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made fresh

Why can't ubisoft give ela a 30 rounds smg ?

Soon to be Capitao'd Goddess Edition*

i want to breathe IQ's foot perfume!

because someone on the management side that also made them change her hair color from blonde to what it is now demanded a 50 round magazine. She's someones self insert or a dying cancer patient.

I dont understand where ubisoft draws the line. Apparently BB's was nerfed into the ground in regards to shield health, movespeed with a shield and his scars recoil and fire rate. But Ela, with her 1200 rpm, 51 mag gun with next to no recoil got a slap on the wrist (oh boohoo she gets 1 less broken fucking stun mine woe is me).

I can only hope in the upcoming patch they reduce her mag to 30, take down the fire rate to around 900 and remove altogether the sound deficit from her concussion mines

who /doesnttakearmorpacks/ here?

post stats?

>tfw always punch the armor before anyone has a chance to grab it

This harms you and you only, unless you count denying some guy 10 points.

>Be rook
>Drop plates
>Reinforce 2 walls
>If bomb I'll make a hole to the second room.
>Start roaming meta rook
Doesn't bother me lad. I did my job. You don't want the plates that's your issue not mine.

i want to sniff Caveira's spicy butt.

Nevermind, I managed to reproduce the glitch by myself.
There's just 2 problems about it. You can't buy attachments for the non unlocked operator guns and you don't get any renown at the end of the match (but who cares about the renown when you have every operator anyway).


>tfw i'm getting a new 1080ti tomorrow and i finally get to run this game at max settings

>ill take 20% extra damage, that'll show them!


The state of /r6g/

>fell for the 1080ti meme

Any word on when the next elite set is going to be?

Datamined Ela

Thatcher or Ash

these are the two I've been playing most since I started back in October, their stats are a lot worse than the ops I've been playing more recently at least

>oregon bomb defending basement
>take plates and roam upstairs to contest attackers on lobby push
>make hole upstairs overlooking the hatch to laundry room and shoot out hibana pellets on the hatch
>take out 2 sets of pellets before they realize they have to clear upstairs if they want to take control of lobby
>they rappel up and start pushing me
>kill 2 but get naded since im stuck in a corner in armory
>injured with no possibility of a revive
>sledge runs up to me and starts teabagging for 10 seconds before finishing me off with the hammer

>he doesn't know the game is cpu heavy and a 1080ti wont do shit for 1080p
i hope you have a 1440p 144hz monitor otherwise you fucked up.

That was on stream and you didn't kill anybody you got raped instantly. you did not stop Hibana either. Why do you lie?

i have a 60hz 4k monitor and already one 1080ti running.

>tfw Vigil one shots you through a small gap in a wall

Did they win ?


no, but that has nothing to do with the plates.
all the plates did was cause me to get injured and BM'd instead of just dying outright.

>double the amount of shots landed as fired

am I the greatest Dokkaebi in existence ?

The greatest Dokkaebi in existence would service her team members.

Then that is me.

Buff IQ

>patch was supposed to be this week
>it's wednesday
>still no patch

>he specifically says when
>you retards read it as "what"

jager fix patch was yesterday frogfucker

patch notes today, TTS tomorrow.


when Doc tries to heal me I purposefully try to dodge his shots

Play glaz

>Go to heal team mate
>Runs around
>I assume he is a moron who doesn't know how doc works and thinks I'm gonna shoot him.

when it's ready


Do you like playing games fast /r6g/?
Anyone watching AGDQ?

im not autistic thank you for asking

You are here senpai, you are autistic enough.

the moment you start watching that shit is the moment you pass the event horizon of autism

i want to be ela's grzmot



how would a grzmot mine feel like in the vagenes?

like a huge tampon

Why the fuck is this so shittily drawn?
Is it a draft before being fleshed out?
It's a hot idea.

>blackbeard mains


you see copper man, You being dbno wasted someone's time

What the fuck is wrong with your game lower the gama you fucking spawnpeeking faggot

I just got a tablet, how do I become a drawfriend? Like what programs do I use? I dicked around in paint for a bit, but leaving the window is damn annoying.

Post tumblr so I can get the finished one pls.

Photoshop, CLIP Studio, Sai, whichever one you prefer after trying it out I guess
I use PS

I've never touched ranked

also make sure when you finish a drawing you scale it down a little so it isn't unviewable on the general, people will bitch if they have to scroll to see your art

"Aquiring" photoshop nowadays is a damn hassle now though isn't it?

Who is this guy on the pic?

there is no finished one yet

Adobe has a criminally cheap PS licence that comes with Lightroom, it's a "Photography pack" or something like that, stop being poor.

