/dlg/ - Duel Links General

Duel Links General #214

Best dragon for best boy.


Latest News
>Dakini and MAR will be limited to 2 on the 9th
>The Battle City Duelist Chronicle event ends on the 9th, hurry up if you haven't unlocked Arkana yet.
>Zane will be roaming Duel World on the 9th.
>Little Yugi will be added to the gate mid January
>Lots of skills are changing in the 24th of January. Check the ingame list for specifics
>Woodland Sprite/Bamboo OTK will likely be nerfed before the KC cup
>expect a PvP Tag Duel event late January

Useful (Duel) Links
>Sites with good info on LDs, skills, deck lists, beginner guides, etc. (Partially outdated but it's the best we've got.)

Future content (No release date but it's in the files)
>Syrus, DINO DNA, Sartorius, Yubel, Solomon, and Tristan have the most data and are likely the closest to coming
drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B8mP_fxnqSU3NDVQ (Voice lines contain proof of new summoning mechanics)

Android emulators (or just use the Steam version)

A few tips for new players
>You can change the resolution of the Steam version with DuelLinksConfiguration.exe in the game folder
>Create and link a Konami ID to play on multiple devices and save your progress in case of a crash
>Turn your battery/power usage bar up to max in the settings menu for a smoother experience
>When sending Vagabonds, always choose the 1 card challenge because it gives the most XP.
>Decide on what deck you want to build before spending gems.
>Level up Mai, Keith, Alexis and Odion first to unlock Windstorm of Etaqua, Metalmorph, Spell Shield Type 8 and Curse of Anubis respectively.

Other urls found in this thread:



>Early thread
Kill yourself already god DAMN

This girl is shit and she will never come to DL.

Her and Blair when?

You just need to trust the heart of Konami

Would a Gearfried deck with the bamboo draw engine work?

Who is Blair?

Main Phase 2 when?

Like Blair, she's never gonna get added. Didnt you get the message? DL only adds relevant characters with REAL decks, not irrelevant lolicons who aren't important enough to remember.

The petite girl of Yugioh GX who loves Jaden sempai.

Any changes to make?
considering adding one "The Graveyard in the Fourth Dimension" and one "Level Modulation" and swapping out Spear Dragon for Lord of D. or Mirage Dragon

Why did we suddenly start talking about Bastion?

Fuck for?

But that would only use cursed bamboo sword's effect.

Gives the boss mon all the ammo he needs

Last day of CA

>"Lose, and you'll lose a Rank."
>your opponent can read this message

Here user, this was the last deck I faced for the kog promotion today.
Not quite sure how well it usually works as I got a cheese win with econs into gearfried into chalice and other shit but he was legend 1.

>they still don't give you a pity win
T-tryhard metacucks ;_;

>The mistreated and forgotten Bastion can actually still be remembered as an important character with a real deck unlike Blair and Rebecca
That sense of defeat must be strong. Bastion got added meanwhile you guys can continue clinging on to the false hope of Rebecca and Blair getting added when they won't.

Got something to work with. Thanks user

Just what is Gearfried's lore? He's an iron knight, a swordmaster and a phoenix

Konami will fear the samurai

How can I get expelled from the Duel Academy?
What if I throw a huge dorm party?

Reminder not to reply to the Crowler poster

Should I swap Augustus for that 2400 atk lion that can only be special summoned through dimacari but is unaffected by spells when special summoned?

You don't get expelled, you get carded for trying to escape. All DA students must be prepared to invade other dimensions and commit Card Holocaust against innocent civilians, disobeying will mean certain death by carding.

If don’t want to brick, stop using GB monsters over level 4

But a lot of time I don't have the chance to get 3 of them out for a decent fused beater and have to rely on one or two.

>Aster got to be in Arc V instead of Chazz, Bastion, Zane or Atticus.

Where is Jaden or the big duelists like Zane in all of this? Are they never mentioned? Also, does Yugi, Pegesus, Kaiba and the rest not exist in this dimension?

Considering he got fucked over, I'm glad they weren't.

I took a super long break after the Vampire Lord box dropped, and I came back to 3700 gems. What should I spend them on to catch up? The cards are getting to the point I stopped playing in real life, so Im not sure whats good.

None of the DM characters exist in this dimension and neither do the MCs of the previous YGO series.

The ride is over boys.
Now for those staple traps, like wall of d and floodgate.
Wish me luck

That's kind of lame. It's always boring when the only reason why the bad guys are winning is because the guys you know who'd put a stop to them just don't exist. Having an evil Jaden would have been much more interesting.

Wrong Kuriboh

Is it even possible for this bug loving cunt to have rewards that don't include at least 6 gold chests? And does the S in Insect Imitation's rarity actually stand for "Secretly not in Weevil's drop pool"

>Where is Jaden or the big duelists like Zane in all of this
Zane was mentioned in a duel academy class which means that he does exist in this dimension but we just never saw him. It's a shame we never saw Jaden, Yusei or any of the DM characters but seeing as how they treated the previous series characters, I'm kinda glad they didn't because they wouldve turned them into massive jobbers

I love Curran!

I know mang, but I gotta work with something. Sphere is better but should I run anything other than this? I've only opened Galactic Origins so far anyway so, not much of a choice I guess.

