/ddlc/ - Doki Doki Literature Club! #330

These threads just go by so quickly these days! Edition

Previous Thread >Official Stuff
Website: ddlc.moe
Steam Page: store.steampowered.com/app/698780/Doki_Doki_Literature_Club/
Monika's Twitter: twitter.com/lilmonix3

Guide: gameplay.tips/guides/1298-doki-doki-literature-club.html
Actual guide to getting the "good" end: pastebin.com/q3nGy9Fa

>Art and Miscellaneous
Game files dump (full) - mega.nz/#!omBgAY7a!qbh7FYCcYnjIN7G9bGGDy343CLBCRaOIuiHN8SwPT7k
Wiki: ddlcwiki.ga/wiki/Main_Page
Fan-made Content Pastebin: pastebin.com/BRy67t0s
Booru: ddlc.booru.org
"Your Reality" sung by (You):

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
International Association for Suicide Prevention (EU): iasp.info/resources/Crisis_Centres/Europe/

Other urls found in this thread:


A daily reminder that Sayori loves you.

A daily reminder that Sheepyori loves you.


nth for Yuri being a CUTE


I hereby declare this thread /comfy/.


And i love this cute dork forever and ever!

hello everyone. i'm sorry for all of the mean yurifriends. we're not all like that i promise.

I love her too

>ywn hold Sayori close, tell her you love her and give her soft kisses while mating pressing her
brb ending it all

12th for Cuck Queen Sayori!

What is humanoid sheepyori's endgame

So much Natsuki!!

Brushing Sheepyori fluffy wool!

Xth for a comfy, wholesome, bully-free thread.

Wiping out the Ruskies with Monika!

first for necroanon.

I mean, yeah. You can conquer the known world in CK2 if you play your cards right.

Our fellas must've run out of tea to get this riled up. I feel for them, I don't know what I'd do without my cup of Kusmi's Russian Morning №24!

The perfect amount of best girl

youtu.be/uFfToWMsT1c >ill never cuddle with monika with some good emo on in the background

Xth for my fucking tune

no bulli aloud pls

poo poo!

She is the sun in my sky!

And I love her!
God I need her in my life, I need someone

One day.

What fics did you lose, I might have them

Infiltration for the coming of her overlord

Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:

- Underage Drinking
- Self Harm
- Suicide and Suicide Attempts
- Substance Abuse (Any)
- Waifu Wars
- Waifu Bullying
- Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle)
- Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like
- Staying Up Late

And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.

Top quality taste, user!

To impregnate you with her fluffy eggs

Yeah, but I try to minimize my own expansion rather than blob.
Pic related is my old megacampaign I discontinued once I reached vicky 2.

Don't say that user. You can't lose hope.

>ywn drive around with Natsuki singing along to Marietta or iwishididntexistrightnow


The promised day, user. The promised day.

again? are you going to do this every time i post yuri user?

That's a nice name, user. I've got a few mates named Jack.
I'm Alex, though we've got more than just one in this thread.

I swear to God, there better not be any more cuckposting in this thread!

Hello everyone! \o/ how is all today?

everytime i see this it hurts the same brilliant song have you listened to any of El Huervos albums?

Of course i'm gonna do it poo poo

How's everyone doing today? Reposting this again in the fresh thread.

Now, the time everyone was waiting for: Book discussion! Today we're discussing "Lolita" by Nabokov. Quite a controversial book, banned in several countries. Here are a couple of questions about the first part of the book:

>How do you find the story so far?
>What do you think about our main character and narrator, Humbert? Do you consider him so far a sane person?
>Do you agree on his vision of young girls and the term "nymphet"?
>What was your impression of Lolita when she first appeared? Based on her description, would you assume that Humbert's instincts were rightfully swayed?
>Do you think that what happened to Ms. Haze was just an accident or something else?
>So far, do you doubt of Lolita's apparent innocence or was Humbert capable of lustfully seduce and trap her for his own carnal desires?
>The prose and narrative of this novel is peculiar, do you find it appealing? Have you read other books with such a peculiar style?
>Any other input you'd like to add?

The deadline for the second part of the book is on the 21st of this month, so you can also catch up if you were left behind today!

Next week we're discussing poetry! Look up authors, read ones you've interest on and come share with other anons poetry you liked!

Let's read!

Any day now, friend.

Any day now.{/spoiler]

>having such awful taste
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out, fag

>I'm Alex, though we've got more than just one in this thread.

Reminder that the Promised Day might be easier to achieve than we all believe.

hello user! kinda bored but i'm doing alright. how are you?

I must unite the Sami peoples with Monika!

Daily reminder to call every Yurifriend poo poo!

The Dokis but they play music and start twerking in the club meeting to caught user's attention

Wait, the dokis don't approve of drugs and acohol?

Hes probably one of my most listened to artists, Vandreer and Do Not Lay Waste To Homes are my personal favourites with Worlds End coming in third.

dont worry ill keep trying to power through it
Cheers man I always thought it was pretty plain but people like it
nothing would beat a comfy drive

Parents are horrible, already see a therapist, but i rarely see him and i didn't get to tell him about them
Glad you have good Friends
But to be fair i'm getting close enough to a girl that i might be able to open up to her about some if my problems, she already knows about my depression and she's doing the best she Can to help me
Not stressing yourself out too much actually a good thing
But you should still start studying a bit
And for the self harm, while i'm able to fight it off for now, the thought that at some point i will do it again, and i know i will, horrifies me
If you climbed out of r9k i'm pretty sure you Can Do anything
I'm fighting it but the combination or ocd and depression makes it hard
If you really want to hang yourself, don't do it there is always someone who cares
Gendarmerie is probably better, you at least get to see your family, while in the regular you risk to be deployed in Africa
I don't know about Sweden, but here being a teacher sucks so think about it twice

Sunday's suck. Sunday, bloody sunday!


