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nobody like ela edition


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second for allah

Wasnt the whole point of the maintenance to put the new changes in?

Shotgun Ela is really fun, god damn. Too bad she's instapicked so damn much by sweaty Ash mains or I'd play her more often.

I favorite OPS are Kapkan, Lesion, BB, Glaz, and Vigil. Plz rate.

>kapkan and glaz
You're ok.
If you're good, you're ok. If you're not, stop playing vigil.

you look fun to play with

why blackbeard

You are pretty shit, consider suicide.

What content creators do you guys recommend watching to learn the game or just good r6 shit in general. only thing I can find is 16 year old meme spouting clickbait shit

just play the game

I have 100 hrs so far, having a blast with it.

>no Caslte(with shotgun)
>no Mute
>no Thatcher(with shotgun)
>no Twitch(with shotgun)
Come and post here again, once you are out of copper that it.

Play the game

>backfill a game
>0-2 losing
>full of 14 year old germans
>get TK'd upon spawn
>it's a losing 0-2 game

The kixstar videos breaking down the maps maybe. Generally though just playing yourself and learning the maps is 90% of the game.

>>no Caslte(with shotgun)
>>no Thatcher(with shotgun)
>>no Twitch(with shotgun)

Why with shotguns?

Kill yourself shitter. Your obvious shilling is obvious.

Cus that's how real men play them. Faggots and sissy soy boys go only for the soy meta.


But I'm gold 1!
I like the shields.

Stop advertising your shit here.

>answer a question directly
>obvious shill
You okay user?

it was an ubi maintenance not siege

>But I'm gold 1!
But you are playing like a soy boy so that's like being copper IV.Play what i told you and forget your soy boy ways.

Once you do that you'll understand.

>reddit image as OP image
incels lmao

never considered filtering before now
how the fuck do I do it?

my favorite ops are sas recruit, smoke lesion, twitch, ying, blitz, and hibana.

rate me

Most of the content in this general is directly copy/pasted from Reddit

I was honestly asking, I'd like to know the pros-cons of using a shotgun when attacking.

Don't use shotguns on attack

any point ever to use recruit over other thing avaible?

it's the only way to get the m870+3speed on attack for maximum meme rushing
on defense you're putting your team at a straight disadvantage because you only get 1 reinforcement instead of 2

What's the best way to get in second floor of consulate? I usually go bathroom/yellow and get fucked.

Not really, gsg9 shotgun rush meme but picking an actual op would be more viable.

open walls and faces

>ela spic

you already have a bandit and jager and you want to use the mp7. the iron sights on that are actually usable

on some maps where there's limited walls to reinforce he'll always take shotgun SAS with SMG-11 without fail, honestly hasn;t let me down once despite me telling him not to do it

i use cropped ela porn for my avatar

Currently downloading the game as I type this. Just got a question. Should I even be thinking about playing ops such as Hibana this early on or focus on simply unlocking the default ones before buying the dlc/grind?

Not really worth it, even with a decent SMG sidearm like Hibana and Sledge you're putting yourself at a disadvantage. Can probably do some meme worthy strats though.

Reminder to report and ignore ela incel posters

The ones you should avoid are OPs that have some kind of learning curve or require good map knowledge like Valkyrie (cams aren't much use if you don't even know what you're looking at.) Also Tachanka since he's useless.

Hibana is solid, though I'd avoid only playing 3speeds since you can become overly reliant on it.

Focus on base ops first, feel free to ignore Tachanka though because he is, was, and forever will be useless. Thermite is like Hibana except he makes two really big fucking holes, is a two speed/two armour and doesn't have an smg secondary to use as a crutch.

>I'd like to know the pros-cons of using a shotgun when attacking.
Shotguns allow you to forgo taking a breaching charge since they can easily open walls,floors and hatches.
They instakill in close quarters.They are great in a team.
>you open a hole with your shotgun while a teammate is sniping from afar
Solo they are not as good but still allow for playing maps with a lot of destructibility a bit differently.

unlock smoke and twitch first cause they are pretty flexible

Reminder to feed your dick to the ela incel posters to suck

fbi shield recruit has a combo of flashes and breach charges which is a very effective combo. It's lots of fun ambushing people from the top area with.

SAS recruit is also good since you can go shotgun+smg with nitro and barbed wire while being 3 speed.

>I'd like to know the pros-cons of using a shotgun when attacking.
On Thermite, taking a shotgun means that you can save your breacher for reinforced walls.You literally become a full on support breacher that opens holes everywhere and on everything.

Play the game.

is it a good idea to solo queue for ranked, or should i wait for friends to come online and we 5 man?

all the y1 and y2 ops, so you'll only need renown for the upcoming y3 ops and cosmetics

mics should be a requirement to play ranked, if you have one then thats already a big difference for solo
its all luck for matchmaking but if you're good who cares

never solo ranked my dude

anyone got this picture but with dicks instead of knives?


