Fighting Games General /fgg/

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play kolin


Vappa invasion.

Sakura looks awesome

Also that Kolin costume is awesome

s-s-sakura looks fine guys...

Where would you put your nose?

sakura sponsored by kafka's metamorphosis


Post regions that have won Capcom Cup for SFV or MvC:I


This triggers the vappa

why is that kolin shill pretending she is nerfed? her 2 bars vtrigger looks op

also doubles as a regions that have never won sf4 at evo

It is over jive, you can't win

so what does charging her hadouken do?


*breathes in*

Select screen.

too intellectual

come again?

are you retarded thats well animated

Make it stay on screen longer

bros sfv ae is literally saved it looks nothing like old sfv that everybody hated it's a totally new and different game #based

Everyone is pretending their character is bottom tier and now they're going to pretend whichever character wins a tournament is SSSSSSS tier

how do you fuck up sakura's dance so bad?

2 hits instead of one and goes full screen

sakura's skirt flies everywhere some help this poor girl

god this is one of these jokes I would have understood 4 years ago, my brain is literally melting

tell us user, how do we fix street fighter V?

it's about a dude who transforms into an insect

Did Mena scare Punk off?

I appreciate Ichi the Killer references. And Sakura looks nuts.

Put in Dudley

actually almost everyone at that level of business is a white man, why are they putting in random women and niggers?

how do you have so much autism that you cannot tell that's not supposed to be the same thing

Punk is a broken man. He knows the only reason he's been as successful as he's been is because Karin is broken tier and even then he couldn't beat Tokido or Menard

>One of Sakura's only good animations in this game
>Memers who can't actually tell when animations are bad are shit talking it

I'm being serious when I criticize her animations, don't just pretend to agree if you can't even see it for yourself.

add a rashid harem erovn with ntr routes

keep telling yourself that capcuck

That grappler life.

People only cheer for you when your life is a constant low tier struggle. But, the minute you see any amount of success, they hate you and want you nerfed. It's all fun and games until grapplers start threatening YOUR character's tier position. Gotta maintain that class difference by begging for "honest characters" to be buffed, and "braindead" grapplers (the ones you were rooting for earlier) to get nerfed back to low tier.

Grapplers are a metaphor for various sectors of human society...

Punk got BTFO'd and exposed so hard in SFV that he had to leave to protect whatever little good imago he had left.

that's very offensive then

How is an honest footies character broken? For someone playing a mid tier character he did insanely well. Actually, he did the best.

Bigger buttons for everyone.

go back to flipping coins little guy

>n-n-no her stiff duck waddle looks great
lol no

remember when punk said he would start playing inj2

It looks significantly different from her old Alpha winpose, and its on par with a background character

>mid tier

Karin is literally top 5 wtf am I reading lmao

Multihits, can juggle, frametrap and travels the wholescreen

What's so bad about sakura's look in AE besides her character select pose?

She has to many dimensions.

combo that new v-trigger after ex parabellum already, i wanna see it

Nothing. It's just Vappa.

>Alex homos bothering the host about showing Alex over and over
can someone put the #BugChaserNation out of their misery?

are they flying in africans for WSO?


Why don't you play games with top tier grapplers like Accent Core or KoF98?

>Top 5
>One of the most popular characters in terms of play rates
>Totally irrelevant for the entire CPT Season except when played by one guy
Meanwhile Rashido, an actual high tier character, ran rampant.

So now S3 is confirmed shit, who you maining in DBFZ?

I don't understand how all these people at WSO have been playing this game for 2 years and are still this bad.

So the default and nostalgia costumes look great, animate great, and have good faces.

The gi and the staff ones have weird faces with enormous eyes and weird animations.

every ae stream I've seen an army of alex autists screaming for them to show alex

don't bulyl alex mains, breh. they're all gay

How long have you guys been playing and what rank are you?

It's actually nothing, and I'm certain it's not going to be the same at launch.

her neck is abnormally stiff in some animations, besides that she looks pretty decent in game

ST balrog and ST chun-li are also honest footsies characters.
It really doesn't matter how "honest" they are if their hitboxes beat the shit out of 90%+ of the roster's normals for free

Terrible animations, eyes just kinda weird and big, sticc and looks weird in all her alts so far


Based gay nation.


>try sfv again after not having touched it since release
>buy menat and do all her trials
>go online
>lose to kens mashing dp's and shit
i want to kill myself lads

>honest footies character
nice euphemism for gorilla mashing all day
i guess balrog is also an "honest footsies character" in your eyes lmao

they fixed karins hands

Can someone please explain AE to me? As an SFV owner can I pay $40 and get all the seasons 1&2 characters with a couple more stages? Or do I really go get a different disc

So you're saying we need to nerf FANG?

Akuma is extremely good and extremely popular but Tokido is the only person to have worthwhile results. does that make the character bad? no of course not, it could be argued he's top 5.

>mfw enjoying SFV and excited for S3
>mfw hype as fuck for DBFZ and will play the fuck out of that as well

This month is going to be sick as fuck my dudes.

Problem X is the only good player there. Also, EU.

>ST balrog is honest

When is it too late to get into SFV? I wanna wait until the next "Arcade Version" comes out after season 4, but I don't wanna jump into a dead online.

WOW, the neutral looks so clean now #riseup

yea you can but you wouldnt want to because the character passes are on sale for that much or less and the rest of the update is free


FANG being bad is a vappa meme.

That's the game bitchboy.
If you don't keep 90% of the cast out with your gorilla buttons they'll throwloop you to death.
It's street fighter baby.

mago, justin wong, bonchan, punk (lmao)

You won't get the S1 and S2 characters for free unless you buy Arcade Edition.

I feel like a lot of people are assuming that all current SFV owners are going to get those characters for free. They never said that

Hype too, for Monster Hunter World that is.

>Two of the top footsie characters in the game
>Mash in neutral

>we live in a universe where a basic plus normal into cancelled low forward to catch someone walking away from pressure is dishonest in the eyes of new players

>can use up to 4 kikosho's
more than I expected but I'll still use vt1 more I guess

shut up brick

shut up

>Look at Karin winning the mirror match! She's so good!
How is it Karin is able to carry Punk, but not people like Mago, Justin Wong, Bonchan, Momochi, and anyone else who played her but switched if she's so broken?

Why is Capcom only making the S1 and S2 characters free for people picking up SFV and completely screwing existing customers?

Once you start giving in to the kids screaming for nerfs, it will never stop.

>character doesn't play the same game as other characters
>huurrr why you complain
umm ok

every nonsaiyan and nonsupershitcancer character

Are you new to fighting games?