/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Latest expansion pack is Chronogenesis
Chronogenesis anniversary leaders - Albert, Cerberus, Dark General

>January nerfs/restrictions - Bahamut, Magic Illusionist, Thane, Blood Wolf, Aria
>Rotation, formats, new class

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death to shadowniggers


I feel kinda bad. I vialed like 10 Magic illusionist a few months ago.
I should have waited for the nerf.

>dragon turns out to have by far the highest winrate
>literally 0 dragoncraft cards nerfed
>their signature neutral drop was even buffed
This blatant petclass pandering is fucking absurd


>None of the new cards get nerfed
To think i haven't vial my cards since the expansion started


You can vial Aria for 3500.

Aria is from CG what are you smoking

>1 card limit
Huh, this is gonna be a thing now?

It was announced fucking 2 months ago.

why i keep getting upload failed?
is gook moot doing something behind our back?

>call the mode Unlimited
>it literally has limits

In unlimited certainly. They told us before.

>mfw Bahamut
At least I can play PtP and commander cannon now!

>tfw only 1 aria
Fuck this shit. Where are the skull ring nerfs or heavenly knight nerfs.

They don't know how to balance it so they're limiting it until they can.
Better than completely banning it.


Welcome to 12+ hours ago

>rotations will save the game
>makes the game worse
>the nerfs after rotation will save the game
>changes almost literally nothing for rotation, ruins unlimited more than CG already did
What's next, rotationfags? Next month's nerfs? Next expac? The expac after that? It can't possibly be that rotations ruined the game though, right? There's just no way the problem is that the devs are too stupid to balance two formats, and as a result balanced neither? It'd be totally impossible to consider that the rotation cardpool is just too small, which in turn caused all fast decks and hard wincons to be deleted, which then enabled cancerous bullshit like every deck running the saha package, right? Nah, the problem is the class you hate the most is still playable, and we can't have that, right? More nerfs! More restrictions! That'll fix it!

>In addition to the card changes we've made in the past and card changes targeted at Rotation, we will designate cards to have a one-card restriction or card bans for Unlimited.
This is how they will balanced Unlimited in the future, yes.

>called it the Eternal format
>literally cannot last for an eternity

Can Bahamut be in Sun decks now?


Shut up, bloodfag. If you want to bark, bark at those runefags

>surely now i'll be able to play slow decks in unlimited!

One Aria isn't that bad, you still have EPM. It sucks that you get less free 0 card with no body, but you can still turn 6 roach.

Don't fucking call it balance, it's an insult to an already horribly abused term. It's not balance, it's lazy bandaid work that doesn't do shit for balance. Balance would be making vengeance decks have a fair winrate, this is making them have no winrate. Even the Aria nerf is dogshit, since we're now gonna go full hearthshit and have games be decided by whether or not the opponent hit their singleton Aria. That's not balanced, that's cheap luck-based crap, which is exactly what we don't want. A ban would unironically be better than 1-ofs, because with 1-ofs a massive amount of RNG and luck enters the picture as to whether or not you draw it, whereas a ban would do about the same damage to the deck and eliminate the highroll bullshit. Limiting to 2-of would've solved the highroll problem, but forced 1-ofs are a horribly flawed concept, as hearthshit has already thoroughly proven.

>call the mode Rotation
>some cards will never rotate

>just pulled Aisha
Is Shadow good in Unlimited?

Polyroar Bahamut
Guardian Sun Bahamut
Windmill Bahamut
Support Cannon Bahamut
Leonidas Bahamut

I'd say this is a buff more than a nerf. He also won't trigger Tribunal/Seraph/Grail anymore so get fucked Haven.

>le epic nerfs won't change anything meme
Every single fucking time.
It's amazing how it's been over a year but /svg/ absolutely never learns.

you smell, go away please.

>if you disagree with me you're the class I hate
Yes! Good! Don't look at the big picture, just keep yelling about the class you hate while the entire fucking game falls apart around you! Fuck balance, fuck fairness, just make the thing I hate unplayable!

Baha didn't get buffed you nerds. You only think it did because you can only think of the two decks that actually have some form of counterplay against it on account of most other decks being completely unviable. Things like roland might actually see play now.



There's nothing wrong with Knight. It's his interaction with Summit that makes him (and the turtle) stupid.