So im having issue with attacker operators, im just picking dokaebi mostly and i just feel useless other than using the phone call.. My winrate with her is 0.7 and idk what to change.. My secondary is hibana and thatcher/termite when needed and i feel weak and shit, idk..
Should i just use zofia/ash along with those at the top? And i have 22500 for a new operator, i was thinking of blackbeard to get maybe but idk honestly..
In defense im just spamming frost atm and getting to plat somewhat slowly..

If someone has this cropped as their avatar, what does one think?

I placed with a 4 stack last season and got copper. I solo q'd my placements this season and got Gold. Too many variables to know for sure, but I'll never place with friends again

zofia and smoke

Drone more and peek better angles. Dokkaebi isn't a very versatile OP either you'd be better off picking something like sledge or twitch.

I got both of them but i dont play any of them.. Ill start playing more zofia/ash then, they seem strong and fun
I was considering blitz at one point as well, but idk

I drone a lot and use calls when i think it might be necessary but i just feel weak for some reason.. I hold angles/peek whats needed but i feel i play too slow/passive playing her

Do you use Dokkaebi's shotty or her DMR? Either way she's the kind of op that needs to hang back and not be in the frontline in order to be remotely useful gadget wise, so if the map isn't suited for that or the team comp isn't suited for that it's not worth picking her.

blitz is fun but you might get flanked easily with a shit team

after i started using her secondary as a main weapon gameplay improved by twofold

smoke is great and can be flexible. he can stay on point and smoke points or roam with his secondary smg

>that thing
>an effective soft breaching tool

I use dokaebbi and i pretty much just instapick her..

I use her secondary pretty often but im like 70% of cases i get let down by it either by not finishing a target i shot twice beforehand or spray goes wild and i lose the duel while hitting them with half the clip


Effective as in actually working as opposed to his rifle?

If you need to soft breach so badly you're willing to give up an AR for a pistol the result of the round is probably already decided.

Is buying the Year 2 Gold Edition actually worth the extra cost or should I just get regular and grind

If you play like 6 hours a day the grind isn't that bad but if it's not a significant amount of money to you I'd just get the character passes.

Play regular first, in case you regret it. If you decide that you like the game then do whatever you want.

I was asking one does one think when they see someone else doing it

>good calls

You're probably right, but you were talking like the shotgun isn't effective at breaching, but it is. (compared to everything else available to Thermite at least)

Both of his pistols are GOAT and better than his AR, unless you are sniping and Thermite is meant to get close and deploy his breach so using his pistols+shotgun instead of his shit AR is the way to play him.

Not the original guy you replied to, I just think taking a shotgun on attack is pretty bad in almost every situation. Even when you have a "good" shotgun and smg sidearm like Hibana.

have you actually ever tried using it as a breaching tool ?
the holes are to fucking small, you empty a whole mag to get something to actually breech trough and you are completely helpless while doing so and after because you are out of ammo

and i won't even start explaining just how abysmal shotguns are in this game when it comes to killing

It takes from 2 to 5 shots depending on the material or the shotgun to make a breaching hole.You make it low and go trough it prone, only idiots breach for a crouched position with a shotgun.

P.S. also shooting the walls from the side makes the shape of your holes an ellipse instead of the circle you get when shooting from the front.

Favorite ops are kapkan, doc, mute, twitch, fuze, and echo.
r8 me


>demolishing an entire fucking garage door with one skele key
There is something about these big outside breachable walls that just make them explode with even one hit and it feels great

That "something" is that a lot of those garage walls are only one layer thick, so it's indeed easier to destroy.

why don't reinforcements fall over when the wall they're latched onto is destroyed?

because then there would be no reason to place them

>the material or the shotgun
well unless we're talking about single walls like a garage that means you're shooting out 5/8 rounds to make a hole you can crouch trough
which is basically a free murder hole for defence
and they have had plenty of time to readjust since it took about a second and a half for you to make that hole
and now you need to reload or go in with your pistol

out of all the atttack shotguns i'm hard pressed to think of one that is worse at making holes aside from the sdu one and that one is actually decent at killing stuff

wasnt there supposed to be a renown boost?

I'd like a hard breacher who only got 1 charge but could actually knock over a wall.


>Finally get a game that isn't already in progress
>3 stack of plats on the enemy team
>3 people below level 30 on mine

Rape them? Plat is garbage

What part of going prone you didn't get?Fucking soy boy shitters like you need to start reading before posting.

9 AM EST Tuesday -> 9 AM EST Wednesday

You continually violate my standards faster than I can lower them for you

>they barely win 3/2
The ranking in Siege is shit.