/xgg/ - Xenogames General #76

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
>XBC2 General Spoiler-Free FAQ. Please read it if it is your first XBC game or if you barely started it

>XBC2 Advanced FAQ (Tips, Combat, Quests, Misc, early/mid game and late game separated)

>XBC2 Blade combo elemental charts

>XBC2 Info Doc. Please help contribute

>Read-Only backup of the Info Doc. - USE THIS if you only intend to look up information. Main doc has a user limit, and will lock people out if the cap is reached.

>XBC2 Fanworks

========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
>XBCX Links pastebin

If you have any doc or pastebin for any xeno game, please mention OP and it will be added if necessary.

Old thread

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>Accidentally reading that each rare blade you roll reduces your chance of another
Bitch this isn't some shitty gacha game, you would've gotten them all at some point with no extreme grinding.



That was fast

>character has childlike physique
>character has childlike attitudes
>character has a childlike face
>character is somewhere around 15 - 17 years of age
Yeah let's make her sound like a woman in her mid thirties

They can't be doing the math right.

nice spoiler cunt

what was the story reason for Malos having a Monado?

Have you met anyone who's welsh before making that assumption you stupid sod?

Protip, the two in this video are TEENAGERS.

Not really, in a really weird sad and cringey way I can make out some of the japanese thanks to the fact that I read a few Moonrunes for dummies books and all the chinese cartoons I watch.
Besides you aren't missing much, except Rex telling everyone if they saw what he did and everyone telling him to settle down.

>I have never heard a teenage girl speak ever

I'm sadden to hear that cute/young girls sound like the smoke daily where you come from anons.

>buy things form informant
>look at inventory
>it's literally one sentence about this thing
I'm so confused as to why this is even a fucking thing in the game. It also says I have one called greedy monster but I don't see it.

>Don't you feel like you're missing out on a lot of dialogue?
Not when I know Japanese. Half the reason I wasted a chunk of my life learning moonspeak was so I wouldn't have to put up with the ENG dub slot machine.

You know you could just admit that you're a NEET who's never met a chain smoker in your life. It wouldn't make you the most pathetic person in this general.

Sup fuckers, just got back from work picked up a brand new Switch and only bought this fucking game.
Any tips, or something for a newass like myself?

Game starts slow. Take the time to learn the systems properly, don't blaze through tutorials because you're impatient. There's dual audio if you want/need it, found on the game's EShop page.

nigga I work far too many hours putting numbers into excel worksheets in my tiny ass cubicle for your pansy ass to call me a NEET

Her face still doesn't match her voice.

The OP has a spoiler-free pastebin for a lot of important shit.

This was never about how women in shit countries sound.

So I finally got around to testing Adenine's Battle Wisdom for increased damage when exploiting weaknesses, and wtf this is the most overpowered passive in the game. It essentially doubles damage output for the party, and is multiplicative with all other damage boosts. It adds 100% to the 20% weakness bonus which multiplies everything.

Other party boosts like Agate's 50% and Dagas's 150% are only additive damage increases, that add to the total of your damage % skills and aux cores. They are weak in comparison to Adenine's buff.

Don't forget to use pouch items.

What's her endgame?

>Give a particular character an accent
>Have them sound like a person of that age group
I'm glad you died in your game Moe.

Just noticed I typed Trust in that instead of auto-attack stat. But look at this dumb damage output without even using a chain attack.

>Welsh accents/vocal-pitch fit real Welsh people
>Welsh accents/vocal-pitch don't fit an anime catgirl
Big surprise.

Thanks and oh boy I'm a bit dissapointed all the footage I've seen before looked so much better?
Is the game just jaggy as shit?
I would test it on a TV but my monitor does not have an HDMI input.

I think I can retire this reaction image now. This is the most appropriate use for it there will ever be.

>anime catgirl

But she isn't a cat.

It's like 368p or something in handheld mode.

nigga it was about the voice of of shit girls from shit england not fitting the face of a loli catgirl you dense mother fucker.

Shulk DLC boss fight when?

Game looks good docked but pretty awful (but not unplayable) in HH mode.


>All catgirls must be high pitched 'nyah nyah' because that's all the Japanese can do!

Handheld mode ranges from tolerable but still bat to absolute shit.

Well fuck, I will steal my roommates TV then.
Fucker's been missing for a month anyway.

>Accents automatically make characters more UNIQUE and INTERESTING

does luck actually do anything? I can't actually tell, I don't feel like I get better RNG no matter the luck stat on the person..

It's not even about that.
>Japanese voice is slightly high pitched with a lot of childlike idioms and qualities
>English voice is deep as fuck and the bitch speaks like a 14th century woman
Who the fuck got it wrong buddy?

It's SUPPOSED to but in the end, RNG is RNG. Placebo reigns supreme

In battle, luck makes you less susceptible to effects like Break, Topple, etc., and they increase the odds of valuable drops. Outside of battle, a higher luck stat low-key makes you more likely to draw a rare blade, but from what I hear your Ideas are more important for that.

What makes Tora so mad when Zeke mentions Noponcho? You get like a dozen "mo"s in 10 seconds.

You can also hook it to any monitor.

Actually it does. One of the major reasons why XBC was so well received was the British accents, it helps they were all trained theater actors, but it was that perfect storm.

Ah, you're one of those blokes that think localization is the devil's playground. Into the trash your opinions go.