Nooooo, DELETE THIS! Nerfs won't change anything!

only thing she's good at is bullying Forest

Not without Thane anymore

Should he be in Sun decks now? He seems good.

It's fucking obvious when you see all these people complaining about Roach/Aria when they have no fucking clue how the damage/combos/survivability of the deck work. "Consistent OTK from 20 on turn 6" is almost as bad as the "DShift nerf won't do anything".

>he is not happy with a mode where you won't get OTK
Maybe it's just you who want to get roached or time stopped for the hundredth time

>you can now combo several amulets with Baha in dragon for insane value
>Fall from grace still exists to remove any amulet you really need to kill, with its 4pp cost mitigated by your ramp

No place in Atomeme?

I want to be on the receiving end of that.

The minute Roland sees play Fall From Grace comes out of the woodwork to stop it and Bahamut is not only buffed because Tribunal doesn't kill it but because it doesn't pop it's own Canyon/Polyphonic/Windmill anymore.

The good Unlimited Shadow deck is Atomy.

>format is called unlimited
>limits the number of certain cards you can have in your deck

Shut the fuck up, slowpoke

You play Tyrant in Atomeme

Atomy is good and untouched, but Aisha isn't played there.

Shadow still has good turn 7 cards like Khawy.

>he is happy with a mode that takes your cards away every 3 months
>he thinks the complete absence of hard wincons is a good thing
>he thinks the complete absence of aggro is a good thing
We get it, you're a hearthshitter, no need to announce it so loudly. You're probably in good company at this point, seeing as /svg/ is essentially just /hsg/ these days.

Durandal is literally summit temple. A 4/5 ward cost 6PP so Durandal is actually 1PP. Nobody in their right mind would want to fall from grace a 1PP amulet.

Post a list please.

>clearly stated in NEXTO that they would restrict stupid shit
>start whining when they did
Fucking dumbass

>wah wah I don't want to change
Here's (you)

It's stupid whether they announced it or not, not sure what you're trying to say.


>dragon spends half their turn giving you a 1/3
>you get to do something positive the next turn


What's it's cost got to do with anything? it's something that stops people from doing a ton of damage so if people are stopped by it counters will be added to their decks.

According to Bloodfags, the Blood Wolf nerf changes a T1 deck into an unplayable mess. Based on that alone, we can safely agree that Blood Wolf was a very strong card, one could almost say overpowered.

>don't look at the big picture
Now, how can they print good cards for Blood if they let Blood Wolf as is? The big picture would be to nerf/limit such an overpowered card and print playable cards for Blood in the future that aren't broken shit like Blood Wolf. Now, THAT's how you look at the big picture, brainlet.

You don't look at the big picture, you see nerfs to your beloved Unlimited format that should, in your mind, never get touched. They will touch it because they want it to be balanced. Blood wasn't balanced with Blood Wolf 3x, they had to change it. Blood will probably be in a bad spot for 2 months but the next set will make up for it. Once again, that's looking at the big picture and not tunnel-visioning and overreacting to an obvious change.

>if you don't like being forced to play a completely different deck every month then you're just a shitter
I really fucking hate that the game caters to retards like you. Fuck former archetypes be allowed to persist, right? Out with the old, in with the new, then out with it again in 3 months. What's that? You liked your deck, and wanted to keep using it? Just play Unlimited bro! Oh wait, shit, we banned it there. Oops! Just play something else, you crying baby! You're a fucking hopeless moron, don't reproduce.

I fucking wish. He's my favorite card but he's pretty shit.

That's not it. Dragon already struggle against everyone, CSword actually have more tools to deal with Dragon than anyone one, Roland has always been a pain in the ass to play against even as Dragon, believe you or not.

Summit temple enables all sort of shits but people don't run fall from grace because it costs 1PP.

I miss playing him in Neptits.


>didn't want to change
>still think OTK should be allowed
Even Dragon with dread cannot kill you from 20 in a single turn in rotation. Just stay in your containment mode, combofag

Nobody will ever play Fall from Grace for Roland.
How is it that you people don't understand that playing specific techs in a game with no sideboard is retarded?
The only reason why you would ever do that is against a deck around the level of Neutral Blood in terms of popularituy, and that's 100% not what Roland will be if she suddenly becomes playable.

I was really hoping this would be one of those games where they don't even try to balance Unlimited, so we could have one (((fair))) meta and one ridiculously unhealthy broken one.

Hello can I get a concede please?

