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League of legends general /lolg/
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periodic reminder that this is who balances our game
I wanna cuddle Jinx and see how these buffs aid in practice though i was looking more on the survivability side of things
Wish they have a story for Badger Teemo like for the rest of skins.
xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!
Sona's summoner icon is ALSO CUTE!
Badgers are assholes. Teemo is alone because he's an asshole.
>he thinks that if you're not basically playing Battlerite you're not good
>meanwhile people who play champions that basically play "Memefight all the time" are typically actual inting mongoloids.
Skarner is a cute scorpion!
i wish
why does he admit to knowing nothing about dota and then makes all his comparisons to dota?
>tfw no qt petite gf
Just stop replying to me if you seriously think a champion like twitch takes any kind of skill.
comfy bfs~
Katarina is tighter than Ahri.
fight me
You're boosted and ugly as fuck majin stop lying.
Is removing sightstone another way to dumb down the game and get everyone on the more bronze level?
Does Riot hate its playerbase?
That's not what he says at all.
>I know less about DotA but this is my understanding of it, which may be ignorant
Is more what he said.
>being tighter than a literal semon demon
Not a huge accomplishment
What if all ward items and trinkets removed entirely and green wards brought back?
Swain needs to save us from all this madness. Literally no point in caring about any retarded shit from riot now when they will backtrack!
>I implied when I started this that Twitch, along with Vayne and Ezreal take no brainpower and don't even need to rely on Targon shield to not get their faces sat on and shit sent down their throats
>This will never be my life
>I will never be drained of every last drop of my semen
>They will never keep going even after I'm long empty forcing me to fire blanks continuously
>I will never experience this for days at a time
agreed, I feel bad for guys like him who are so confident and then eventually realize theyre actually not attractive at all
Why do people insist on arguing about which Waifu is better when clearly the best waifu is the one that you personally find the most attractive?
>league has TWO (2) Succubi champions
>both are outmatched by a random fat mute from the puritan socially conservative state
Entirely possible considering they still fucking exist in the item pool. God dammit riot just let me buy them.
Ahri is cuter than Katarina
Are these official
Are they finally updating Skarner's splash?
>ywn get to raise someone else's kids
So you like that brainless champs are the meta?
Thats all I've been trying to say. that the bot lane meta is cancer because its filled with brainless champs and lanebullies are trash right now
No it's someone's sketches from years ago. Riot will never do something that doesn't sell skins.
You're asking why people who obsess over pixels on a screen and wonder how tight their kegels are or how they'd look in a wedding dress don't think logically.
>tired of people feeding in ranked
>queue up some normals to meme
>get smashed by 2-5 man premades on enemy team
I can't wait for Akali's new skin! Akali is cute! Akali is powerful! Akali is a 84 IQ retard!
Oh wait I get it, this support item change is yet another attempt to get more people into playing support, even though every game with supports has this issue
If they keep up the pace Im fully convinced they will lower the CS gold numbers and increase passive gold gain so even room for skill expression is removed.
By the way having sightstone as a quest reward makes everything even more snowbally
How do I play Skarner?
I literally forgot where he belongs or what he does anymore.
>why do people post dumb things on one of the shittiest places on an anonymous mongolian rice harvesting imageboard
confidence is sexy and mine is well deserved
eat shit
>be pre 30 shitter
>just want to grind out games
>you;re unranked but your opponents are fucking plat players and you get a team of stacked silvers
>You will never get to torture, maim, and kill people without facing legal repercussions
>more skins for Gragas, Jax, Lux, and Warwick
>meanwhile Shen mains have been waiting nearly 5 years for a new skin for him
Jesus Christ.
>even though every game with supports has this issue
Dawngate never had that issue
i'm no expert
but i think something is going horribly fucking wrong with lux's entire torso there
So close to being positive for the first time ever
Hey, don't bully akali, retards have IQs below 75!
