/scg/edg/ Star Citizen Elite Dangerous General #255

Star Citizen Information:

Alpha 3.0 PTU is released for all backers. You must download the new patcher from the RSI website.

>Comprehensive look at the current state of Star Citizen

>Squadron 42 Vertical Slice

>Jump Point Links & Content Summary


>Star Citizen Official YT

>Other games:

Above is a pastebin of games you can play while waiting for SC to become playable.
ED info:

Elite Dangerous v2.4 is online with improvements to base game and dlc content.
Frontier announced a new expansion called "Beyond" and will offer it for free to everyone who bought horizon.
Season three will focus on refining core gameplay and introducing new content.

>Frontier Official YT

Old thread:

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I don't agree. Group size limitations exist in other games as well. Giving players tools and a reason to group up can only be good for the long term health of the game.


They'll neuter it at the last second like they've done with absolutely everything else.

>4-person wings (groups) and collections of wings in squadrons (raids)
Where have I heard this formula before?

I'm REALLY hoping we see shit like this eventually from ED. As has been said many times before, there's really very little reason to do anything in the game outside of grinding for ships and upgrades at the moment. Sure, paying to build nav beacons and outposts and managing stations and colonies is sort of grind of another type - but at least a system like this would give you some long term goals to actually work towards, that is to say, building, upgrading, and expanding your little pocket of space as part of a larger faction. Couple this with random community events where players compete to discover a rumored alien crash site and be the first to colonize it, or a border skirmish breaks out in a critical system and vassals from both sides rally forces to sway the battle and suddenly players have a reason to actually interact with the game world instead of just sort of existing in it.

I also like some of the ideas about tweaking navigation that people have suggested. Having players exit hyperspace AT a nav beacon instead of in supercruise near the star turns nav beacons from low-paying bounty hunting regions into proper travel hubs and places for interaction, especially if players were allowed to dock and trade with each other directly instead of exclusively at stations.

I was implying that they do have the power necessary for the second chose, an insanely high specific impulse. But yes it would also be a very effective weapon

What's a good ship to get started with trading in ED? I've got almost 3M saved up, so a budget of about 1.5M to spend. I was gonna go with the Hauler but I'm wondering if I'm better off getting a Cobra MkIII, MkIV, or even jumping right to a Type-6.

that's about 3m

Get the Cobra MkIII. It's more expensive than the Hauler or Adder, but it's a much better ship and arguably one of the best all-arounders until you can buy something bigger like the Python.

MkIII will basically do whatever you need it to. If you want to do combat - it's a good little combat ship, if you want to do freight or passenger, it's got some big class 4 bays you can equip with big ol cargo racks or cabins, if you want to do exploration you can strip that fucker down and boost its jump range to just under 30 ly. It's also fucking cheap - fully upgrading all its systems and weapons can be done for like 10 mil.

No point to the Hauler if you can afford something bigger. Even the Adder is a direct upgrade in all respects.

Unless you preordered horizons before it came out you won't have access to the C-IV. It carries the most cargo of any small ship but it's utter shit at everything else and is pretty much a sitting duck with its godawful speed and flight model.

The C-III is a speedy small multipurpose ship, so it's not the best at hauling cargo but it's pretty good at everything.

If just want to haul then the Type-6 carries the most in your price range and is reasonably fast if you need to peace out.

what would it add? what would it really add to the game that isn't furry roleplay?

>there's really very little reason to do anything in the game outside of grinding for ships and upgrades at the moment.
>so I would really like for them to add even more expensive stuff to grind for

The ability for players to organize, communicate, and do things together in-game without relying on third party tools. Also, starting with fleet carriers, actual things for players to work together and earn.
It also will make PvP easier to deal with, since there will presumably be clan tags.
So, the same things guilds add to every online game since the dawn of online gaming.

When I finish prettying up and grinding upgrades for my courier, I'm gonna m i n e
what ship should I do it in?

The difference is that it's expensive stuff to grind for that then has permanence and a purpose in the game world. It gives the players a stake in the world if they can add and remove things.

At least it's grinding for something with a point. The only thing to really spend any money or effort on right now is ships. Yeah, if you get a hundred bajillion credits you can get em all and get em all fully upgraded and then...... yeah that's kind of where the content ends.

At least player-built nav beacons, outposts, stations, colonies, etc would give players something new to spend their hard earned credits on. And if you work that into a system where player activity drives faction power and expansion, then it gives players a way to actually be involved in the larger goings on.

If you've got a better idea to add content I'd love to hear it.

>please please give me more grind
you deserve everything you get

>you deserve everything you get
Cool, I hope it's grinding with an actual purpose instead of grinding for the sake of grinding, like we asked for.

I did it in a clipper because luxury

ew. i want to feel like a m i n e r

Indeed - if there's things that really need to be a priority right now it's

a) Larger wings and co-op content.
b) Long-term goals like player owned fleets and stations and shit.

Fortunately it sounds like (fingers crossed) some of the Beyond updates this year will be working towards that. Co-op wing missions are apparently going to be a thing now, which adds way more incentive for playing with a group, and player owned carriers are going to be implemented at some point.

