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Vintage druid edition


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1st for Druid need an alt hero NOW.

>garbage winrate with hunter at garbage ranks
>winstreak to 10 with aggro druid
what am I doing wrong? or is hunter just garbage?

I just was waiting for a new thread to post this and see if we can put it somewhere so new people can have dirt cheap deck when they get jewed in the game.

>dirt cheap
>two epics
Jesus, you'd have to mortgage your house to afford that shit. Shit game is too expensive, vote with your wallet lmao.

okay heres a random gnome literally no one wanted

I dont think you can reliably go cheaper than that imo and those creepers will be big for whole season and...do they count for year after this one too?

I have no knowledge of warcraft lore outside W3, who else is there that would work?

At least she's Cute

What card is getting nerfed soon? We need our post release nerfs

You can get rank 5 EZ with both, but Aggro Druid is definitely the superior aggro deck considering its anti-aggro and Rogue properties

This guy since we dont have cows.

I'd vote for Hamuul Runetotem.

Anyone know if the Chainsmokers and Coldplay are touring together anytime soon?

her voice makes me want to kill myself
not even a gnome voice, it's just awful

>tfw no fandral or prince kael'thas sunstrider or grom or ner'zhul alt portrait
>instead we get alleria and nemsy
How does team 5 fail at everything? Warcraft is an IP so ripe for milking but they can't even do that right.

Team 5 made more fun characters than WoW did in years,just look at LoE

t. guldan

Hey man this is a PG chat can you tone down the language thank you

>Hunter will never get an all-in card as good as Living Mana

>chainsmokers and coldplay
Nah m8, we're actually pretty hardcore, don't know what would make you think we're child safe

there is only one

>tfw no alpha Hamuul hero

This hunter deck can reach rank 5 in THIS meta?

by going face? You can get rank 5 with anything tbqh, I got it with Secret Hunter last xpac from rank 6 I made with Tempo Rogue

Well its wild. Also mind you that is guaranteed 2-3 curve with beast synergies. Now lets look at other popular aggro decks.
Big on buffs, gets silenced or single target removal on buffed beasts. Strong on turns 4-5
Strong board, recruits on 4, kills you on 4-5
Replaced by cubelock
>tempo rogue
has to properly menage deck steam,takes a while to kill you, replaced half the time with kingsbane one

Now look at my deck
1-3 drops,buffs on 4. Current meta decks arent designed to take such a beating so around turn 4 they start to panic and you eat them.
Not really a face deck,i keep the board clean.

Paladin is a superior aggro deck,mind you BUT this one is 3 times cheaper than both Paladin and Druid ones.

I got legend with secret hunter last month lol, I think face hunter is a deck that you can always do fine on ladder whether it's in a good place or not simply because of the strength of the hero power cheesing wins.

how am i suppossed to have fun when priest exists

Tech in darkness.

>losing because the opponent spent more money than me
lol!!! haha!!! good game!!!!

whos ready for the 2 (two) packs from twitch prime.

I can't get twitch prime in my country and they patched the only way I knew of getting prime.

Turn 1: Northshire Cleric
Turn 2: Golakka your patches
Turn 3: Glimmeroot the best card in your deck for the situation
Turn 4: Kazakus
Turn 5: Wipe your board with potion or play Raza
Turn 6: Play Dragonfire or Raza if you played kazakus potion last turn
Turn 7: Raza or Psychic Scream
Turn 8: Anduin
Turn 9: Velen + Mind Blast

Is laddering easier in wild?

Anyone not Guldan deserves to be DOOM!'d.

play minions on curve and kill them by 6. Corridor Creeper makes houndmaster a 4 mana 7/7 taunt with a 4/3 buddy. You just pray they don't get the answers they need before you kill them, and they don't 55% of the time, so you climb.

There are 3 wild cards in this deck. Just play standard, what the fuck.

Evil Heckler reprint when?

I just want a 4 mana 5 attack taunt FFS.

>love shaman and warrior
>this meta makes me not want to play anymore
am i finally free from this shit game?

Im sorry but i like Elekk too much.
Also warlocks in wild (which are 40% of people you meet) tech in more demons so they cannot cube in with taunts that well.
Malganis from 5/5 is a death sentence.

yeah, go play magic arena when its open beta and forget about hearthstone for forever


Broll Bearmantle is best alt druid choice

to continue the trend of last xpac post-rotation, they don't make Hunter actually good but just barely playable enough so there isn't outrage about it being completely outclassed (which it is)


do you have a version of this that doesn't require you to spend money, i.e no cat trick

This is the most low-curve deck ever, second to Aggro and Murloc paladins, how is King's Elekk viable?