Unless he's Crow, in that case he makes everyone job against him except battle beast

Stupid metacuck why don’t you use something original instead of googling a deck

because winning gives you more and better rewards in a game where you barely have access to the card pool when you start. making a stupid ass deck for the sake of originality when you can't even comprehend what you're trying to mix and match sounds dumb. Let me get some cards before trying to be a special snowflake.
Responding to bait should be illegal, I'd probably do it less

>X saber and gem knights are used by jobbers in Arc V
I'm not that mad though since they're still part of the only good arc of the show.


>metacucks getting this assblasted
What a pathetic life

post dick user, tell me about your love for the heart of the cards and how special your deck is

My deck is so original I only use common cards.

It was until the synchro dimension.

Here’s you go metacuck, this is what true originality looks like. Too bad you’ll never know the fun of using original decks because you’re a pathetic sheep that googles decks

As I said, first arc was the only good part.

Pot calling kettle black, cup of ace is meta you metacuck.

>3x of a card
wow, you're a fucking faker, you know that?

>tfw I can't do anything against black dragon ninja
I just give up at that point. He's too strong of a beater that's too easy to bring out and too easy to protect.

Bastion got 6 decks nigga

Are trap cards gay?

>irrelevant lolicons who aren't important enough to remember.
That sums up Bastion perfectly.

Fire dragon still isn't a real card

I've been thinking, isn't staying in silver by far the best way to grind pvp reward ? You don't get that much gems from ranking up, the interesting rewards are the cumulative victories but it can be quite grindy if you're in a league where you win 50% of your match. On the other hand you can get pretty much a 100% winrate in silver, and once you're silver 5 you just lose on purpose until you're silver 5. I'm sure you can get all the cumulative victory rewards in one day that way. As anyone tried it ?

No, everyone is dumb and no one even considered the possibility of farming lower ranks for quicker and more efficient reward gains.

well that's good news i'll do that then

No, fuck off to your containment rank metacuck

only if they top

Good luck user! Don't forget some people are doing that do so you might run into one of them eventually~

>some people are doing that
but user just told me the opposite

I was being sarcastic user-kun

>say one thing
>mean another thing

Sexy jobber

Oh yes, Tea is such an important duelist with a very well established deck. And it is really crazy of people to believe that characters that appeared in games in the past might appear in this game in the future.

She had a big role in the series, Rebecca is a nobody, tea has a real deck, rebecca doesn't, she's not irrelevant and rebecca is. Rebecca remains an unimportant side character in games.

So if you aren't playing a deck that counters glad beasts how to do fight against them? You can't attack due to the sheer amount of back-row they run and if you don't attack they'll just use that backrow to get over your shit anyhow

get lucky, basically

Rape their backrow

Just use something that blocks their back row

A lot of backrow that stops their attacks can be good enough, if you pack anti magic arrows or that trap that locks two set cards you can shit on them

Thanks anons, i'll change my deck to a more back-row destruction focused one since half the ladder are furfags currently

>half the ladder are furfags currently
you can thank dkayed for that one

If they use impenetrable attack or half shut during their attacks, then use econ to change their position, if they don't then use mirror wall or wall of disruption to kill them.

Who is this "Bastion" you keep talking about?

We'll probably get one copy of Cyber End Dragon eventually when Zane inevitably becomes unlockable, it's his ace monster.
Cyber Twin Dragon on the other hand, it's a walking OTK machine even in the real-world 8000 LP format, so I don't think we should ever get it.

he's the entirety of Ra Yellow

it's that character from overwatch

They probably mean "Bastian", a mysterious character that is only mentioned in the game's credits but can't be found anywhere else in the game, not even datamines.

would i get anything for beating all the rounds?

As dino, what am I supposed to do against Phoenix or weevil aside from getting hilariously lucky?

If you mean in the event, just auto duel your way through it to use all your dice before the end of the day so you can get free gems. It's not much (5-10 average per 300 coins) but they're free

fucking hell, yugioh story is ... interesting
i wish vrain have story as interesting as this
Anime adaption when

>start surrendering duels to stay in Gold
>check decks anyway cause figure it's unfair not to let them duel with the deck they probably worked hard on
>it's just the same copy and paste burn decks

>They probably mean "Bastian", a mysterious character that is only mentioned in the game's credits but can't be found anywhere else in the game, not even datamines.
He says “Yu-Gi-Oh: Duel Links” on the title screen ;)

Do you guys think they would introduce link monsters before the other summoning methods? So they can balance them around the link format, since it would be included one day anyway plus it'd be a way for them to promote the new series and sell real booster

For Phoenix dont set all yoir backrow and just wait for the tard to summon hes phoenix amd either floodgate or econ to def
For weevil summon sgt electro hope for no floodgate and pin his backrow

yeah but i mean is there any point in completing the event? i mean if you look at it where it gets to "4000 coins" it even seems like they're placeholders forgotten to be filled


Nah they did the same with the last dice based event, you get rewards for the first few then coins for the few after that then nothing other than what you get for playing the event

>She had a big role in the series
Oh please don't make me laugh
>tea has a real deck, rebecca doesn't
Her deck is as real as Rebecca's, if not less real.
>Rebecca remains an unimportant side character in games.
And Tea isn't? At least Rebecca was an opponent in a major tournament in Nightmare Troubadour.

Never ever, we don't want Bad Reaction to Simochi burn decks to be a thing. They were already a pain in the ass in the real game.

I just hope other summoning method will be a different format with a different ladder, I'm not playing the TCG but from what I've heard the last summoning method is always the best, I'd like the current format to still be playable.

I mean why even give the coins. What is 4000 coins?