Maybe try this list.

Windmill Baha Azi Dread will be legit OTK in rotation :^)

>he didn't turn that windimll into a fuckable angel
You're fault

>Blood wolf so OP that restricting it to 1 copy (not outright banning it) would instantly make a broken deck into an unplayble joke of a deck

I like this logic from bloodfag. They essentially admitted that they possessed a super broken card since standard. That card is what carries the entire class to the broken status in unlimited.


I really want to like this game Cygames, i do.

>The other half of their turn is spent playing a Sybil which gets Dragon out of Albert lethal and makes it spend it's last evo
4pp for Dragon is literally nothing.

And because it's an offensive card that needs followers on the field to do it's thing, so other than Heavenly Knight there's not much to worry about as long as the board keeps getting cleared, Durandal stops your deck from doing too much damage and it's literally stopped by a single 4pp card while also doing literally nothing against decks like Burn Rune and Shadow.

Fall From Grace is like Mr Full Moon in that it's a counter for specific cards but it's not completely worthless against decks like Dragon since at worst it's just 4pp removal. If decks that rely on amulets or Neutral Forest (since BnB can now trade vs Bahamut) become a problem with Bahamut's changes then it'll be used.



Thanks user.
Seeing that 3 wolf Blood list made me sad again.


>spent their turn playing a 3/4 and giving you a 1/3
that's not super impressive. you're looking at this the wrong way. dragon isn't suddenly going to have 0 options to deal with things like roland. they're just going to have to a much shittier, less flexible, less threatening way to deal with roland than they had in the past.


>tech card without sideboard option
dead card 85% of the time isn't funny

A card like Roland that has literally never been a problem since it was introduced, has other options to be dealt with and does nothing against certain crafts.

>muh big picture
>muh design space
Nice try rotationfag, I'm not going through this shit with you again. Let's assume you were right though, let's assume Blood Wolf was so cancerous and irredeemable that it needed to go and be replaced with something less cancerous. What the fuck do you expect people to do while we wait 2 months for the replacement? Uninstall? If you were correct, then the best course of action would have been a nerf that left is just barely playable, say, making it a 1/2 instead of a 2/1, so that the deck had something, anything to tide itself over while we wait for the next card that's going to fill its role. But here's the real kicker, yeah? The simple fucking point that blows your entire stupid argument out of here. If Blood Wolf is too good, but important enough to deserve a playable card in the same general role, THEN WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T THEY NERF BLOOD WOLF INTO THAT PLAYABLE CARD INSTEAD OF PRINTING IT IN 2 MONTHS?

It's not a "containment mode" if the people you want to "contain" in it can't enjoy the game there either. Nice job by the way, now I'm a combofag? First I wanted to get combo'd, now I want to be the one doing the comboing? It's almost as if you have no fucking argument other than assuming I'm the thing you hate and extrapolating a position around that assumption. But nah, that'd be fucking moronic, right? Surely you aren't doing that? Because if you were, your next bet would probably be to tell me I only play aggro and claim that's the reason why my opinion is irrelevant. If that's what you plan to do, save your fucking energy, because you clearly have nothing of value to type.


I mean do you think turning BnB, Israfil, Zeus, Thane, Bahamut, Heavenly Knight, Daria, Flame Destroyer, Aeryn and other big followers is bad? It's a tech card in case CSword stops being a meme and actually becomes a threat but it's not completely dead on every other matchup. If Roland doesn't become decent even with Bahamut's nerf you can just not use it and move on.

Control Blood?


>rotation sucks and I'm not an unlimitedfag
Make up your mind asshole

Are you by any chance a retard?

slow sword decks have always been ass (partly as a result of dragon shitting on them). in a slower rotation meta where a lot of the big threats like aegis, wolfaphant, ramp get countered by roland and the thing that countered roland is gone, it's possible roland will see play.

and the possibility of people teching a mediocre card to deal with roland doesn't make roland not worth running. it doesn't have to survive the entire game or act as a hard win condition. it just has to contribute

Where exactly did I imply I don't exclusively play unlimited? My point was I'm not the shit you've been bitching about, whether it be Dshit, aggroblood, or whatever unlimited decks you think get completely dicked by combo. I absolutely only play unlimited, but I also don't only play the shit you've been listing either, which makes all or your arguments so far fucking pointless and irrelevant. Now get an actual fucking argument or this is your last (You) from me.