/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

>Relied heavily on spells

>Shadows Die Twice trailer


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Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Favorite pillar of the Souls community?


>get in a 2v2 because I was bored
>partner casts vow of silence
>both opponents are casters

You like cute Witches?

Based Papa Riot. Of all the people in that picture, Cowboy is probably the least intolerable of them.

Ring level doesn't matter for online play right? like if i'm wearing a +2 ring i'll still be able to invade someone with a normal ring right?

It depends. How good are you at free-aiming?
Very few things feel better than being a proper guard to a mage.

Playing DS2 for the first time, would consider myself above average skill in the series

Just got to Iron King DLC and Brume Tower
Boy...I want to quit playing this game now. You can't dodgeroll fucking anything, the hitboxes are ridiculous.

Xth for my wife.

Every single person in that image aside from A German Spy is a faggot and shouldn't even be there honestly.
The all-time most influential person to the western Souls community that can be pinned down is probably Epicnamebro or ENB for short. Yes, nowadays he's a has-been but he was there since the early days making informative videos, helping with on the wikis and messageboards for Souls, organized the Souls community and did collabs with A German Spy, another Souls oldfag. Then both him and Spy got hired to work on the Futapress official guides for DS2, BB and TOH and rest is history.

The other really major Soulsborne contributors are the dataminers/debugfags like Gibbed/Crestfallen/ZullietheWitch/Sanadsk and the people he "borrows" content from.

I wish you could be invaded in areas after beating the boss of the area.
only fun place I can still be invaded is in Grand Archives but there's no activity at SL 60 +6 but I generally have no idea what the bare minimum level people go there at.
I also feel like a humongous shitter for asking this but if I'm using a UGS, how much poise would I need to trade against another UGS? 32 poise?


German Spy never made anything of value, he only got semi-pouplar by licking ENB's anus really hard for a very prolonged time until he managed to sneak into some of his videos.
Now that ENB is a hollow husk of a man and nobody watches him anymore German Spy's channel fell twice as hard.

DaS1 matchmaking is determined by SL only.
DaS2 matchmaking is determined by SM for invasions, SL for arena.
DaS3 matchmaking is determined by SL and weapon upgrade level.

NG level doesn't matter at all, to the best of my knowledge.

"'dark'" souls 2

Okay, thanks, i didn't think it would matter, but i just wanted to be sure before i got the upgraded rings

how sad is your fucking life that you feel compelled to post this more than once ever?

Name 10 (ten) objectively good new things that DS3 implemented

Friendly reminder that /dsg/ got BTFO once again.

>phased bosses
>red eye orb
>ability to have cops, puppies, reds and grapes all in one hosts world
>more feet waifus
That’s about it, nothing else is new really and I’m sure I’m wrong about 3 of those 4 things

ashen estus
the best weapon upgrade system
weapon arts
charging attacks

>not liking Best Witch
What have this general come to?

>the general that has not stopped shitting on 2 for the past 50 threads at least
We didn’t get BTFO, we regularly dismiss any defense of 2 and call anyone who posts about it retarded. Go back to /v/ and get some (you)’s there.
>ashen estus
>best upgrade system
I love being locked from pvp by my weapon
>WA and charge attacks

Fucking delete this

>German Spy never did anything of value
His in-depth Demon's Souls playthroughs were seriously great for anyone looking information about that game and the lore associated. ENB only managed to finish DeS at the end of last year and while it was nice of him to actually finish the game, it was a comfy but typical twitch memefest. Although I guess ENB did a Demon's Souls lore vid with his sister as his production assistant She is really cute but Spy puts an incredibly autistic amount of effort into using footage from multiple playthroughs to cover everything important in DeS and even though he hates DS2, he gave a pretty in-depth coverage for that game as well. Also remember that he was on the g team for DS2/BB/TOH official Futurepress guides as well.

He’s a newfag, he probably assumed that you meant yuria from 3.
>and Karla is still better you faggot

