Ban politics from Veeky Forums

Okay, the state of this board is becoming unbearable. Retards trying to push their autistic agendas, no matter what side of spectrum, have been killing Veeky Forums since day one. And the worst thing is, it's practically unapproachable. Anyone can create a political shitflinging thread and still formulate it as a history-related post to avoid getting banned.

I mean, look at this fucking shit

Threads like these have pretty much become the norm on our board, there's nothing anyone can do against because it doesn't technically go against the rules, even if it's obvious it's blatant political shitposting.

So my suggestion is simple - ban politics completely from Veeky Forums, hell, ban everything that doesn't count as pure cold history. >& Humanities was a grave mistake that sentenced this board to agony from the start.

Either this, or mods need to become VERY trigger happy and vigilant. Even if it means banning people for the slightest transgression, it doesn't matter as long as the quality of this board improves.

Other urls found in this thread:


I like having a low key place on Veeky Forums to discuss politics with non schizophrenics

stop ruining a good thing

As much as I despise them political positions do stem from philosophical differences

Just ignore and sage them, and bump history and meme threads instead

>Inb4 thread pruned or deleted


I like having a somewhat quiet place to discuss politics with people who don't blame everything on Jews. The discussion here is much more civil then /pol/, and I actually get to hear some interesting view points from sides that oppose my own. This place is not an echo chamber, and it's civil (for the most part), where else will I get that?


The return to nationalism in some countries are an interesting sociology topic.

Deal with it op.

honestly we should just ban whites from Veeky Forums

this, and

>history & HUMANITIES


>stop ruining a good thing
no you

Veeky Forums is for history.
deport the /pol/itics, gas the >& humanities

>where else will I get that?
don't care try Veeky Forums or reddit.

please god yes. at the very least I don't think a much more rigorous enforcement of the 25 year rule is too much to ask

Veeky Forums is nothing more than /x/ /pol/ /int/ and Veeky Forums brought together with all the cancer scraped off. Why would you want to ruin that?

We need more YEC threads.

Evolutionary theory is like miasma theory, it's wrong, popular and it's adherents supress the reality

>/pol/ isnt always butthurt they said

politics ties heavily with history deal with it you snowflake cuck

This place is absolute shit at discussing politics.

There are threads that are just an inch above /pol/-tier effort.

There are five threads in the catalog about Israel, all of them filled with (((_))) shit, one good reply out of all of them.

Five threads about Marxism, filled with complaining about "leftists" and "SJW's".

Eight threads about either explicitly about how black people are inferior or about the American Civil War's justifications, which are of course filled with posts about black people.

Most of the catalog is just /pol/ trolls and /pol/ counter trolls.

Ban it all, burn it down.

I agree.

Historical threads are declining, I remember when this board started everyone was eager to talk about them, and eager to make sure politics aren't shoved into them. Now the only history threads are meme threads and /pol/ and other political vermin think this board should be 'colonised'.

Adding humanities was a mistake since it allows anyone to shove and topic onto this board.

& Humanities did nothing wrong

I will fucking kill you. we don't need a creationist thread every damn day

>back to Veeky Forums, evolutionist pesuod scientist

we should ban anime
it's idolatry

Should all politics be banned, or should the 25 year rule be applied? I enjoy discussing ancient politics, and good luck doing that on /pol/ without being vigorously meme'd upon.

>with all the cancer scraped off

The problem with the 25 rule is that talking about 20th century politics can too easily be exploited to talk about modern politics.

Obviously it would be dumb to ban historical politics (considering it drove so many events).

Well, just look at the scientific discussion here. Plenty of people on Veeky Forums fell for the evolution meme, but the community here recognizes what a fantasy it is.

Veeky Forums is a comfy christian community
a bastion of sanctity, a sanctuary from STEMautist fedoras

if you wanted to seriously debate evolution, a scientific theory, you'd go to Veeky Forums. and really I'm mainly getting onto the guy who is posting a new creationism thread every day as a joke with a creationist comic with some shitty line like "really makes you think". it was funny at first but it's fucking cancerous for it to be reposted every day.

I am not Christian. Evolution has some good scientific backing to it.

Please don't take away humanities

Yes but surely leave anything that makes people think race is not real though, fucking kill yourself liberal shit.

>Veeky Forums with all the cancer scraped off
that would be Veeky Forums with all the /x/ and /pol/ scraped off
Evolution was a good, strong theory in the 19th century, and it was a strong theory in the 20th century, but it is simply untenable in the 21st century.

>you'd go to Veeky Forums
I'd go to Veeky Forums if i wanted a bunch of fedora tipping

This board isn't for your type.
If you want to discuss race, fuck off to /pol/ or Veeky Forums where it's relevant. We actually want to discuss history, not push some bullshit agenda.

racial reality is relevant to history

>racial reality is relevant to history
Race could be relevant if you're discussing things like the role race played in colonialism or something like that.
Pushing theories and arguing about the role race plays in intelligence is completely irrelevant to history and belongs on Veeky Forums or /pol/.