She's just a dumb bimbo
I implied those 3 are cancer, but not because of their lane phase. Vayne just shits on any one focusing her if it's not a 3+ man goon squad. Twitch can just sit in Q until divers waste shit and Ezreal is just...Ezreal, nuff said.
Means literally nothing
Which League Girls have the biggest Heart?
Dawngate wasnt officially released yet it was still new and fresh. It wouldve been great especially during these times where league is unplayable.. meh
Which league of legends girl would feel the best to have sitting on your lap
Find enemy carry
cuddle enemy carry
>Shen, who literally has a soaring sword, didn't get a soaring sword skin
>instead it went to Fiora
>Instead it went to fucking Janna
My guess is Rek'sai or Anivia
Sona, obesity makes you more prone to an enlarged heart
Thats not saying much is it?
a cavern is tighter than Ahri m8
Is possible to find a user to erp and play together?
I want someone sucking me off hard if don't have 100 minions per 10 minutes.
>sucking you off
>when you don't do well
Nah man don't ya know the first thing people think when they hear "Sacred Sword" is fucking JANNA.
Probably Jinx because she's small and cute, like having a little girl on your lap (no pedo)
>instead it went to Janna
you can always move to somalia
i also believe eve actually risks legal repercussions if she is caught
My supports never bought sightstones anyways.
Morgana would overwhelm you with pleasure just from physical contact
i'm a hipster cunt so i don't mind subverting expectations or patterns.
fiora can suck a dick though
It's a well know fact that fat jiggly asses are the best for lap sitting
I want to be teased user
You've just never played with a good support main.
What about Jarvan?
>When people say demacia they always think of Garen
>Rioto trying to push Garen over Jarvan as Demacian key figure even though Jarvan is the fucking prince
>New lore has personality of dry paint, Garen got an actual internal conflict
>One of the least popular champions in the fanbase right now - little fanfiction, little art, no one discusses him outside gameplay even though he is the fucking Prince of Demacia
>The only thing he has going for him is being popular in game
>Rioto refuses to give any skins even though he is popular in game
>Rioto refuses to give him a model upgrade though he looks terrible in game
Okay guys it’s official Jarvan is no longer my husbando. Why should I care when rioto does. Shen is probably as bad tho if not worse
probably lux because it means i'm in a good relationship with the local aristocracy and therefore can get some influence and achieve a lot
How long until Sona gets type 2 diabetes?
I wanna BEE with Lulu!
>jiggly asses
>not firm asses
Maybe the Swain VGU is reignite interest in Jarvan.
>you get sexually teased for playing badly
>this makes you play worse
>this only gets you teased harder
so what happens if you do play well?
>Half of Ionia's lore revolves around Shen
>He has less than a minute of movement and attack lines
>Gets a rework and model update
>No voice update where we can hear him talk to some of the champions he's connected to
i.e. so you and she would be together in beekeeper singed's harem?
Hey they gave Caitlyn some content... It's not much but maybe that means they won't be forgetting about her in the near future
Nope. Knowing Riot Swain will have more of a rivalry with Garen
To be fair Cait. is in an ok spot. She's not utter trash like Lucian is and she not hyper cnacer like vayne specifically with the new korean overheal runeset. Her big issue is just a mediocre mid game
Caitlyn isn't even a fun champion kit wise, and isn't very good waifu wise go play something else.
Maybe she already does?
>not wanting an ass your fingers sink into
>Okay guys it’s official Jarvan is no longer my husbando.
>not wanting an ass that can crush your dick with its cheeks
this one
I'm only able to cum if i win
with that face it's certainly a buttplug tail
You know...ninjas are suppose to be like a silent ninja?
one or two bad games and you're going to be so teased and worked up it's going to be really difficult to win, or even play well
Swain should probably have some teasers coming soon. He's one they'll probably play up the reveal of a bit.
if you people keep playing tahm kench toplane im gonna start playing pantheon every match and ill always appear in your promos
Where the fuck are the games?