>ashen estus

Are you fucking high brah

The FP system is trash

>he plays Dark Souls III(tm)
>he doesn't kill greirat for being the vile, low pillaging scoundrel he is
>he doesn't murder patches on sight for the countless cuckings and murders he did and willingly lets patches cuck him
>he doesn't beat the shrine maiden with fists/caestus for cooperating with patches on the tower trap
>he doesn't kill ludleth everytime he visits the shrine due to his shady past that earned him exile status and suspicious nightmares
>he doesn't kill both Yuria and Sirris onsight for being evil whores, the latter an asinine kinslayer
>he actually joins the aldrich faithfuls covenant
>he doesn't kill the edgelord Leonhard for being a raper and a raiding brute and a marauder and for trying to distract you with his manchild japes
>he doesn't kill the vile creature known as "Rosaria" that mutates men into worms and eats amputated tongues for breakfast
>he doesn't kill Yorshka for her cowardice
>he doesn't kill Karla for admitting to being a vile, dark creature and never questions the fact why she is in prison
>he doesn't kill hawkwood for lowering morale around firelink
>he doesn't kill the painting girl for her extremely evil visions and wishes to paint a dark world and age
>he doesn't kill eygon on-sight for throwing a frail maiden into a small cell and tormenting her

c-can you link a video that she’s in?

Dude come on


>he doesn't kill himself for his crippling autism

stop triggering sirris/yuria/karlafags

or else the fedoras shall cover the light of the sun


>try out cheat engine for the first time
so much power...


DARK souls 2

That’s a pretty “dark” glitch huh gaijin? I hope u rike it

should I do this on my first run?

>get knocked down
>Four Kings music starts playing

Yes but don't kill shrine maiden, just beat her with fists until she's low HP
If you actually kill her she spergs out and jews's her prices to you.
Do the same with Karla if you're going with a magic build

>refined covenant system (hotswap, deposit multiple trophies simultaneously)
>Mound Makers
>un-forgeable armor
>lots of infusion options (even if some are objectively worse than others)
>weapon arts
>charged R2s
>(relatively) fresh combat experience
>some good bosses
>a handful of likeable characters and memorable locations
>boss bonfires
That was really difficult, and I'm sure some anons will argue some of them.

She doesn't show her face in that video, she's entirely offscreen but she was in his stream-anniversary stream and she has a twitter account where you can see her pics.

No such thing and do we count things it incorporated into Dark Souls even if they were in other games?

If so...

>return of mana and regen
Good for long stretches of PvE, mana regen needs a Fragrant Ring equivalent though.

>BB toolbelt
Good for having online items in without having to sacrifice consumable slots.

>Weapon arts instead of durability eating 2hR2s
Self explanatory.

>Infusion system and return of Sharp/Crushing infusions.

>Charged R2's


>Boss bonfires


>A handful of likeable characters


>unforgeable armor

I'm intrigued, explain?

>refined covenant system
>two covenants are the same and one barely works
>you have no commitment or real rewards
>combat experience is the same as 1 but faster
>boss bonfires that remove any challenge

>Mound Makers
Darkwraiths with a different name
>un-forgeable armor
Introduced by Demon's Souls
>lots of infusion options
Same as DeS
>charged R2s
Introduced by Bloodborne
>fresh combat experience
Dark Souls 1 but with infinite stamina
>boss bonfires

the knight set for starters

Killing bosses spawns bonfires is what he means

Which, 1. was introduced by Bloodborne and 2. would be great if every boss that wasn't also an endpoint didn't have a bonfire like right after their area


>boss bonfires that remove any challenge
There is only one section in the entire game where boss bonfires suck out any challenge and that's the one you get after Ancient Wyvern.

The problem are the bonfires between the level start and the boss and not the boss bonfires themselves. After you kill the boss there's no relevant gameplay until you get to the start of the next area.

New to Dark Souls.
I'm not saying the other games didn't have them. I'm saying DS3 added more.
>unforgeable armor
Rather, un-upgradeable. No more farming chunks and souls for each new Veeky Forums set.

>>Darkwraiths with a different name
Darkwraiths in DS3 are Fingers you dumb cunt.
>Same as DeS
DeS has far fewer infusions when you remember two of them are just upgrades for shields and bows.
>Dark Souls 1 but with infinite stamina
You haven't played one of these games in a long time.

do i just look fextralfie wiki for ds3 builds? i can't come up with builds myself, for obvious reasons.
100%'d the vanilla content with a cookie cutter sorcerer build and i really need to try something else for pvp and dlc

>aldrich meteor showers the gesturing host to death from the grave
every time

>introduced by Bloodborne and 2
You mean DeS.

I've been BTFO

>Playing DS3
>decide to invade
>Use one of my 98 Cracked Red Eye Orbs
>Wait an hour
>Finally get into another world
>Take one step
>"Player has entered Critical Battle"
>Fuckers used the Ember Right at the boss door
>Get booted back

Check Mugenmonkey for builds. Fextralife is the absolute last resort for anything except laughs.

>my soul when reading fextralife tips
It's mind-boggling how such a shitty wiki can be the first google result for everything but they probably pay for SEO.

