/xgg/ - Xenogames General #78

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
>XBC2 General Spoiler-Free FAQ. Please read it if it is your first XBC game or if you barely started it

>XBC2 Advanced FAQ (Tips, Combat, Quests, Misc, early/mid game and late game separated)

>XBC2 Blade combo elemental charts

>XBC2 Info Doc. Please help contribute

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>XBC2 Fanworks

========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
>XBCX Links pastebin

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Remove adenineposters

What are you gonna do about it?

>12. [NSW] Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 12,779 / 156,717

break your morytha slate

burn all your books

Assault stone only applies to auto attacks. Eyepatches apply to all arts and specials and work on every type of cancel (auto, arts, blade switch). Cancel bonus is multiplicative with all your other damage increases, making it stronger than accessories like loincloth or vambraces.

>Need to expand my mercenary blades
>Decide to use a rare core crystal on Rex for shits and giggles
>Throw in a couple of boosters too because why not
>Immediately get Adenine

Did I win? Did I fuck up? Should I transfer this blade to someone else? What should I do? My current party is Rex (Attacker), Tora (Tank) and Nia (Healer). I don't know shit about the meta in this game, all I've heard so far is Rex is a great damage dealer and Poppi can eventually become an overpowered death machine if you grind Tiger Tiger and stuff. I'm thinking of using overdrive to give Adenine to Nia, but again I don't know the meta and how good everything is. Please tell me everything I need to understand after pulling this cute blade.

What i was supposed to do for phantasm anyway? Just keep murdering stuff until it stops spawning?

You fucked up restart the entire game.
Not really, a few blades that aren't placed optimally isn't a huge deal. Even though she's a healer on paper Adenine is better at dealing damage anyway.


She's also an attacker, not a healer so leave her on rex unless you need a smash bird

How can one man be so lucky? Rex deserves his sister sandwich after the shit he went through

You can use her on Rex to heal a bit if u want het quest is cute and her damage is OK and she's good for wind until you get another

Nothing wrong with Adenine on Rex. She's more of an attacker than a healer.
Just avoid using too many Blades on him since eventually he can steal Blades from other people.

I thought you were supposed to lower the health of all the clones, make sure you got an orb or two to spare, then hit a Chain Attack to freeze time and lay in with AoE specials?

I'd like to see you try.

Aren't you lucky the most autistic adeninefag is here to answer your questions. Adenine is a noob trap for those who only look at a blade's role, because her healing capabilities are piss poor. She deals great damage and has huge aggro reduction with one of her specials, but also has innate boost to item drops, as well as potentially the most broken damage buff in the entire game that works for the whole party; that, however, relies on attacking the enemy with the element they're weak against. Rex is the only character that gets no driver combo from her, but she is versatile enough that anyone could use her effectively as long as you're not using her solely to heal.

More like he deserves an actually good girl, aegis should stay in her containment crystal

Is Nia still Rex's blade at the end cause staying around Pyra/Mythra's married life with Rex would be pretty painful?

>Role clearly says Healer

Am I retarded? Also, I already have Roc on Rex, due to the story forcing you use his core crystal some time after Vandham dies. So I pretty much have two wind attackers right now. Isn't that stupid, inefficient and redundant? But Adenine has Treasure Wisdom so I feel obligated to keep her because that passive sounds like it'll be necessary for farming things.

So what should I do then? Judging by what I just said to the others in this post. I recently started Chapter 5, I'm not sure if the game will let me overdrive/release Roc yet (not that I want to lose him, he has lockpick and stuff) but I forgot how to disengage a blade so I can't check.

Still is probably

Nia is a flesh eater, she is not bound to any specific driver, I'm pretty sure the game implied her original driver was her ''sister''

>So what should I do then?
Well shit, I dunno. Maybe first get over the notion that every single thing you do needs to be as optimal and efficient as possible, because this game doesn't require that much of you. Then wait until you get your next and last party member at the end of the chapter.

