/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: Da Vinci and the Seven Fake Heroic Spirit: Lite version
19-20 Jan: Da Vinci
21-22 Jan: Jeanne Alter/Da Vinci
23-24 Jan: Jeanne Alter
Shinjuku costume will be made available

Kintoki animation update confirmed.

Setsubun event late January, no new servants, cannot use supports and cannot use servants repeatedly.

Survey, if you complete it you get 3 tickets: news.fate-go.jp/2018/questionnaire_3rd/

January 2018 Monthly Mats
>Octuplet Twin Crystals
>Unlucky Bone
>Yggdrasil Seed

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Other urls found in this thread:


Is BB Type-Moon?

Reminder if you have autism you make your own servants.


How many of you wound up regretting grailing a servant?

I want to hug Arjuna and then let him rest his head on my lap

Here's a little something for you, my dear user.

When the fuck are they going to fix the supports?

I already wrote Tomás de Torquemada

I don't regret grailing Hans but I feel kinda bad about never using him now that Merlin is out.


>the peninsula of sakuracucks

>playing pretend and wasting my handsome yan's time

Why is Casko such a slut?

So, why is he so hated here?


Costume when

He's a sakuracuck. Ergo, a delusional piece of trash who deserves whatever happens to him.

Cu Lancer deserves all the grails he can get. That said, I'll probably get him only up to Level 90.

Tell me the first thing that comes to your mind when you see this image, user.



Umm event is over where is newses?

He was just a fuckwit.



Because he has the strongest servant, people are jealous


Everyone here see themselves in him and can't accept it
The Shirou and EMIYA kind of way

Tokiomi was a stupid fag too.
>best thing he did for Rin was die

>refreshing for 20 minutes for the right support to show
You can't tell me this shit ain't broken

Shakespeare you failed me.

I like using chiyome. I like her 2nd sprite the most.

Break quartz or keep it for gacha?

>not creating the best type
You pleb.

Should've summoned Dantes, not Memealot

fuck off, Dobby



Define "right"? What support is "meant" to show? after hitting refresh?

You sounds like a cute waifu material, let me marry you user.

>making servants with FGO stats
I make the lore text only

That's a funny way to describe the best master of Zero.

>not making both

No one said anything about hating Kirei.

Is Kingman good? Should I watch it tonight?

never change /fgog/


It's good

Imagine if there's a servant with a Self-Recovery A+


This really needs to be updated. The Rin and Sakura waifuwars should be Rin laughing and Sakura hanging herself, and no one gives a fuck about a Dark Sakura drawn by Takao.

it's an action comedy
but with blood and colorful explosions

*unzips dick*

>Because he has the most expensive servant

Hello r*ddit.


>quick merlin Kirei
What did i miss?

Sensha Otoko collab when?

kys Rhinofag

I didn't use a website to do it, I made it using the html from cirnopedia, but a site to make your own servants sounds like it could be a fun idea.

I don't regret anything, but I still have half of the available grails (12).
I'm not sure if I should grail Melt to 100, Drake to 100, Nero Bride to 100, Robin to 80 or Nobu to 90. I need to save 5 grails for when Kiara comes back also.

It's okay.

>you can only hate sakura if you like rin
>everyone hates sakura
>ergo, everyone likes rin
Damn user you showed me



A bit late but I am surprisingly happy that there are so many helena fags here.

> I made it using the html from cirnopedia
Dayum, I admire your autism.

It's pretty fun, also chink Melt.


This need to be updated. Jetkek is 7 now, same tier as sumanai.


>A shitty thing like that
>1000 yen


Wow the 4* list got weird while I wasn't looking.

Is Cu the biggest meme in the whole series?

I don't get this meme

>Pearl Verty
>Even higher than Lancelot (crazy)

>I like her 2nd sprite the most.
The colors in her third sprite seemed a but much (besides the clusterfuck design).


For the nips, yes. Over here it's redman

>How Justinian killed a trillion people
Procopius please.

>pearl verty
Parvati, I'm assuming?

These google translated names never stop amusing me.

why nasu so goddamn lazy ?

Yes. That's one of the easiest ways to tell that it's the MEMElist, that she's above any other Lancer.


I love fox!

Summons tickets from the shop should renew on a weekly basis.


>eor has different writers
>please understand
>tease part 2 prologue
>said part 2 is 2 months away
yeah i hate him

Her NP charge and loops are pretty good for farming though, same reason Nitocris is rated just as high.

DW would go bankrupt please understand


You expect us to give you 5 free 3* CE and servant weekly?
How greedy could you be?
t. DW

I agree, with no new CEs on the shop that would make use use all our MP.


That seriously needs an anime. The Emiya cooking hour should have been that instead.

Evil cat! Can't wait for her animation update. She's a launch servant, right?

>Her NP charge and loops are pretty good for farming though
She can't NP charge and loop. Her NP only gives 10% unless you chain it and she can only charge about 40% of her own NP with her best chain, with level 10 skills, and on top of that using her targeted NP charge on herself means dealing with the demerit. Daiz can spam his NP, Parvati can't. Nito is rated so high because she can go from 0% to 100% with a single skill, and arts chain, and instakill shitty farm mobs.

The idea that Parvati can spam her NP is a total myth easily debunked by just using her.

Is there any good reason for Nobu and Okita-san to be good friends other than that they hosted Gudaguda Order together?