So in SotFS, is there any reliable place for people at max SM to pvp?

>trying to invade at the wrong level for an area

The arenas are SL-based.

can't imagine playing a Souls game without cheat engine.
>he actually fucking farms for rare drops in a PVE game
they just need a fucking vendor to sell all that shit once you beat the area boss

Iron Keep bridge.

Why don't you just get the infinite use Red Eye Orb?

i use it all the time for locations and stuff like catalyst info, but it's hilarious how there's misinformation on almost every page
today i was on the aldrich page which states his arrows are an "insta-kill" and the tail is his weak point


may I ask where that gif is from user?

Brotherhood of Blood arena
Dragon Bridge

Dancers Leggings

>dancer’s butt jiggle when it’s hit
They knew, miyazaki knew.

The Tairyou Jigoku cutscene

Fextra is super maligned for a reason. Their fact checking is abysmal and Limit Breakers roasted them for that in one of his videos.

From special "horror" videos made by Eyewitness Productions .

item locations*

That old horror game? I don’t remember any IRL videos ingame
Thank you, will check it out

A German Spy is a fucking faggot regardless of what he's done.

ENB is slowly regaining his humanity, little by little. People do watch him too. Obviously he's nowhere near what he used to be but he's got a pretty nice video series on Nier Automata at the moment and it's genuinely pretty comfy.

His streams are generally pretty annoying though because he has a poor attitude at even the slightest frustration.

Fextra has never told a lie.

That's why I ask, because I'm at 280 something and I don't plan on stopping.

Not even once

>glitching onto the roof in undead settlement while embered and fingered, watching a single red mow down wave after wave of blues while sipping hot cocoa
truly the life /dsg/

Are you here sir drawfag? I wanted to get that imgur link, I saved the wrong one

>there are blues today who don't take the based Lightning Arrow way out

Why fite when you can kite

oh SHIT a purple arrived and the red is dead, it's getting spicy boys

What is the point of summoning grapes? They rarely co op, they are dogshit at fighting if they turn on you and give little souls.

It might be fun.

Their videos are hard to hunt down, but I managed to grab a good number from weird russian forums back in the day.

ENB is not a professional streamer and has a terrible time adjusting to streaming due to his hugbox that he lets to reaffirm him that he is never doing anything wrong. I watch a lot of streamers and the golden rule is that as a streamer you should never be the asshole or start being snippy, you let your mods be the assholes and you yourself remain calm. Yeah, sometimes people are fags at him but when he gets pissy and starts doing the baby voice to imitate chat or lashing out at people giving him friendly suggestions that shit makes everyone not have a good time.

I have pretty high hopes for the Nier series though, I hope he does Bloodborne sometime soonish as well.

As a purpal, I just clear the level and take my shackle from whichever invader inevitably shows up. Phantoms are okay too if we get to the boss.

Should I worry aboutbeing on a listif I start hunting the videos down, and do you have any idea where to start?

>tfw this happens but you are the red
feels good

Eggs dee their site says they don’t host sexual activity and the whole page is nude women being groped. Europeans are some cheeky bastards

Nah you're good as long as you don't live in some really super strict country.
>any ideas where to start?
Just DuckDuckGo the video names, it will likely bring up forums with threads where someone has uploaded them. The places keep changing, threads keep dying and uploads taken down but new ones pop into existence.

There's no real point to summoning madmen unless you're wanting to help them out in getting shackles.

I used to not like Morne's Set but it really grew on me over time.

Yeah, although I thought the helm looked a tad too big on me

I would like a lot of the armor in DaS a lot better if it actually looked like it fit. There's no fucking excuse for, for example, the Northern or Warrior chest looking almost the same no looking how big or small your dude's torso is.

I think you get shackles for killing them, so grapes summon grapes

>Join Mad Phantoms
>Get summoned by some new player
>Help him out on one of the long stretches to a bonfire
>Just about to activate the bonfire in Anor Londo 2
>Instant death

I'm going to hell aren't I.

>grapes summon grapes
Why...why did I never think of this, it’s so easy to farm them now

I agree but it's so goofy that it almost fits.
I guess my only problem with the armor is the way the armor is shaped from the feet to the calves. It's just so small and looks uncomfortable. The weird window for the abs are A-OK with me though.
I always went with large upper body in DaS1 and increased arms/legs as high as I could before anything else would increase in DaS3. It helped even out the bulk between the torso and the rest of the body.
In BB I just maxed every single slider.

>demon's scar


I even unplugged my controller before I realized what was happening.