None of her specials or skills are healing related, all focused on damage. Only healing is HP Potion art that comes with Knuckles. Her Battle Wisdom skill for exploiting weaknesses is actually the strongest skill in the game for increasing damage.

Why did they retcon XB1?

>XB1: Klaus destroyed the universe and created the bootleg one where Shulk lives in
>XB2: Actually nevermind, Klaus only fucked Earth up and the endless ocean was just another dimension half of his body was sent to


Was Zanza aware of the Architect?


they play chess together when they're bored

I just don't want Adenine or Roc to go to waste, that's all. They both look really good, not only when it comes to their designs but their field and battle skills as well.

At any rate, do I need to set Adenine as my active blade for Treasure Wisdom to work, or can I just swap to her before the enemy dies?


>I just don't want Adenine or Roc to go to waste
Then consider overdriving her to your next party member.

>do I need to set Adenine as my active blade for Treasure Wisdom to work, or can I just swap to her before the enemy dies
Not necessary to be top spot, but must be equipped in battle when the item drop happens.

Rewatching the final cutscenes

It is never specified when the trinity processor and the agesis were made, it is possible they were made BEFORE the experiment and they were what fucked with the conduit/zohar. It only reinforces the (obvious) theory of Alvis being Ontos. Klaus also said that Ontos ''accidentally triggered a space-time event'' which is exactly what the experiment did, so it might have Ontos/Alvis who caused the conduit/zohar to go haywire during the experiment

There really isn't enough fanart of these two being cute together.

>As soon as I get out of these I'll find Rex and you're all dead, you hear me?

It's there. Just look for it on Twitter.


Remove Takahashi

It's still few and far between compared to their solo stuff which is a shame imo.

Reminder that the monado is just Alvis' blade weapon and all of Shulk's powers were just Alvis all along

why is Alvis so gay


The world is screaming out for "The Virgin Jin, The Chad Malos".

I'm too lazy to do it and lack the necessary paint skills.


stop fucking roaring holy shit
>virgin Jin
>implying he didn't tap Laura regularily

>not the virjin and the chadmalthus

Zenobia was a mistake


So at the end of Chapter 5 I'll get a new party member that'll be good with Adenine? I'll continue the story and look into that then. And when you say "equipped in battle" you mean she just has to be on the field before an enemy dies, meaning I can simply blade switch in the near the end of a fight and finish off my enemies?

What did she mean by this?

lusting for shota

Sorry, other way around.


How the fuck does multi element chain attack work? how does orb targeting work? whenever I have 2 my attacks ends up spliting between the two and thus enable to destroy any of them. Is it to just better not to be greedy and go for 1 element chain attack?

i dont remember this happening

Rex is a being of purity, he does not know lust.

Which is what makes Pyra's debased attempts to seduce him even more despicable.

You need to utilize elemental weakness. For instance, if the orb is fire, hit it with a water attack. You should set up your party in such a way that it will almost always be possible to destroy all orbs.

Remember harder.

Boy met Girl. Rex met Pyra. The rest followed naturally.

It was a short little bit.

Attack target opposite element orbs. If they cannot they target shit randomly. You can get aux core which targets damaged orbs first. Miku hits everything at once.

pyra is such a dearie



Pyra with Mythra's idles is cute.

Rex agrees.

i wonder who can be behind that post
what is happening here

>Rex is the only character that gets no driver combo from her

Nia gets Launch, Morag gets Break, and Zeke gets Topple. Rex only gets blowdown, which isn't a part of the driver combo. What about this is hard to understand?

Sorry haven't slept yet and read "blade combo" and got confused

>already got the approval from Rex's guardian
How can anyone else compete?

rex is fucking useless with both knuckles and bitball

Go back to your crystal Pyra

>Hana JK: Master's legs are so short we attracted a lot of enemies!
>Tora: Hey Hana! You can't just show disrespect to your Master so naturally without any hesitation!
>Saika: I'm so sorry~! My prince is such a dummy~
>Zeke: Hey hey Saika! What do you mean by "dummy"?!
>Zeke: I feel you, Tora
>Tora: No one else can understand us
>Zeke: Wait, is the chum one of us?
*Homura: Amazing, Rex! That's the way to go!*
*Hikari: Geez, I can't bear watching you like that. Move out, I will handle this!!*
*Our side Meleph and Nia's side*
>Tora: His position is quite delicate...!

