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my wife

Imagine a threesome with Palla and Camilla

my cockslave



This is now a mommy thread

Best Echoes girl!

Elinca/NY Camilla/Palla/Caeda for flier emblem ?

reds are hard to get. Even with 110 orbs it won't be guaranteed. If you wanna gamble then go ahead. merged palla is better

a happy mother of two healthy kids

Felicia is the cutest! She is perfect in every single way to me! I could never want anything more! She is the reason i can keep on going! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is the best thing to ever happen to me! I love Felicia!

I can't wait for my cute wife's cute plate!!


>with someone that will moan another man's name and a mentally ill woman
No thanks, I have some dignity.

Thank you for voting for her!

Don't you want me in your gacha game user....

Plates aren't cute

>5% for azura

pick one

Hello when is Clair getting her prf?

>heals the enemy

Last post for Guin.
I doubt she even broke top 400 but at least she gave it her all.

10th place Tiamo-chan?!

>The best kind.

Elincia if you want a rushdown unit.

NY!Camilla if you want a more physically defensive one.

Palla if you want merges.

Caeda if her prf weapon is that good or you are Caedafag.

>Best 3DS girl is trapped in a game with no Self Insert

It's cute if it's Felicia's plate!

Which Echoes character are you the most neutral about?

Elincia>NY Camilla>Palla>Caeda

The healthiest.



Lyn and Sharena have something in common.

I want to gently _pet Zelgius' hair~


Why did IS think that during the middle of a war, it was fine for a couple to fuck and have children, twice?

She marries a literal who in the end. You can pretend it's (You)

Wasn't there a way to sort your shit by units with specific skills?

I want you to know that your constant shitposting is the reason why I didn't vote for her.

the curse of being an npc
if they ever remake FE6 she better be playable without having to beat the game eighty times first

Really? Might promote my +SPD one and merge the +ATK one then. Still waiting exactly what Basilikos does of course.


Trip back on

Who's better for a raven tome, Lilina or Sophia ?

I imagine Camilla would try to make it fun and get Palla involved, but she would sit back and enjoy getting cucked. Sounds like an awkward time t b h.

I assume for every green orb there’s a 5% chance it’ll be airzura

Easy pickings


Faye represents one of the few downsides of having less supports.

deen or luthier

If I wanted a woman who'd never love me nor get over he first crush I'd replay awakening and marry Cordelia.
At least she puts out in between bouts of infidelity.

I wonder if it was rape(consensual) when Maria was conceived.


This vaguely looks like waer but I know it's not waer

Good taste!

Atlas, as a character at least

Probably Gray. I didn't think much anything of him. He didn't rustle my jimmies like Kliff or Delthea's brother. I didn't particularly like him like I did Mae and Boey. He was just there, a pretty good fighter.



Gray and Tobin are gay for each other hehehehe

how long until the idiot discovers that kiran is mark

Deen. Sure, I've never passed him up in favour of Sonya but his performance as a DF has always been middling for me.


me on the right

>not putting your arm around your bro
What a fucking insecure faggot

It's because they fucking never make greens, and if they do it's usually limited. Because of this when the game picks a nonfocus it's rarely green. So when sniping and you see a green, there's a good chance it's a focus.

I-I'm good. Right, /feg/?

Originally, it was Luthier
Then the tripfag made me hate him, so it's Atlas

no thanks I don't want to catch the cuck bug or Camilla's mental disorder xoxo

me on the left

I think I'm falling for Minerva, pic related in Heroes never ever

Are these really their drop rates? I just started playing the game yesterday and the NY Azura and Camilla were literally the first two units I got.

Damn I didn't Roy could get those kind of stats, but why QR on a unit with 43 speed ?

I swear I only use him casually!



My greatest fear for the new FE is that they don't learn from Fates' dreadful implementation of a second gen and repeat the same mistake. Please let the dragon gates and alternate mini universes that warp time not be a feature

Matoi is better.
Same for Syalla and Grey really, shame they will just be remembered for their awakening counterparts.

should I roll for NY azura or wait for the new banners


>but why QR on a unit with 43 speed ?
So he can double units with speed equal to his. 43 is high enough to avoid most doubles but not high enough to double other high speed units back.

Depends on the build. Mage tank Caeda is fun to use.

because at tier 20 with +10 merges everywhere 43 speed isn't fast

just some random hate love making

Guys I want a Vantage for BIke. My only 4 star option right now is a shitty Reinhardt which I never use because he is atk bane.
Am I going to regret this?

0-4 roll for airzura
5-9 wait

There's an old thread

Remember to report it so we don't get a necrothread, or a disgusting pedophiliac OP!


Azura is great. I'm pretty sure we're gonna get a banner or two revealed tonight so wait until then.

This is the worst pairing

I rolled my 30 orbs and got nothing

I agree.

Michalis is way too pretty for Minerva.

>attack bane rein
Not at all, he's pretty fucking bad. Give him vantage.

If you plan on merging Rein, and you might if you cav meme, yes.
If you have a 3* Lonk, 2k feathers isn't much of a drop in the bucket.



Well with that many orbs you were bound to get nothing silly.


My cumdump