It can be, I'm pretty sure they just made it harder to get too. CLIP studio is pretty easy to get your hands on if it hasn't changed since I got it though


the incel who cries about ela and bios all day

Sure but not everyone wants to dish out $99 on something they might not even end up using, I'm all for paying for something once I've given it a shot though

Ela tears are justified, bio tears are not.

It's 9,99 a month adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html?single_app=photoshop&promoid=65FN7XFX&mv=other
stop being poor

oh holy shit I didn't find that deal when I looked, thanks user
sorry I'm retarded

I cant see shit in the game if the brightness is low, especially if its night
Besides, i cant see people that well regardless

They should vertical grips baseline with all guns and make the grip a cosmetic choice

Totally agreed. Also add Russian sights for NATO guns and vice versa

>9.99 a month to dick around with pictures once in a while
Is there at least a semi decent free alternative or is it better to just stick to paint at that point ?

>Monthly cost for a program

Oi vey

Is there a reason shottys are so fucking bad in this game? They're so fucking random. They either kill a person, or they don't, and that's it. It doesn't matter what range, from 1in to 50ft away, what shotgun it is you're using, where you shoot them, etc. It seems like it never matters. The game either kills them, or it doesn't and it's purely random if it happens.

I shot a guy from 3ft away, dead center in the chest, with what I'm assuming was every single pellet because I didn't see any miss him or hit the wall or anything. And then he just shoots me with his own shotty once and kills me from full HP and on the death screen it said my enemy had more then 35% HP.

Like.. why? In what fucking world would a shotgun blast from that close not have killed that guy? I just don't even see the point of using shotguns in this game outside of the weekly challenges (which is why I was using them). Pistols, SMGs, Rifles, hell even fucking grenades are better and more useful than a shotgun. And everyone always says to put the laser sight on it and use ADS; but it has honestly never done a fucking thing as far as I can tell.

get a job and stop living in your parents basement

Some operators load birdshot

Krita is a decent alt especially if you're looking for art programs

Ahh a fellow blitz main

Literally pirate the PS, it's not that hard. Follow keygen instructions carefully and you're set

Because if shotguns were realistic there would be no reason to not use them on every op in every situation

There is a difference between being poor and being practical.

The subscription based model for adobe products will eventually (or very quickly depending on which package) outcost the way they used to sell it just buying the program and having it for life. Like a normal fucking program

cause IRL shotguns are OP

everything is sold as a service nowadays because people pay for it, welcome to late stage capitalism goyim

>carry team 3-0 in bomb on clubhouse
>everyone starts taking it easy
>suddenly 3-4
>defending gym/bed
>break wall between bombs with impact
>friend starts reinforcing over my hole
>go to warning-wound him
>kill by accident
>it's okay, he's my friend
>immediately after he's dead, a random from matchmaking starts reinforcing in exactly the same spot
>panic and kill him
>kicked and banned
>other random adds me as friend

>knowing what money is worth and refusing to spend it on things you think are superfluous is being a neet now
also no way I'm paying of a "service", either I can buy the lifetime licence of they can fuck off.

I'm perfectly fine without a bitcoin miner on my machine thank you

I will give it a shot, thank you.

Run the keygen in a virtual machine if it bothers you so much.

I know that. But the in game shottys don't have to be so utterly shit. They are so finicky to use because there is basically no guarantee at all that you will kill your target and when you can do so quickly and easily to an enemy in a 1v1 where reactions are the main killing factor, you want anything but a shotty. There is no reason for them to MAYBE kill a target or not. If you're in a fight with someone using an AR or SMG and you have a shotty, you stand absolutely no chance in hell unless you are graced by the RNG gods and your shotgun actually kills them in the first shot or atleast injures them.

What I'm saying is, the shotguns would become OP if they were better, but they could easily be better than how they are now without being OP. You shouldn't be able to fucking blast a target from less than 4ft and not kill them or injure them, you shouldn't have to blast them more than 2 or 3 times from down hallways without injuring or killing them. When you're fighting someone who has an SMG and is spraying 500rpm at you, you want that fucking shotty to be lethal and not praying to the game that maybe it kills them.

>Join into a game with a guy spamming his cancerous DO YOU KNOW DE WHEY meme
>Mute him because he won't shut up
>Next round he instantly team-kills me
What the fuck is wrong with these people, it's not fucking funny in the slightest, its obnoxious and stupid.

u do not have ebola

18+ website

Memes were a mistake

>Hibana literally stands next to a reinforced wall peeking a window instead of just opening the wall straight away
I swear some of the people that play this game are brain-dead