It's a step in the right direction.

any lakon box then

I have a type 7, I guess that'll do

das lakonblochen

if you have enough money and you most likely dont python is probably best mining ship
of your budget is tight something like aspX woud do well enough (or any multipurpose ship with decent cargo really)

it would be great, imagine a factionwide CG to colonize the fucking Abyss or something, we could even make a new bubble around Beagle Point or something and terraformable and earthlikes would have a real purpose outside of selling data

>I really want more reasons to travel 10000 ly

>Fortunately it sounds like (fingers crossed) some of the Beyond updates this year will be working towards that
How new are you? I hope you're prepared for some bait-and-switch because that's Fdev's modus operandi.

well fuck then let's hear your ideas?

>what is colonia

what ideas? there's over 5 systems per player in the bubble. if you need somewhere to have an event it's not like there's a shortage of space.

not same user but it gives me some kind of masochistic pleasure to be 5k+ ly away from any station, just jumping from one system to the other for days
captcha: place orion road

Colonia was pushed by Fdev per requests on their forum, what I'm talking about is dynamic ingame shit no requesting braben to add stations just get with a group of players and build shit

no event required idiot, I'm talking about doing it organically, you get to an uninhabited system with a few good planets, you message your friends and start making your little outpost/unnoficial guild house on an rock positioned in the star's Corona or an outpost orbiting a black hole etc. no request for events needed

what for? you can have your little clubhouse in the middle of fucking nowhere after 5000 hours of grind of 100 hours of travel just to get there and then jerk each other off while wearing fursuits. fun game. kill yourself dad.

>what is competing with other guilds who also own stuff in the game world
jesus you are dense

well then they shouldn't add anything then
this user understand what I'm saying

damn you are like the niggers that complain about WoW being anything but vanilla

>competing with other guilds who also own stuff in the game world

There are 400 BILLION star systems in ED. No one will EVER find your little gay love shack if you don't want them to.

competing for what? do you know the difference between a thousand and 100 billion? you're an mit nigger. a nigger once sued someone for a trillion dollars. cause niggers can't tell the difference between a million and a billion. there's so much space you can't even imagine it. this isn't eve (which is fucking boring) where you have enough players and limited enough space to carve out some niche. this is a realistically simulated galaxy with more space than even god can imagine.

Only me that want something like this for space suits in SC ? Pretty tired of the spandex looking suits that we have now :) I guess the hardest would be to have armor parts fit on with more bulky suits

not same user but did anyone say we would compete for natural resouces?
how about just giving players profit for riding other bases or creating (and pirating on) trade routes?

limit the area that players can inhabit
next objection

why not play a real 4x instead of shitting up a game based on individual ships?

user if you don't want to do guild-based factional warfare over territory then you don't have to
you can just jerk off by yourself in your fursuit for no reason endlessly, as per the current game

>don't add any new content that would make the setting more dynamic

because in 4x one player controlls entire faction
instead of multiple players collectively creating one

Phew, and I was really worried about gender bias among NPC fighter pilots, too!

exactly, yeah the galaxy is enormous but the moment one group starts colonizing a new area there's bound to be players that "hey fuck them I want that corner of the galaxy for myself/my friends, yeah I could fine a place exactly like that but I want that fucking place!"

what you're suggesting is non-content.

okay what would you add?

>group based competitive gameplay and territory control, making the game world more dynamic and giving players a reason to give a shit about it is not content
holy shit FDev really has you faggots brainwashed
is it stockholme syndrome or does being an old british boomer just make you stupid?

and I tought this game was free of sjw's and soyboy whiteknights
the more you know

you don't even know the half of it




o7 fly safe commando

there was a suit like that in the GDC demo but that style is long dead.

>Let's do some multi-crew since we got three peeps and one finally has friends after hundreds of hours
>400kcr for having no guns as gunner, or piloting a fighter only to have the mothership instantly blow up most ships/have no energy to fire even at max weapons, for 5 minutes
>But nono! No rep gain!
what? what a fucking underwhelming experience

fdev just needs to make mining much more lucrative in certain areas. more miners in a concentrated area means piracy is viable

That won't change jack shit.
Piracy needs a confirmed entry and exit point to star systems to have places to gank, as well as easier means to fly in cruise and interdict appropriately.
Maybe the entry/exit of a system is just to add something like 5ly to your jump for free, making it attractive but not essential to haul.


>want a new major hub of player activity and faction conflict
>Option A - beg devs for months and hope they'll put something there
>Option B - do it yourself as part of the actual game

Your group wants to set up a line of colonies and waystations out to Beagle Point? Do it.
Your group wants to start its own little faction out in the Abyss? Do it.
Picture little pockets of civilization sprouting up around neutron stars like major cities on a highway or guilds setting up colonies on the bubble's edge to stage pirate raids or faction invasions out of. All done by the players themselves instead of waiting for the dev team to come up with shit on their own. The galaxy would grow and develop according to what the player community does instead of the player community reacting to whatever cosmetic changes or system adjustments the dev team imposes.