Rex will never get taller than Pyra/Mythra
Pyra/Mythra will outlive everyone she loves
Nia will never win the Rex
Dromarch will never gain Nia's attention
Tora will never be a real driver
Poppi will never be a real blade
Morag will never be treated like a woman
Brighid will watch Morag die one day
Zeke will never gain the power to save Tantal
Pandoria will watch Zeke die from depression


>no mech

this game is a step down from X in every single way possible(I was gonna say 'except characters design and then I realize that most of the well-designed characters in the game are blades that designed by the guest artist)

Which character has the biggest butt?

>Brighid will watch Morag die one day
>Pandoria will watch Zeke die from depression
Those two are not true as the moment it happens they instantly go into their core.

How is this dub any worse than the first game's dub? Seems like the game good style of Brit dub that was universally praised. Now this game's dub is getting shit on uncontrollably for no reason.

>One of the major reasons why XBC was so well received was the British accents
And that they were actually good, as you mentioned. All XC2 has is accents.

Boy, your knees must hurt from jumping to conclusions.

Localization done right is fucking amazing. (Catherine, Persona series, Silent Hill, Kingdom Hearts, Nier, Drakengard, etc) the list is endless.

The localization of Nia is absolute crap, everyone else is pretty good.

>it HELPS they were all trained theater actors
You're the reason dubs will never reach a consistent level of competency. You value special snowflake flavour value over actual VO competency.

XB1's dub was good because the cast was competent FIRST, with the accents giving extra flair to the performances SECOND, not the other way around.

>toppled Rosa

she's so cute, I don't wanna hurt her.

there are mechs though

Bad vocal direction and delivery. Uses the European accents as a crutch instead of a cherry on top. First game didn't rely on the accents to carry the performances.

Keep crying XBC2 had a great dub, some minor bumps like Rex not being able to properly modulate yelling, then again you try and a do a 15 year old boy screaming, it's hard.

They are good in XBC2 too, you're just upset because you personally believe the accent doesn't fit the character so everything else is trash.

Be happy with rex and have children.

Rex not being able to yell, and the waifus not sounding like waifus. That's about it. Everything else is just bait.

>They are good in XBC2 too, you're just upset because you personally believe the accent doesn't fit the character so everything else is trash.
Fag I specifically just told you that only Nia is trash, everyone else is pretty god. Get your god damn giraffe head out of your ass.

Here's your last (You). Good day to you. At the very least, people like you ensure that learning Japanese will never become a waste of time.

Nia's voice isn't the only one I have a problem with.

For the record, I like Poppi, Zeke, and Morag. XC1's cast all had good voice acting, which is why you rarely hear anyone complain about it.

>no arguments
>being this triggered
It's just a welsh accent, user. Are you really that butt-blasted over Nia not being your ideal waifu?

If you are going to backpedal at least wholeass it.

So you just are a bigoted against the Welsh. Jesus Christ. People like you are the reason why everything will be voiced by Johnny Young Bosh.

See you next time.

>So you just are a bigoted against the Welsh

>So you just are a bigoted against the Welsh. Jesus Christ.

Explain to me how he's not a bigot since the only reason he hates Nia's English voice is because it's Welsh.

I thought summer ended like 6 months ago.

Because the reason he hates Nia's English voice is because it doesn't fit how she looks.

Stop replying to the kid, god damn.

She can always give him half her core again, essentially making him a blade eater
Poppi is as strong as the legendary Aegis
Most blades will out live thier drivers anyway
Tantal will start to recover now that they aren't being blackmailed into siphoning its Ether
Zeke will die after being hit by a meteorite or something equally unlikely

And WHY would you say that? Because you don't like the Welsh accent, ergo, are a bigot. Maybe if Nia did sound like a woman in her eighties, he could have a leg to stand on, but the voice used is how a Wlesh teen would sound.

Man I never thought I see this level of shitposting on /xgg/

Can someone post the Poppi build image please?

Also is there anything to make the tiger tiger grind less monotonous? I just need master muscle, strike, and light core and all I'm getting is master ether and evasion

It happens every once in a blue moon. Time of day/which countries are awake affects things too. You probably weren't around for the last few times

So how much of a grind will it be to get all Blades and upgrade them, I'm a bit of a turbo slut for maxing shit out.

The welsh have enough problems. Don't need people shitting on their cat girls.

>Got to Nia's reveal and adam
>Still feel nothing for the character

T-They get relatable soon right? I'll love them as much as Shulk and Fiora and Melia and Rin and Elma right?


They'll still see it happen, or at least part of it
It will be their last memory


It's gonna take you a fucking while.

Sorry bud, probably not.

Real talk the only bad thing about the dub including Nia is the awkward pauses between some dialogues.

Did we just fly to where the world tree was? Fucking seriously? ANYONE COULD HAVE GOTTEN HERE AT ANY TIME!

Did you miss the part where you got attacked by a giant robot snake?

Uh no

Depends on the amount of empathy you ave I guess.

what's the fastest way to unlock new affinity chart tiers?

Yeah stupidest shit.
>fucking thing is just standing there visible literally from any point in the world and apparently not even that far

Feed Praxis cake.

Y'all even play the game?

Feed Praxis cake.

>Most blades will out live thier drivers anyway
I don't think either of you two did Praxis or Vess quests

Serpent isn't infinitely tall you can fly over it plus you can have one ship play decoy.

>You can break > topple >knock back birds off cliffs to kill them

Well that's fun.

>British accents are superior!! Americans just have NO class!
Jaewong fuck off back to Gamefaqs

Zeke B. Ultimate Potter and the Philosopher's Core