/xgg/ - Xenogames General #97

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========== Xenoblade Chronicles 2 ==========
>XBC2 General Spoiler-Free FAQ. Please read it if it is your first XBC game or if you barely started it

>XBC2 Advanced FAQ (Tips, Combat, Quests, Misc, early/mid game and late game separated)

>XBC2 Blade combo elemental charts

>XBC2 Info Doc. Please help contribute
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>XBC2 Artbook link

>XBC2 Fanworks

========== Xenoblade Chronicles X ==========
>XBCX Links pastebin

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ded thread ded game


This shall be the official Nopon appreciation thread.
>tfw you have no Nopon around for fluff-fluff.

Xeno threads are for artwork


>there's someone in this thread right now who let a jew run Vandham's legacy

If that's the case, then here's a probably indefinitely unfinished one from Twitter.

I did and have no regrets.


I want more of Poppi Beta

>Level 80 Aggros
>Kills you

But how do they taste?

Literally looks like a Hana JC

My headcanon is these guys either become salvagers or go off on some adventure in the new world


Not at all like potatoes.

>we will never get post-cloud sea comfiness with the gang
I didn't ask for these feels.

is there a particular reason Pyra remained in her human blade form while waiting beneath the ocean at the start of the game? Instead of just reverting to her core?

She wanted to be found?

I am giggling like a retard at this.

It's explained much later. Basically an Aegis doesn't return to their core even after their Driver dies.


Nopon are the worst parts of every game they're in, imo. But I suppose that's mostly because I hate comic relief characters

Don't worry, the next game will also have an awesome cast. And just like Xenoblade 1 & 2, we won't get a postgame for them.

If the cloud sea disassembled everything from the old world except for Morytha, how was there anything left at all to salvage?

Do y'all think that the next game's gonna make it on the Switch, or do y'all think it'll get pushed to whatever Nintendo's 9th gen console is? Also, even though I'm sure it's been discussed, do y'all think that Xenoblade Chronicles will get a Switch port? X?

Ardainian Soldiers tend to have that effect on people.

Well, they did at least.

The part that depressed me the most was doing the blade quests after beating the game and having them all be virtually reaction-less to everything since they had character progression throughout the game.
You can't have them act like they've been through a bunch of shit and you can't have them act like they were still getting to know each other so they just had to say generic quips every now and then.

If I had to guess it would be near the end of the Switch's lifetime (and maybe on a new console as well if they ever make another one).

The next game might be on the Switch. This one came out early enough so it’s possible.

Same here. I usually try and do everything possible in RPGs before going to the final boss, and I kind of regret not doing so in this game.


Zeke is arguably just as much comic relief as Tora, and the same might be said for Reyn against Riki. And of course Riki turned out to be the wisest character in the whole game.

Are the rare blades even canon? They don't appear in the story cut-scenes nor impact the story at all.

They might as well be figments of Rex's imagination, a possible result from nitrogen narcosis.

The Ocean

>implying Tora can't be deep af as well

Just like with almost all NG+ they expect you to do those kind of missions on your first run.

See, in my opinion Zeke and Tora are different because while Zeke has some legitimately well written moments between himself, Pandoria, and Rex, none of Tora's interactions with other characters reach that level of complexity. I don't really dislike Riki as much as I do Tora, but the Nopon in general with their mannerisms and common character traits just don't appeal to me.

this Tbh

If nopon continue to be in xeno games they shouldn't be in the party

I had the same mentality until this game. Tora motherfucking creates one of the best characters ever, so I'll give his race some slack.

Even with jews there's a few good ones

Personally I preffered Shulk and Fiora, it's true they were in love from the beginning though Shulk was kind of a wimp on the beginning so he didn't come to terms with his feelings until later, what's interesting is that by the time Fiora is back with the group you can pretty much safely say they're a couple. It's likely that Melia got cucked way harder than Nia anyway.

Eh, Riki was an useful party member, Tora can be useful too but it takes some work.

Now that Sakurai said he loved XC2 I guess Rex and Pyra are pretty much a lock for the next Smash, what would their moveset look like?

Can a fake surpass the original?

Would it still have Shulk or is he out?

Just port Shulk's moveset over but make it changing blades instead of monado forms

anchor shot up b
double spinning edge side b
rolling smash down b
pyra fire projectile neutral b

I don't think the face of any series gets kicked

She already has. Just not gameplay-wise unfortunately

Time for some self copypasting.

>Neutral B-Sword Bash
Charged stab similar to Shield Breaker. Angles downward when used in midair.

>Up B-Rolling Smash
Aether/Final Cutter type move that hits once on the way up and again on landing. Can be angled. Vulnerable, but high power.

>Side B-Double Spinning Edge
Two hit spinning attack. Can change direction between slashes.

>Down B-Blade Switch
The crux of Rex's moveset .Switch between using Pyra's Aegis sword or Mythra's. Changes attack attributes across the board and changes some normals into different ones. (Ex. Pyra Down Aerial is a stall and fall, Mythra version is not, Pyra Sword Bash causes recoil like Metwo's Shadow Ball and has a lingering hitbox, Mythra version has no recoil or long hitbox, but more range and a powerful tipper). Can be used to cancel the endlag of most moves on hit, or can be canceled out of with a Special. Switches fast enough to safely use mid combo.

And of course, Anchor Shot as a long grab/tether recovery.

I could do A moves, stats, and all kinds of details too, but I think this is long enough as is.

