good reviews


>keep laura out until she's at 10% hp
>get hit by dash&mash eventually
>v-trigger activation, meme setup fireball
>i was mashing EX DP during the whole sequence

too bad bitch


fox looks like a normal dude without the hat

Space Dandy intro is 10/10 ranked music


you shouldve lost for losing neutral

So after Dante's nerf, Cloud is pretty much done?

our guy sajam just BTFO'd broski


>Shin SonicFox

He felt like trying

our guy the based IRL CHAD chariotdaGOAT living rent free in this little anonydiaper's head and making him SEETHE

Man it's not hard to believe that super effeminate homo used to post here

Can you try again in english?