/drg/ Danganronpa General

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>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
pastebin.com/n83HpxJC Spike Chunsoft opens North American publishing branch

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide
Modding guides: docs.google.com/document/d/1J1kzVZus2k1ci8uiNUYuyXfHuGfnoDHELQ9httsdCMw/edit

>Danganronpa 1&2

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles Updated 28/12/2017

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

>Winter Danganronpa:

I'm going to KILL MIKAN

A reminder that Kyoko is the best girl

Take your shot, /drg/!

Kokichi best boy if 5!

I want /drg/ to have a nice evening
stay comfy please

I love my boi

I love my beautiful wife Maki!

Koko! Yumeno good girl!

I want to marry Akane and cook meals for her

Im going to PROTECC Mikan.

Sure thing Mikan

Close. If 5, Ouma is best boy and should be forgiven

Naegi loves Mukuro!

Hopeman best man if 5

I'm going to FUCK the WinterDRs.


Top 5 worst girls and boys of the franchise


>Ruruka's bf

I love her too! I feel like she would be even better without her clothes on, fellow user.

Thank you so much user!


Maki best V3 girl. I want her to forget Kaito with Saihara in the sequel


if 7 Ouma the other user was mistaken, Ouma is a shiteating gremlin, and Gonta should have survived


>Makoto loves Junk-

>Take Ibuki by the hand
>Use special move and cage her in a trash can

Pss, nothing personal.

Never a rarepair!


It begins

I'm going to SPANK THE MIME

W-what is going on here

godspeed, ibukifriend

Is there a version with Sayaka?

I dont think so, it is clear to everyone who is worst girl at this point


you cant even meme it right

You guys suck at this.

I love them so much

>"As God as my witness, she's broken in half!"

Ibuki loves BBC!

She's on the background.

Why are 0 so cheap tonight? It is true tho

Wait so if you want her to forget Kaito with Shuichi then... Do you want the both of them to end up together or something?

The mime is NOT for spanking.

Well this is a good start to the thread. I thought we'd get off the topic of Ibuki supposedly being a shit girl after that one guy stopped the obligatory reminder, at least for a while, but nope.

My wife is perfect as long as she's comfortable! for the most part

Who you calling a cheater? quitter!

Thats Mukuro tho

Now that I see them togueter, is a little weird.

Fuckn kek

Shitbuki Crapoda

Wrong! Just ask Rival-chan!

If you spank the mime, I'm getting George Diva and he'll spank you.

Guess Kokichi is best boy then!


I’d like to shamefully admit that I ship them as a rare pair.

It help us to get the 750 post before the 250 image limit. We need it now until the avatarfag get regulated

Sorry if bad english. Im an very sleepy ESLfag

Best girl, even through these tough times of 0's.



Since Im black and i enjoy my hate boners, Ibuki may be worst girl, yet best girl to fuck.

man, Mime looks stacked

I give up... You win this one.

ibuhhhh gud at moosic

Any one have V3 survivors headcaanons? I like the idea of them living together, after all their bond is the most real thing they have so the three being roomates sounds right.

Those are imaginary boobs.

Sorry, it’s a little late so whatever I say might not make too much sense...

I like the one where they are trapped in the dome because the hole Kibo made is like 200 feet up in the air

>Gmod rounds imply Miu is the least hated V3 dangan on /drg/
The absolute state of this general


Times are not the best for Ibukifriends, even if I have somehow accidentally gotten 0's twice today sticking by her as best girl. This 0 meme is one that's unlikely to end unless something else big happens, whether it's a get or not, as unlikely as that is.

you ship Maki and who?

good morning fellow yuropoors
I'm going to KISS Mikan.


Such timing I have. Wonderful.

Maki and Shuichi. Although, I would still take Momoharu in a heartbeat. Sorry again for not clarifying that!

I'm not saying you are gay, but you're gay gay gay.

Hail to you, Ibukifollower traveller. Im am here upon you to inform you about how I see with my own eyes the beggining of this meme. The guilty party is one of you, the SHSL Ibukilover he was called. Sacrifice him and we may save Ibuki's reputation as a decent girl

only GAYS like Ibuki

Still waiting for "Good morning DR crew" after this gets posted.

>Ibukifags get her girl trashed from all sides
>Ibukifags are pointed as homosexual now.

What a time to be alive.

Do we even know if that guy still posts in DR threads? Technically he could be the guy posting "Ibuki!" each thread, but I wouldn't know for certain.

Why would Mukuro hang herself.

Junko loves Naegi!

i bet you like ibuki, faggot

Chiaki did nothing wrong

Come here, big boy!

I can't imagine why you'd come to that conclusion. No idea.

Post Angies Angiefriends!

Thats one girl that can made me smile by being strangulated

HAHAHA. Fuck, this is getting weird, but cant complain.

is there a download for the complete sprite set in DRV3? I remember downloading the set here a while ago when they were ripped from the pc version and it had alot of duplicates and missed a few sprites for some of the characters and a lack of Junkos entirely

Naegi, NO!

What a fag.

Have any of the big boys ever came up to you?

Check the V3 pastebin user.
They're extra biiiig sprites.

Danganronpa but instead of becoming despair, Chisa becomes a proud member of the Sudanese Militia. What changes?

I dont know. He may be too ashame of what he have done to her girl to identify himself. But I can assure you, if he is here, he is very aware this is all his fault.

Not really... B-but I swear I'm trying my best!

I refuse.

You could've fucked Gonta. You are a remarkable smart little guy. Be confident.

>"Miu and Maki are good people because they didn't go one step beyond"
>"Tenko drooling over Himiko is just fanservice"
>"I don't start shit with people until they call me out first"
>"Lolis are my weakness"
>"Stop posting Oumasai you're making Saihara look like a pedophile"
I don't know much about Valwin but after he started contributing to these threads I can see why you guys don't like him.

Don't forget autistically harrassing a minor he never even knew to fuel his retarded rageboner and masturbating on youtube.

Well, he is a pedo, being annoying is just on the side.

niiiiice, thanks user

Hmm... Perhaps you want something with me? I'm right, aren't I?

You forgot
>"I'm so paranoid Momoharu isn't canon that I have to make every single trait and action Kaito and Maki have and done involve one another"
>"I've come here because I'm out of ideas to make videos on, I swear I won't be biased"

My beloved husband Shuichi!

Sleep time. Hope you all dream with your waifus. I want the few Ibukifriends that are still here to dream with black 0 fucking Ibuki while they keep visual contact with Ibuki doing a extremely lewd face