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twitch tv / gamesdonequick

Greetings from Germany! Shoutouts to the Fire Emblem reddit community! Amelia >>> Seth! Let's kick cancer's butt!

I can't watch that as it is very boring.

big tits

Did someone already tried a CC Flier Mage meme ?

Walking in on Lucina while she's changing!

>reddit made a donation and shoutout
>serenes too

>/r/fireemblem donation
>serenes donation

Where is the /feg/ donation? If we just say "shoutouts from the Fire Emblem General on Veeky Forums" it might actually be read.

Where is the /feg/ donation?


Mating press Lucina to make children

Why would you want to give money to this tranny shitfest?

>implying that the autists here either
>1, want to be known
>2, have money to spare

>Fire Emblem? I hardly knew 'im!


Why don´t we have leakers anymore?

Damn, I miss the calendar so fucking much.

Dont tell anyone about this place, there will just be Reddit lords who join

Some of us have money to spare, but it's better spent gambling on cordelias and lucinas in a gacha game.


Imagine teaching this sheltered princess what her body is used for.

we can't afford to donate because we give our money to gacha cancer

greetings from israel. had to donate during the fire emblem run for my favorite character anna. shoutouts to the fire emblem general community

Which unit are you looking forward to seeing get Ryo'd?

>greetings from israel

I want to ejaculate inside Corrin


that gave me a semi

>rolled for h henry and got nothing
>rolled for c tharja and got nothing

Im just gonna save orbs until I can finally get an armor mage to tell blyn fags to fuck off. effie bk and sheena have a really tough time against that bullshit B skill.

>A Jew giving away shekels
what are you up to? Next thing we are gonna see "accept reddit refugees"

>Vanessa with an actual Strenght stat
Fucking how



bad news amelia is ded

[bad news] Amelia is dead.


bye Amelia



amelia noooo ;_;


Greetings from /feg/, I hope my donation lets Raul kill himself


I love seeing my favourite childhood memories destroyed in the most fun way. Let's kick cancers butt and kill the animals

gotta give some to make some

I'm not a lolicon but

Only faggots train trainee units, Prepromotes are better anyway.


Reddit literally seething with that donation

>Amelia is best girl, you're objectively wrong

Why don't your armored units have enough defense and attack to laugh at Lyn and then OHKO her next turn?

Rennac BTFO

Well he is.

any female character

BAD nowi! BAD!

Killing recruits left and right

Bond skills are pretty bad on ranged units. It's kino as fuck on DC melees.

reddit seething

Don't joke about that you asshole.

wtf he just keeps killing everyone

L'Arachel is best girl

That map with Amelia looked like the same map in Heroes with her and Seth

That's kinda cool.

What on earth do I do with Charlotte? She has so many wasted points in HP and her only remarkable stat is attack, with mediocre speed and subpar in both defenses. She could be a decent LnD firesweeper but inferior to literally everything by virtue of being infantry and her HP being too fucking huge.

Effie and BK do, but the problem is getting to her since 90% of b lyn runners have someone paired with her that has draw back or reposition. Even if I gave up one of the Ward Armors for an Armor march it wouldn't help in the majority of cases i'm running into.

No mercy for the enemy

You thought FEH maps were original?

I can't imagine that at all

>all this ttalk about amelia and I have no idea what they're talking about

>What on earth do I do with Charlotte?
Have kids with her

I'm so close, /feg/

Dat crit

Eirika and Epbriam in the sibling paralogue is the Prologue map in SS

No, I know they're based off of maps in the series

I should have specified that it's cool to see the original maps that the Heroes maps are based on.

even "girl of the forest" looks the same in heroes

What the fuck, not even FGO is free from Ryo?

I thought FE speedrun would be boring but this is actually quite interesting. the guy is okay too.

>beaten by fucking KHUX the game with so much content that its general has about 1-2 posts every 4 hours on average
Nice going IS.

Fire Boost memes with a Slaying Lance and some form of self-sustain.

In general, when playing fire emblem games, is it better to focus on making a few units carry, or spreading out the level ups among a larger group? Does it depend on the game?

She's cute and I like her art so I wanna build her but her spread is kinda unfortunate, as is her weapon. Even refining it it's still shit.

I did it finally!

Finally, a good reason to play FGO

What's that? Another EX banner, you said?

>losing to a game pronounced “cucks”
how low have we fallen


Last time RNG fucked the runner over and they mercy killed it, this guy is much better. Commentary is usually cancer and memefilled so it's nice to have someone actually informative

Thighjobs from your onee-san

Just play however you like to

>Seth best waifu XD

Whatever will the Speed equivalent of Steady Breath be called? Hyperventilation?

>only Seth I've rolled was -ATK 4*

>Quick Riposte 2

No you didn't


>no damage
All I see. Is this something normal in older fe games

Sprinting Breath

Swift Breath for Spd, Fierce Breath for Atk, Tranquill Breath for Res.

Greetings from mogadishu, i like the purple lady with big boobys, lets kill cancer!

Swift Breath

I thought it was Taw-na but the runner is saying Tay-na


can't beat the CoK