Basically Zeke and Tora have no idea if Rex's situation is envious or not considering Homura and Hikari treat him quite differently.

It isn't even an approval. Corrine outright thought Homura was Rex's fiancé considering how she called her.

Sorry sis. The Rexbowl was over before it even began.

>Be exploring
>This fucker ambushes me so I decide to fight
>Pull off a decent chain attack, pic related
>Moments after taking this screenshot, something happens
>All I can remember is seeing "Blowdown failed" right before my whole party dies instantly from full health

I didn't know I was fighting a literal raid boss with wipe mechanics. What the actual fuck am I supposed to do to beat him? I thought I got a hang of the game's mechanics by now, I was slowly but surely on the road to victory and I assumed the game would reward me for skilled play. But nope, the boss was a jape the entire time. I guess I'll have to come back when I'm level 99, kill it in one hit and have no fun.

How did she call her?

>525k damage from 4 fucking orbs
>still one weak ass blade on Nia
the hell are you doing

Should I be releasing common blades or keeping them to not reroll them?


When the FUCK is that DLC going to drop?

fall 2018

Timing: 24:09
In the kitch, Corrine says the following:
Which means: Thanks. But seriously, Rex really brought such a lovely wife with him~

That's why Corrine brought the stuff about marriage between driver and blades. She didn't go with a "girlfriend => marriage" leap, she already thought she was his fiancée/wife already.

>Hear people in this general say that the game is easy all the time, and that you can steamroll everything with only story blades
>Make the conclusion that the only challenging content this game has to offer are postgame superbosses
>Have already mastered all the mechanics of combat, from cancelling attacks and arts to learning fusion combos and blade combos along with chain attacks and pretty much everything the game has to offer
>Assume that if I'm skilled enough I can take on any unique enemy I find unless it's a superboss
>Literally everything was going along just fine, nobody died, the boss was below half health and I was certain I could defeat it
>Suddenly the boss casts Doom on my party and we die instantly

Not my fault the game decided to act like a cheeky cunt. Maybe it's my fault for listening to you people, or maybe the game's combat sucks ass and both XCX and XC1 are better games. You tell me because it sure as hell ain't my fault that the magical game developer in the sky decided to ALT+F4 my party's health bars.

NO, it says JANUARY 2018

Eventually. I really hope that it’ll end up good.


Dog nim

>play the game like a retard
>blame the game when you die

new quests oh boy I can't wait especially with the absolutely wonderful and incredible quest management that this game has

Do not dog Nim

>wake up
>sees this

What do you do?

You should have been building up orbs in preparation for a chain attack. Most of the combat with bosses/unique monsters in the game revolves around getting as many orbs as possible on them and then using a chain attack before they get enraged at around half health. You should have been aiming for that.

Think you can take me?

think you can take me kid

He's gimped himself in the chain attack department by having one blade on nia and using Tora who only has 2 blades. Really, I'm surprised he got four orbs broken

>they expect me to still be playing this game by the end of this year
toppest kek

>being so upset that people are playing the game casually
>not realizing that what I was doing was working perfectly fine
>boss was losing health, party wasn't dying or getting their health reduced to low levels
>absolutely zero problems whatsoever with this fight
>until the game decides I'm having too much fun and deletes my party in a quarter of a second with no telegraph or counterplay
>unironically defending instakill mechanics


And you think I WASN'T doing that? Good fucking god almighty, just tell me what the counterplay is for that boss's instakill mehcanic.

>being surprised that people who aren't minmaxing and looking up meta builds can master basic game mechanics

Quit being a faggot and explain what I need to execute to stop the boss from casting Doom