/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
>Event starts 10th Jan and ends 20th Jan
10-12 Jan: Jeanne Alter
13-14 Jan: Da Vinci
15-16 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
17-18 Jan: Jeanne Alter
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

FGO manga campaign:
>9 to 22 Jan
>Login for 1 Forbidden Page and 1 quartz
>Commemoration CE Mission Reward
>Double success rate when Leveling related Servants
>1/2 AP Interlude and Stregthening for related Servants

New Year Rateup
DW fucked up quartz purchases, redo for new year's rateups.

For other news open news link

New Year Paid Gacha

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


second for Misora

I like Jalter!

How many NP2+ 5*s do you have? I'm at 23

I played vidya for a few hours and came to look at the thread. What the fuck happened?

No you don't.

Kiara a shit.

Ushi a cute.

I only have KH at NP2, on my secondary account I have a Merlin NP2

Just Altera

Where are the guides?

Da Vinci.

Maid Alter and Hijikata.

What the hell happened in the lastest threads?

Heaven's slut.

What did you get in the paid gacha? How disappointed were you?

So we have to wait until the last day to unlock her outfit? Why do they do this?

are you new?

Arjuna NP3 (2 burned)
Nero Caster NP3
Da Vinci NP2
Scat NP2

I want to fuck Galahad so much.

It's like you've never seen a shitpost before.

I love being a cuckhold!

Yeah, I started yesterday, aniki!

Musashi, Tamamo, Arjuna, Karna, Ozzy, Jack, Melt, Arturia, Orion (NP3), Nightingale

Musashi. She's who I wanted most.

Artoria. Extremely so.
I had a 4/27 of getting spooked and it actually happened. I don't think I'm rolling a paid gacha with a Saber class on it every again in my life.



Altera and same.

By the way once again I failed to get the rate up servant. Both Jeanne and Melt gachas went by me without me getting either...

Not even a single 5*

what is the greatest story of an user (i.e. that one jeannefag's posts)?


>new Marked-two doujin didn't get scanned yet

Good I don't have Internet at the moment.

Moriarity. Disappointed in a sense, but glad because it was a new limited 5*. Then I looked at his skill ups and was disappointed again.

I wanna lick Circe's tummy!

0, i have 18 unique 5*

It's e.g., not i.e.
I guess the guy dumped by some bitch is pretty high up there. I hope he didn't do anything stupid if it's actually a real story


What's the fastest way to reroll? Play through all of Fuyuki? Should I also do the free quests?

I just watched this too, fucking nips, I hate them.

I'd say user and His Kiara.
The person who sucked off his friend and later escalated to fucking for quartz money is also up there.

>ore_halcon's maid alter doujin still not scanned

Drake. Disappointed because I got her from the same gacha last new years

EX rank luckshitters

>2 sumanai

Jannu Horta. I wanted Holmes but I'll take it.

Damn, how lucky. I threw 500 quartz at him and only got him to NP1. Jiji gacha when?

Buy Quartz account

yfw it gets scanned by LWND with phone camera rips

it's not fair bros...


I got him twice with only 10 tickets or so. I hope this happens again with muramasa so I can have him more than NP1

4; NP2 Artoria and Orion, NP3 King Hassan and Vlad.

3: Orion, Iskander, and Vlad. The first two were very, very severe case of spooking, while the third came while trying to roll Merlin.



Double gaijin farming this entire event.


Post supports!

Aren't you dead?

Sucks I didn't get any good CEs, though. But overall I'm happy with it.

KH. He was the second servant I wanted the most so I'm happy.

This one year luck for me or even more.

>Nitocris could have been an gaijin/avenger instead of caster/assassin
was it fair?

What the fuck


So this is real Luck.

>havent gotten a 5* in past 800 quartz

>/fgog/ are closet Reddit Alterfags


>lucklets getting mad

Does anyone have a vn screenshot where saber KNOWS HOW TO PLEASE A MAN? can be cropped idc

I just want to suck her big, pale dick and swallow all her cum.

Take it yourself. You're not a secondary are you?

i cant do that user, those quartz are used goods quartz, making all the servants i get used goods


Don't include me in your shit statistics.


How does that make any sense?

I haven't spent any quartz/tickets on her though.

I'm not one though, I won't even roll this gacha.

Then she would have to be a half-decayed corpse and that would be a waste if used for anyone who isn't actually known for that shit like Izanami.

wtf bros...

And i only have 1 servant at NP5

I like Gorgon tho

>The person who sucked off his friend and later escalated to fucking for quartz money is also up there.

>up until 2 minutes, only a Sumanai
>a cut in audio between 02:01 and 02:02
>proceeds to get EX Rank Luck after that audio cut, getting 5 SSR and 1 SR
Hm, that's not suspicious at all.

The one person who went in debt to the yakuza for Scat.

That doesn't make me gay, right?

Which is never going to happen considering that we already have Eresh and Hades would be a better option if you are going to have another ruler of the underworld.

The user that became a seigi no mikata.

>seigi no mikata
What the hell is that?

What are those level 5, 1 AP quests at the bottom? I don't trust that shit.

Account stealers

Your thoughts

The difference between her and Eresh is big enough to matter, but Hades would be better. He's fucking rad. Too bad he's also Greek.

NP2 Arturia and Jack

"I want to fuck this fox"

What about this user then? I don't think her position in memelist is the sole reason for him.

0, but I hope to change that on the 12th!

What is good about Jeanne Alter anyway?

The fight between a Shirou user and Archer user, which led to them agreeing to meet up and fight over their ideals. The Archer user hid and took pictures of the Shirou user, who was a fat loser