
gsl later

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who would have thought huh only the fat one would remain relevant

my empire of gook

what has gook become...

gsl soon!

whats up kaga-san

we just need to hold on a little longer...

just fixed some coffee

he was good....where as the others couldn't really cut it



holy shit this huge bump/zit just popped up on my jaw all of a sudden

just realized it's all so simple

Im standing on a rooftop over looking the city with my mask off after a long night of patroling.The warm sun hit my face at the crack of dawn and feeling of relief comes over me I know there is hope in the world and then .... I smile

I speak Arabic English German Japanese and dutch

can it be that it was all so simple then

just finished shambling around the house
time to calm down with my favorite gen

just got out of jail

is the balance whining real?

are ghosts viable again



*Record scratch* Yup, thats me. You might be wondering how I got roped up in this mess...

well im a bit curious now that you mention it

theres another fucking hurricane going on?

only true scvees shamble around their home

i shamble around the ladder

also meander

i dont meander im too shy to meander

loosen up your ganders

sometimes i don't feel like playing anything but starcraft

i try to make as little noise as possible

anita baker...

dumb dog



i like boobs

cant not love boobs

dude no her face is all fucked up

minerals don't grow on trees you know

no its perfect

how can solar panels work if the sun isn't shining half the time

they store it somewhere

>GSL Code S
>sOs vs SortOf
>Dear vs ByuL

who should i bet on boys? obviously not putting money on the white guy but is byul worth it?

i can feel my sharingan awakening

is protoss weak now?

is it though???

PvZ is like 42% right now

yea lets talk about STARCRAFT lol
anyone else LOVES MINERALS!? XD

shtarkraft zwei as i mention

apparently i've activated my kundalini energy

im on the spectrum and this is a good gen to be in

my ZvP is at 80% >:)

me too my friend

literally every single human ever on earth for all time was on the spectrum

holy shit you retard like wtf say something worth reading once in a while okay? retard?

cool it dude

asp alert

my zvp? 100%

some REAL psychos frequent this gen tho

this gen? a real dumpster fire if you ask frickin me

until the tyrannical j puts it out again


is it though?

based retard bros

not me

had enough of these darn paladins..

kys yourselfs.

im back... whats been happing round here ...

kendrick lamar is a joke right?

I still think people only listen to any rapper ironically but I just don't think it's true

inb4 404

just how deep can shit get?

/alter/ here
were laughing at you

literally who

sounds spooky

more like what or who


stay there


oh that honeypot lol
that dude got a wheelchair too?

our guy is playing the master race right now




naw protoss

delusional blizdrone, you wont be able to save your company from destruction

my head
looks like a good place
for a bullet
put a bullet in my head

gsl soon

GSL Code S 1d 4h
sOs vs SortOf
Dear vs ByuL

no terran
probably won't watch. idk

gotta scout the competition

my memory retention has really decreased since i became fucking retarded

yeah brain mush can do that


>Get matched with someone 300-500 MMR above me
>Get obliterated
>Queue again
>Get matched with someone 300-500 MMR below me
>Annihilate them
>Repeat ad nauseum

Nice matchmaking blizz.


ive been saying this forever but there should be grudgematching like with smash bros

improve your gameplay

i'm ugly as hell

made it gods image(tm)


I'm in the zone

*hacker voice*
im in