>I don't think the face of any series gets kicked
Tell that to Solid Snake.

obviously outside reasons for his exclusion

>Praxis' voice line triggers randomly from time to time when you Anchor Shot ledges

Remind me what she says.

>Still very little art of Agate
I'm ok.

Nah, he would stay, he gained a lot of prominence since his first appearance in the last SSB, I don't see him being removed, less so considering his game and Rex's run in parallel.

It wouldn't make sense in Smash to be fair. She says something like "Have fun Rex!" when you go diving/salvaging which is kinda cute.

nothing, because Sakurai is gonna put in Zeke.

>anchor shot up b
shouldn't the anchor more likely work like the hookshoot of Link or the rappling beam of Samus?

post cute pandorias please

Agate has a rockin;' figure too hidden under all that techno clothing.

yeah I just realized it should be his grab/tether recovery. make up B sword bash I guess

I mean, there's a little bit, but it's just not enough.

Not to toot my own horn, but Rolling Smash dude. It's already got a jump in it and everything.

on a sidenote, I hear many people want Elma from X in the next Smash, but I rather think, if any character from X appears in the next Smash, it's gonna be Cross
his moveset could be build around all the ingame weapons, and his final smash would be him piloting a skell
plus, female Cross could be an alternate Skin

What did she mean by this?

>none of Sheba
Two nukes wasn't enough.
UpB has to be some kind of recovery unless he's Jigglypuff or Yoshi. None of his arts would really work for that.

I suppose because she was one of the most prominent characters in X. Plus easy alternate costumes.

>tfw childhood friend actually wins for once


Why would cross be there?
Elma was the main character.

Fuck u for showing everyone at school my frozen girlfriend u fucken piece of sheiit

but she ded

This is glorious.

the old world was already gone except morytha. the cloud sea breaks up anything new that dies so there's not mountains of corpses and run out of biomass

Real talk here. You boot up Xenoblade and find out your save is gone. Not NG+ where you keep stuff, but it's just all gone. What do you do? Would you just start from square one or would you just shelve it forever

I'd give it up for now and pick it back up when the big DLC drops and just complete it as a full experience then. If that happened to you, I'm truly sorry for your loss, user

Considering I'm on my fifth playthrough, I think I'd just start over again.

That's exactly what happened to me with X. I kept playing and got farther than in my last file. I still don't know why my save disappeared.

More than happy to do it all over gain provided I have the time

Nah, I'm the idiot from earlier who deleted his save mistakenly. But my point stands. I had 100 hours and almost all rare rollable blades missing only Finch and Nim. Hadn't finished the story either. I just can't bring myself to start over knowing how much time I invested in it. Concidering just shelving for a long time.
What exactly do you do different each playthrough?
Wow, how much further

would suck, but I guess I would start from square (but since I have already finished the game, I would shelve it, and maybe replay it in the future)

First one was first playthrough
Second was no gacha. Had to grind out 500k before getting to mor adain. You actually have to do 2 rolls to finish the game, for a single fire, and either a single earth or elec.
Third was Niablade chronicles, featuring HP tank Zeke, and Morag the healer.
Fourth was a bit more involved. Only elements that were allowed were ones that had all three roles represented, and everyone was a jack of all trades.
Protip: Don't do the last one, and morag makes a terrible healer.

>and morag makes a terrible healer.
not in my case (but I guess I "suck" at that game anyway)

Holy shit those are some stringent boundaries set for yourself. And I thought I was setting tough limits for not using inns to level up. Major props to you for pulling those playthroughs off, no idea how you could beat the game with Zeke as a tank and Morag as a healer.

>almost 190 hours in
>almost done with the story
>got KOSMOS without grinding but can't get Zenobia now
I'd shelf it so fast. And probably pick X back up.
You should do a September playthrough. Earth Wind and Fire only.

My save was at chapter 5 before it disappeared, I started a new game and played until chapter 10. Having to do the broken helicopter quest three times in a row- once because I somehow picked the wrong choice on accident, and once because I softlocked at the affinity chart- left a bad taste in my mouth.

She's got shitty ether, and the only thing she has going for her in terms of being a healer is AoE heals.
Nia makes a fucking ok DPS, at least with lances, and her axe moveset has the best crit recharge of anyone in the party. For the majority of the game, she was Praxis, Dagas, and Agate, till I rolled KOS-MOS in chapter 9.
Zeke is really good at any role, and Raiko is a hell of an HP tank, especially with that spike. He did have Newt for most of the game, till I gave him Theory. I couldn't not, since I had Praxis as Nia's lead.
That one was relatively painless, at least compared to the jack of all trade one.
Maybe after I finish 11 cute girls and Zeke.

>She's got shitty ether, and the only thing she has going for her in terms of being a healer is AoE heals.
I must admit that then

anchor shot could be aimable but those recoveries suck

>11 cute girls and Zeke
Oh boy. But every team is like 8 of them and Zeke or Rex anyway.
Works for the PK kids. That's not the reason why they're bad.

Well, it's DPS morag, Tank Nia, and Healer Zeke, so there's at least that going for it.

that's not really the same thing though< i meant like zero suit samus in brawl


Didn't they kind of make it a point to get rid of all Up-B tether recoveries in Smash 4?

God damn it. KOS-MOS is the last blade I have yet to pull. How fucked am I?

yeah because they sucked. so that's kinda my point

Fairly fucked.

Oh you meant a regular tether revovery. Those sucked in Brawl but the smash 4 ledge change increases their viability. You're a madman.