To chip into this train of thought
>*c-logs your PVP fit :^)*
>*trashes your undefended systems (^:*
Player collective investments will trump pussying out of open on demand.

just pirate in the RES where they're masslocked lmao

>annoyed the bug that causes most of the Yela ring to disappear at distance still exists
>then I get over there and realize it just wasn't lit up because it's on the dark side
that's pretty cool. also how the FUCK do you find grimhex now? There used to be so much cool shit hidden in the ring but there doesn't seem to be a single thing of note there now. no land marks, and with orbital mechanics you can't even rely on memory to find it.

Why did CQC die? It was actually fun. Anyone else here enjoy it?

Why would haulers with cargo be in RES? Most of the commodities in Elite are produced on stations out of thin air regardless. Mining is literally to skip the middleman for 100% profit margin of fucking pocket change, it doesn't belong without an actual investment option for all that ore e.g. player construction.

Yep, multi-crew is barely functional and completely not worth doing beyond the novelty of doing it once.
The best part is FD's stance on their new features, they always say "If people engage with it then we'll see about improving it and adding stuff," apparently not realizing that the reason no one plays their shitty new features is because they're broken and terrible.
This kind of thing would actually make me interested in playing again.
The payouts were pathetic and there's no way to queue for it without logging out back to the menu. I bet it'd pick up a lot more if you could queue from within your ship.

It tries to compete with the main game instead of work along with it.

Where do these retards come from? How did society go so wrong that people like this are allowed to exist?

>how the FUCK do you find grimhex now
If you double click Yela from the map, it'll zoom at a reasonable distance and show you Grimhex's marker in the ring.

just make mining more valuable in certain areas like RES so its worth it for miners AND pirates

how do we enhance crytek's claims against chris roberts?

what can be done to ensure the downfall of his scam of a so-called "game" vaporware?

If there's any substance to them, we'll find out soon. I don't think we can really do anything about it one way or the other.

Introducing permanent player investments allows you to reduce the grind requirements for other shit. If the long term goal becomes building up a group or system of your own instead of getting ships, it means the ships themselves don't need to be the end game anymore and don't need to be walled off with ridiculous credit and rank requirements to keep people from running out of shit to work towards.

The people who just want to get a neat ship and fly around zapping pirates or buzzing stars can then get into it easier, and the people who want more have a long term goal to work towards.

got a time machine?

RES already have double the resources per asteroid but that's clearly not enough.

>This kind of thing would actually make me interested in playing again.
think very carefully about what would actually change in the game and then say that to my face
think slowly.

Well, it'd give player groups something to do that isn't just pretending their named NPC faction matters, while also having an actual effect on the game world. It'd add competition between player groups and a context for pvp, as well as granting players a reason to give a shit about what they're doing in the game world and what's happening in the world around them.
Did I forget anything?
Since you appear to be against it, what would be the down side?

think harder

So they've recapped about the upcoming changes in Beyond. I took a screencap of one part regarding board flipping as well.



Bounties and Notoriety

Fines no longer mature into bounties.
Bounties are no longer dormant.
Murder bounties are being revamped to include the following:
A fraction of the perpetrator’s rebuy cost.
A fraction of the victim’s rebuy cost.

Commanders will have a 'Notoriety' level:
It increases with each murder crime
It increases the rebuy cost fractions for both perp and victim
The victim’s rebuy cost is reduced by this amount
It decreases when a Commander is brought to justice.

We are introducing 'Power bounties,' which only apply to 'Power' crimes
Power bounties replace normal crimes for Power activities
Power bounties can only be seen and claimed by appropriately pledged ships
Power bounties do not follow the crime flow

Why we are making these changes:
A reduction in crime states helps increase legibility.
We felt the bounties for murder, in general, were a little too low.
We feel its fairer that the perpetrator should shoulder some of the victim’s debt.
Notoriety ensures that some of the risks of crime cannot simply be shaken off by changing one's ship.
Power bounties allow us to have consensual PvP without unduly punishing those involved.

just bought imp courier and it's so fun to fly around, even just doing delivery missions

>more powerplay segregation

Nah, you can either offer counter-arguments or fuck off.

the absolute state of dads

>no argument
>calling someone a dad for wanting expanded player interaction
project much, dad?

who cares?

It's fun, but it should be a standalone F2P game.
This is not going to make anyone play open that isn't already. I'm not sure what problem they think they are solving. If they don't get rid of the solo button, not much else matters.

just passed 10 billion smeaton bucks
what do I do with all this money?

pay a illegal mexican to grind all of the engineer mats for you

I would grind the engi mats, but don't do much until after the beta, since they are changing how you get to grade 5.


What is the possible benefit to getting a type-10 over an anaconda? I love a good meme ship every once in a while but it seems like a pretty shitty meme desu

there isn't

This - there's absolutely no reason not to have larger wings

grind the engi mats for me instead

They aren't transferable. That would create a market and therefore economy, and they can't have that.

that's all that beyond is gonna offer?
Jesus ED devs put the minimum amount of effort into their game.

that's just a part of what 3.0 brings (with 3 more coming in 2018), there is a list somewhere, but OP was too SC faggot to include it