True, but he'd probably look too same-y to Malfurion for the average "Hearthstone on the toilet" player.
A Tauren would probably be the safest option, even if there's not a ton to choose from.

post-nerf* is what I meant

did you not play the game when the original Face Hunter was a thing? It topped out at 3 mana

Lube Cock boys, have you heard of the Geist counter tech?

Do you guys think Secret/Burn Mage is still material to reach legend?

You draw creepers and highmanes,also Elekk is there so you know what kind of priest you meet

Shaman and Hunter are still paying for their past sins of Naxx Hunter and Karazan Shaman.

>another nelf as Druid alt

not a terrible idea. Are people teching geist against cubelock? I haven't seen that. Also its not nearly as good as pact.

why is this meta so unfun?
i could let slide stuff like face Paladin or tempo rouge but what the fuck were they thinking with priest and warlock? how are the other decks even suppossed to contest them

Anything goes imo. Wandering monster? Quick shot?

if you're actually good at the deck, you can reach legend with it for sure

I did not mean that literally. I meant it's one of the most low curve decks currently in the game.

tbqh his build is very bad for wild anyway, Scavenging Hyena is not close to being strong enough to run when Mad Scientist is still arguably the best 2-drop in the game

what's the best speedrun deck?????

when is it? I want my packs, BEN!

Too countered, not consistent enough, high risk low reward atm.

>Ignoring stuff like personal meta ( the majority of the decks the player is facing at that time and region ) and tech cards
Keep your opinions to yourself shitter.

Yeah. Very good against both highlander priest and Cubelock.

It is if you have good decks. But around rank 5 you start facing the same opponent 2 or 3 times in a row. Really good if your deck is favourable against theirs because its guaranteed wins. Really bad if it's even or less favoured. At that point, just wait a minute or two in between ques to try to avoid facing the same opponent.

I was playing tavern brawl earlier and thought Reliquary Seeker was this guy. Was planning to destroy my Voidcaller.

Hmm a big doom sounds okay

who is she?


Nobody is playing aggro rogue and pally? sweet

>personal meta ( the majority of the decks the player is facing at that time and region ) and tech cards
>good decks can't reach legend because you tilt a little bit and it makes you sad :(

keep your retarded opinions to yourself please, Secret Mage is something you can definitely climb to legend with

holy shit user



god i wish that were me

Next expansion Blizzard should give Shaman nothing but two mana 1/1s.

I was always surprised so few people play this dude.
Prefer him in my regular Control Lock with Rin over Pact too, simply because he puts a body on the board while also doing the same job. He's way better when you're in a stalemate or as a win-more too.

>Reaching legend with a good deck that gets hard countered by half the meta and by the other half it barely holds a WR higher than 50%

>inb4 their entire mechanic come rotation will focus on 2 mana 1/1s and glue the entire class back together
>including freeze




>being part of the shitters that bring down deck winrate stats for everyone

Druid 2/4

Kill me.

Is there even something that uses him and doesn't need half a dozen other legendaries for a shitty, unreliable combo?
Pulled both him and Twig.


It's interesting

More like hilarious

What a shitty dog

Um please don’t say that in his channel or you’ll get banned. I said something harsh in his channel once and got banned and I got unbanned.

flavor text
he's more into white powder than white power

Anyone have any advice for the Druid, Mage, or Priest dungeon runs? I basically breezed through the other 6 but these 3 are really proving to be a pain in the ass.

New player here, I really enjoy the mage class in regular play, I've got a Sindragosa/Jaina DK deck that I've been having some luck with, but I'm not sure what cards should go in it, right now I've mostly got a fuck ton of spells and a few taunt minions. Any advice there would be nice too.

>Anyone have any advice for the Druid
Jades with double battlecry or Max Minion Cost of 5 with big stuff and ramp

give me a cheap deck that can win without having to buy one night in karazhan

aggro pally or aggro druid without raven

Barnabus memes.

get the innkeeper program from hearthpwn and let it scan your collection then search for decks that you can create

2x Wolfrider
2x Dust Devil
2x Novice Engineer
2x Lightning Bolt
2x Lightning Storm
2x Lava Burst
2x Fire Elemental
2x Corridor Creeper
2x Wrath
2x Hex
2x Doomhammer
2x Stormforged Axe
2x Firefly
2x Rockbiter Axe
2x Evolve
2x Dire Mole

>watching kikebler

Hi guys, new player here!
Is it worth buying with GOLD the old solo adventures like Naxxramas, Kharazan and The Frozen Throne?
I'm not sure if their cards are worth it or even usable at this point, and even if they are, i don't know if they're worth it since they're going to be thrown out of the standard ranked soon anyway.

>new player
Flee screaming