>Pushing theories and arguing about the role race plays in intelligence is completely irrelevant to history
>anthropological reality is irrelevant to historical theory

Tell me specifically about how 'racial reality' plays into chatting about history.

dumb brown people couldn't invent better weapons than sticks so they got destroyed by white people who made guns

This. The janitors & mods need to get off their asses because the quality of this board is going to shit recently. There is a rule about no events taking place within the last 25 years. Enforce it.

sci is reddit-tier fedoras

why are /pol/tards so stupid guys? why do they even come here?

Moot himself said a Veeky Forums board would literally be "/pol/ with dates"

As much as I agree with you OP, I don't think much can really be done about it

the 'race realists' should fit in well then

Not to mention the spook posters and Marxist LARPers

why did the YEC thread get deleted?

because the mods did something right for once. it was cancerous and belongs on Veeky Forums anyways

Atheists couldn't handle facts so they resorted to shitposting and (seeing that didn't work) reports.

Nothing screams Rational more than silencing your opponent because his facts hurt your feefees.

Evolutionists getting destroyed.

>creating this thread and expecting it to be anything but filled with a mix of everything wrong with the board

Might as well name this cancer general.


Goyim knew

I'm gonna call samefag. I can believe there's two of you here possibly, but three? you're pushing it


>I can't believe there are people who disagree with me!

I'm sorry that you were unable to post any proof to back up your claims.

Try getting another theory instead of clinging to a dead one.

I'm not seeing any screencaps, anons, I mean user

Agreed. I left /pol/ after the gamergaters ruined it, now they're spilling over here. I just want interesting banter, god damn it.

not an argument

I'll take that as an admission of guilt.

How about you post proof that God did it.

The fact evidence points to a designer
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

look around you user
go outside and witness the glory of His creation.

How do you know it was the Christian god? Why not Vishnu or the Muslim god?

Because Islam and Hinduism are false religions


Fascinating. This board needs Eschatology threads desu.

Sociology isn't humanities friendo, it's social science and belongs on Veeky Forums

How do you know that
>The Bible is true because the Bible said it's true
Interesting but it's not really proof

If the occult, satanic elite that control the world literally worship the devil and hate the God of the Bible (and has been working hard to destroy biblical faith and morals in the west ), then it must be true.

For everyone it's different, but for me it's after doing research and delving into New Age shit. Bill Cooper was a hero for exposing the pagan/gnostic cult that runs the shadow governments.

The fact the establishment wants me to hate the Bible and scoff at it is actually what brought me to it, so kind of the pendulum effect.

I'd say change it to 30 years, maybe 40, and then apply it properly. That way it's beyond what most of the people on here actually experienced, let alone remember.

>Cooper also described HIV/AIDS as a man-made disease used to target blacks, Hispanics, and homosexuals
Also there's a lot of what I'd call "establishment" politicians that are pretty extreme Christians

That's helpful though, it's an indicator of what the bad things are and how prevalent they are.

>social science

>Judaism is dependent on the Bible

I'm not really sure I follow why do you have to believe in the Christian god to have morals?

Yep. They try to steal the OT. But for a number of reasons the OT demonstrates Judaism is false, such as the fact the Romans destroyed the records means no one knows who the Levites are, so there can never be another sacrifice, and that there is no visible House of David which would mean God's promise to David was proven wrong, both problems are solved by the NT because sacrifice is no longer necessary as they have been fulfilled by the true sacrifice of Jesus Christ and Lord Jesus is the heir of David for all time.

Watch it up to that point

I'll do that later. I don't exactly have the time to watch 30 mins of a documentary right now. I'd be interested to see if this changes my mind on my agnostic stance.

great to see the mods doing their job

They did delete the creationism thread, at least

t. butthurt atheist


/n/ fag here
I'd hate to see /pol/ bullshit completely take over this board like bikes took over /n/.
Send the /pol/tards back to their safe space.

If a mod finds out you posted this, enjoy your ban.


fuck that. Politics of ideological nature or historical nature is fine. You can't discuss that shit on /pol/ which is now a meme joke board.
As long as nobody is talking about the latest zinger from Chris Christie its ok.

Honestly the mods on this board are way way way to pro-atheist.

They delete every thread I post that is against atheism and ban me for a week.

I disagree :^)

I've never once disscussed politics on Veeky Forums, but nah, it's fine.

It's not intefering with the history part and history is sort of inherently intertwined with politics.

nice argument you have th--oh wait...thats not an argument at all is it?

Yes, holy shit. This board and Veeky Forums are being ruined by the same shitty threads every day.

assuming you're not a troll: when you combine Poe's law and good, subtle bait, it's practically impossible to tell a baitpost intended to cause people to troll each other from a legitimate interest in something

>going on Veeky Forums

*tips fedora*

Damn, this day 2 Creation vs Evolution threads and both times the Creation side won.

Let's see how tomorrow goes. Hope the atheists actually come up with some arguments.

I think the obvious answer is to have mods with the ability to purge shit-tier/bait humanities threads, and racebaiting/political history threads.
Humanities discussion is the only reason I come to this board.
this pol cancer is real, but & Humanities is not the problem

Fuck off with the bait

Atheists? Arguments?


I'll give you the atheist argument for evolution. You ready?

1. There is no God.
2. We're here.

That's all they have.