/palg/ - Paladins General

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

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>lore shit

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anybody save the smug pixie image?

15 Palafacts that will blow your mind

>Comeback mechanic gives you 4% capture per second when your team is two points behind, and 3.5% capture per second when your team is one point behind.
>Cauterize from multiple sources from the same player stacks, with diminishing returns starting after 30%
>Knockback from opponents is also affected by your movement. Walk backwards from Ash and you'll be knocked back far greater than if you were walking towards her
>Self-knockback from weapon shots (e.g. Drogoz's rockets, Evie's staff, Pip's gun) is bugged and depends on the direction you're going in the map geometry
>Talus has invincibilty frames when using his teleport
>Ruckus has the buggiest headshot hitbox in the game
>Projectiles come from your weapon, not from the center of the screen, so they can be used to shoot at a spot while still remaining behind a wall
>Outline around the enemy champion has nothing to do with their hitbox (e.g. BK has no hitbox on hands; Willo has a huge hitbox)
>Some champions can avoid being headshotted by looking all their way down and with their back towards their opponent
>Moji can stack her clouds multiple times. They can also heal deployables such as Ghrok's totem or Inara's wall.
>BK cannot sticky bombs on you when you're CC immune. You can also remove stickied bombs by hitting yourself with self damage
>You can jump higher by being next to a wall, facing it, then jumping. This can be used even while on a horse or under a movement ability such as Pip's
>Champions can cut their reload animation by using some kind of skill. Some can abuse this to reload faster than intended
>You can use the third person camera from emotes and some abilities to look around corners
>Jumping at the right time as Makoa while hooking someone will make them get stuck in the air for a moment.

no but I saved this

times the art team knocked it out of the park

this one?

That's a cute Maeve.
We need more good Paladins art.

tumblr as fuck

>tfw you want maeve to sit on your face
>maeveposters are cancer
Looks like it came from tumblr


t. maeveposter

t. actual maeveposter

more like bloated pixie lmfao

thats mean

>tfw you want maeve to sit on your face
You're the cancer.

why is the thread so dead bros

>game is dead
>thread is also dead

t. maeveposter

maeve friends were keeping the threads alive

>retarded wojak shit
I'd rather let this shit hole die

>Console Players


Reminder that console players are the reason why HiRez games suck.

She exudes beauty naturally and gracefully, a beauty unlike anyone else's I have ever laid eyes upon.
My feelings for her will never falter, not even through times of adversity like these. Pure love can overcome anything, and it is no exception in this instance.

heres a new ying pic for your collection

but that's blue ying

what's wrong with being blue?

I don't know about the others but I started to play Hearthstone, got bored and now I'm playing Yu-Gi-Oh again (yes, even with all the autism it has now).

>(yes, even with all the autism it has now).
I don't know anything about Yu-Gi-Oh, what do you mean?

fuck off retard

That's a pretty cute Ying.
Thanks, user.

Watch this:
And this:

Looks confusing right? Now imagine how /dng/ handle this.

yay, on a fucking weekend.

honestly weekends are the worst time to play because of retard normie stacks who are absolutely shit

the new Viktor legendary is annoying as fuck. it's like old fire spit but with 150% the volume, literally impossible to run away from even if its thrown immediately after being primed.

I'm fighting the urge to spend crystals on recolors for Ash and Vivian.

You can't buy the Vivian recolor, it's not part of the sale
But it is going away forever
Yeah, Hirez logic

So you have you guys gotten all the common and uncommons skins you wanted before they disappear forever monday?


of course not, I fell for the buy chests with gold to level up the cards you fully owned 2 months ago meme, so I don't have the resources

i already had everything except moji's plum mount which i bought

They are exceedingly expensive and the ones actually part of the sale appear to be completely random, I got like two and that's it.

I got an Evie recolor, I don't give a shit about the rest or have them already.

I spent all my gold on chests I can't get anything.

Stop being awful at video games.

skin trading when

something comforting coming here after a work day


>yfw bots on your team every match

Time played seems to make the biggest difference it seems. If I ever play before the evening I will have a bot for >50% of games.

Dose this skin thing also effect rare skins that you can buy like Ying robot skin or Bomb King's biz king skin?

why not

>You can't buy the Vivian recolor, it's not part of the sale
You underestimate the power of spaghetti code.

I managed to unlock the clothes, but the unlock button doesn't work for the weapon so now I'm pretty salty

exclusive weapons aren't part of the sale


Moji Plum Familiar and Rose Petal set!

Lian, Term, Seris, BK

dusk lian
beast grohk
plum moji
vagrant maeve

Except for Ash's among others. Lo-rez just fucked everything up.

Purple Po-Li
JoJo Reference Terminus
Sunstone Inara
Crimson Skye
Deceiver Vivian
Purple punk Ash
Nacho Cheese Mal'damba

Ash's exclusive weapon isn't on sale

>Stolzey is streaming
Wait, I thought he was dead? Or hated Paladins? What happened?

What other recolors are wurf? I'm thinking orange evie black bk red Drogoz purple sha blue lian.

I dunno. I think all the Lian recolors are alright. Red Lex if you're into Lex.

>ruby crown and pumpking body

go with orange evie, it goes well with her witch set and she doesn't flash her panties

> not steam king crown and wep with green body

>and she doesn't flash her panties
and why would I want that

I'll stick with the superior choice thank you very much

The only recolor I am missing is Rose Petal Familiar and you can't even buy this shit.

that familiar looks awful anyway

Evie is the only one worth caring about

buck should be able to keep speed after leaping by bunny hopping like moji can after scamper

It is just so typical of Hirez that they even managed to fuck this "last chance" sale up. Like whoever the fuck went "okay let's tell them we'll be taking away these skins, but we'll be giving them a last chance to buy them before they're gone forever OH BUT WAIT, let's not sell a few random sets, because fuck everyone who thought we meant "all the commons" when we said "all the commons"! Quick, someone add a note to the announcement to cover our asses"

Is there even a reason for the incomplete sale? Shitty coding or something?

It's a beta.

You gotta think ahead. The ones not being sold will be the ones that will probably be "redesigned" first and they don't want you to buy them so easy.

The answer is always incompetence

Nah it's gotta be because of lowrez's shitty programming.

I shudder to think what wonders all-chink art team is preparing for us.

How ironic.

is lore coming out?

[insert joke about sight failing us]

I just spent almost 150k gold on clothes. Thanks guys.
I hope it doesn't come to bite me in the ass later. I'm almost scared already.

Holt is gone, lore is cancelled.

Don't worry, I have hundreds of chests I'm not even bothering to open because it wouldn't really make a difference in unbound.

>I hope it doesn't come to bite me in the ass later
How could it?

Okay guys, but what about Dusk body + pink elven hair for Lian?

>shitty pink hair
>shitty elf ear

as a teenage boy I enjoy 3rd person mode

This is HiRez we're talking about.

that looks great, i'm using it now

You guys remember how we used to covet red Seris?
I still think it looks great and I could mix it with everything.

Me too, and that's why play Fernando in turd person.

I bet it would look great with madam and infernal but both of those are already better than the hood.

All dusk is objectively best. Dark hair and pale skin unf.

Post some juicy Inara Veeky Forums combos.

inara doesn't have any good skins, i'm just using full garnet.
she really needs a new skin.

Amethyst blossom
Sunstone dress
Amethyst Spear

Same with trAsh, frontline girls get no love from the art team.

>what is sunstone dress?

ronin is pretty good