Imagine the smell...

I'm well! Just chilling and seeing what needs doing next week.

Is it just me or is her left eye a little low on her face
It makes Yuri look kinda retarded


Coming at us with another CK2 greentext user?

I can't even tell what country you're playing. India?

But yeah, blobbing would make a megacampaign boring as hell. Pic related, imagine if I transfered that to EU4.

Here you go user!

aaaa i proscratined and didn't even start the book yet. Gonna read some right now!
Just to make it clear, when does the first part ends?

I'm alright. I've wanted to participate in the thread more but I've been so busy I can't keep up. I feel pretty bad because there's a lot I want to contribute with

Okay I guess. Applying for jobs, getting ready to start community college if this snow actually melts by then. Nice to have some good change, but it'll cut into my time here and my time to write...

Last time I posted my name, it turned out we had 2 other Alex's too. Each one of us had a different Doki as well, with everyone but Natsuki having an Alex championing them.
So if there's an Alex reading this right now who likes Natsuki please make yourself known to the staff, thank you

I need that one user's favorite gif, stat!

Sayori doesn't want you using drugs to solve your problems and hurting yourself.
Monika wants to support a healthy life style for you.
Natsuki would probably call you a loser over it.
Yuri might actually be into it.

Was yesterday the most event full day in /ddlc/ history?
>Pic related was an user turning down an infatuated 3D slag for his Doki
>Another user found his real life Doki by playing DDLC with her in order to bond
We are all a part of a brotherhood that is held together by the magic of The Promised Day, and we are getting stronger

Natsuki-loving Alex reporting in!

>Not stressing yourself out too much actually a good thing
Im not stressed at all and thats the problem, i dont even want to show up to the exam as i just dont care anymore

Just do your best user, its okay to lose the battle sometimes but just make sure you get back on your feet and keep fighting those urges
If it gets real bad seek some help for it, a little help can go along way, therapy basically carried me through my parents divorce a few years ago

Oops, a little late, but hello and good afternoon, everyone!
Welcome back!

Word of the thread is "glory"!
Alternatives are 'promise' and 'illusion'.

Soooo once again, this activity is here to encourage anyone that may want to write a poem! If that's you, please consider looking over the three words above and picking one that you think would be right for you. Hopefully at least one of them gives you an idea!
These words are used as a theme, inspiration, topic, subject matter, or can be completely ignored. It's all up to you!
Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate, so please don't be shy!
In any case, I hope you all have fun and I'm looking forward to reading your poems!

And I'm well rested, for once.

I just want Monika to unite the Finno-Ugric peoples under one flag.

Pagewise? I think around page 90.

The book is divided in two parts, so once part two begins you'll know where it ended!

You can do it! \o/ no need to feel bad - conversations come and go.

Keep going! What are you studying?

Add another Alex for Yuri Please stop the bullying Sayorifriends


hi thought i'd stop by and say Monika is trash.

this past week has certainly kept the /ddlc/ scribes busy
dont forget we got a janny fired

Not OP but the user who wrote the Baltic AAR. Taking a break since I have other things to do atm. Will give another shot before trying something else.

Reminder that we will not live to the see the promised day.
Reminder that the promised day is in 150 years in the future when AI, gynoids and a union between them and a man in sacred marriage are possible

Well, looks like comfy hours are over. See you guys in a few hours!

I think the only character thicc enough to twerk properly would be Yuri

Thank you I appreciate it. I've just had basically no motivation to keep working on a story I started a while ago and it makes me feel pretty bad

>ywn gain Yuri's heart by writing intricate poems for her
>ywn enjoy your peculiar hobbies together
>ywn embrace Yuri tightly while watching a surreal horror movie
>ywn cut yourself together with her and lick each other's blood
>ywn make her self-conscious and flustered by walking around in short sleeved shirt and displaying your scars
>ywn use that to your advantage and convince her to stop cutting herself
>ywn slowly cure her scars until they entirely fade away
>ywn propose to her with a ruby ring
>ywn watch your beautiful kids grow up
>ywn drink wine with her and think about the crazy things you did when you were young
>ywn live to see your children leave home
>ywn hug Yuri and tell her that it's a good thing they're on their own now
It's taking a toll on me lads

>What are you studying?
Starting with an Associate of Science and transferring to an Associate in Engineering because I flubbed pre-Calc in highschool. Hopefully gonna do something with computers in the future.
Maybe I can usher in Dokis to the real world in some way...

Great Leader Sayori says bullying is forbidden!
those who bully other anons and dokis will NOT have candies in TWO MONTHS!
All hail the Sayori Republic!
stop bullying yurifriends right now!

there seems to be an unnecessary step

I'm absolutely fucking miserable. I just want to die so badly.

take care

>no digits
begone, doomsayer

They're not my friends.

Not with that attitude. The rapid progression of robotics is actually quite stunning. The only real issue would be the AIs, which I believe will probably only take a few more decades and by the bio-robotics will be advanced enough to make human reploids. But this is assuming that will bee the form the Promised Day arrives.

Glad you got some sleep, Monikanon. I'll get you more poems tomorrow, I'm going to be surprisingly busy tonight.

I'm helping a close friend try writing creatively for the first time after he played DDLC. We're going to write for a half-hour and give pointers. Any advice to teach him a few things?

See you soon, Sayorifriend!

Hey Sayori! Take this!