Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

Predictable yet effective Edition

For New Players :
>Welcome to Heroes of the Storm!

What's New? :
>Lunar Festival 2018!
>Bring in the new year with Skins, Mounts, a Quest, and a high-octane Brawl!
>Feb 6 – Mar 5

>Maiev, the Warden
>Now on PTR

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>Heroes of the Dorm 2018!
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Treant hero when?

>tfw no tree hero


Alex would never do such a wasteful thing
She needs those delicious cummies in her fertile womb

You will ride eternal shiny and chrome my brother.

who next waifu



All the normal skins and the optional ones looks like fucking wet dogshit holy shit.

Looks underdone, are your graphics shit?

I'm kind of sad that they got rid of the 'feathers' on maievs back-disc. I thought the inspiration for the warden was owl + winged hussar.

Nice list of heroes,

Try including these babes:

Vereesa Windrunner
Queen Azshara
Garona Halforcen
Alleria Windrunner

>whitemane will be the nu-wow version
>andariel won't be topless
Why bother?

Gazlowe bois

It's not that bad. It looks decent enough.

it really is NA

13th for official tier list

Ana and Maiev will not be added until they receive a skin that makes them attractive

Lili is fun and good.

>that shitty sonia skin on a tier
lmao @ your shit taste kid

Where the FUCK is Magatha??

>Teammates don't use their eyeballs
>I'm now in my demotion game

Why are we still here… Just to suffer? Every night, I can feel my heart, and my brain… and even my sinuses… The weight I’ve lost… and the frands I’ve lost… It won’t stop hurting, like they’re all still there… You feel it too, don’t you?

I’m the one who got caught up with Quick Match, a party above matchmaking, even reddit, and I was the parasite below, feeding off TGN’s power… They came after you in TGN streams, then Twitch. Grubby just… keeps growing, swallowing everything in his path, getting bigger and bigger. Who knows how big now… Mewnfare… I’m gonna make ‘em give back our past… Take back everything that we’ve lost. And I won’t rest… until we do. Our new Channel. I don’t know how long it’ll take, but I’ll make it bigger… better than before… Mewnfare...

Things have changed, Mewn. We pull in money, new players, just to feed in Quick Match. Rubbing our noses in bloody Battlefield of Eternity dirt, all for views. The world calls for YouTube content, and we answer. No greater good, no just cause. Quick Match sent us to hell… But we’re going even deeper...


azshara, aegwynn, vashj and ysera are there m8

what is this faggotry?

pic related is the image

yrel when

stop focusing dva

I want to make babies with Jaina

All she ever wanted was to study, but what she needed was a husband

>White cock

Mommy is a BBC QUEEN

tichondrius, varimathras or balnazzar are better picks than that faggot who did shit

played that game when it came out, literal garbage, why should i waste a place for any good hero and have that shit, even gamon would be better than this

if i have to choose then i choose

>OP war ends
>waifufagging increases 200%

^^ wow look at this faggotry LOL ^^

Your opinions are shit.

>wow look at this faggotry LOL

>tichondrius, varimathras or balnazzar are better picks

LOL are you fucking stupid? The only one on that list that can hold a flame to Mal'Ganis is Tichondrius.

Guarantee you never played or beat Blackthorne, that game is fucking good. You calling it shit is proof enough.

>played that game when it came out, literal garbage, why should i waste a place for any good hero and have that shit, even gamon would be better than this

>even gamon would be better than blackthorne

>implying this hard

Sure, whatever you say, kiddo.

Mmm, I forgot how fun gul'dan is

it's shite

t. Nintenyearold

>game is on nintendo console

Jaina is the pleb choice
Tyrande or Alex are the thinking man's baby machines

Mommy Alex is pure, and she only accepts pure (white) human and elf seed

Tyrande is for sex, yes, but not breeding.

Her genes are a genetic dead end.

Rumor is she enjoys big green cock

delete this, Night Elves are for pumping full of half-Elves


Don't steal my image and not even have a sarcastic green text in the post faggot


>Gameboy Advance version

you tried

>my image

>the team with three overwatch heroes wins



That's all it takes for a Genji to break into your backline with the intent to harass and kill you. Why don't you own a Maiev?

>Why don't you own a Maiev?

lyob what talent do you normally pick at 13 for alex?
i go for life unbound but i don't see any pros taking it
is it because it synergizes best with E build?

combustion is a dogshit ult that does fuck all majority of the time, bunker is for men that crush pussy on the daily which is obviously what the bunker is for, its a frat house

haven't seen a post from him in a month
it's been a good month

>when your teammate decides to ban azmodan instead of etc and they pick etc and destroy us

wasn't he just in the last thread

I know, i'm already a demon


(s)he was just in the last thread, yes

>D.va, Tracer, and Junkrat
Too OP, plz nerf. Honest, hardworking Warcraft heroes like ETC and Rehgar just couldn't compete.

First for KT = Kel'thuzad and anyone who disagrees is an elf loving faggot

Kek nice

they're not the soymada brothers but they're all still retarded

>attack move, three health bars feat. free cleanse, easy mobility to ignore whatever mispositioning they do, piss easy zoning and full HP restore on near demand

>most retarded mobility creep this side of genji, attack move with get out of jail free card, manaless

>absolutely retarded displacement that even garrosh wishes he had, retarded damage on ult, manaless, attack move, traps can't be destroyed

I love Lunara!

>LOL are you fucking stupid? The only one on that list that can hold a flame to Mal'Ganis is Tichondrius

Defend Maiev having 15 armor on top of having the most hp after Valeera
>but she needs survivability because she's needs to stay in melee range!
NO other melee assassin has this baseline protection

15 armor is something you only find on TANKS

That is 5 MORE physical armor and 15 MORE spell armor than Arthas gets

But Greymane have 10 armor

>her little jump is on an 8 second CD

>team with genji medivh and varian

protected btw

Cuckmane is a ranged poker / melee hybrid and he doesn't have PROTECTED on a short cd

only in wolf form, he also can't go LOLNOPE to ults every 8 fucking seconds

It's because she has no sustainability and no ranged poke. Every viable assassin needs either mobility, self sustainability or ranged poke if they're to be melee. Because she has SOME mobility and no ranged poke or sustainability, the armor is there to compensate. Gaymang gets 10 armor in Worgen form because he can no longer sit around playing with his dick and throwing Pepto-Bismol.

>trying this hard to talk up fucking Junkrat and D.va by listing random stuff they can do.

wtf I hate overwatch now

she has more fucking armor than tanks, yet this is an assassin with easily spammable escapes and spammable refreshing cooldown attacks?

Kerrigan needs 10 baseline armor

Valla needs 20 baseline armor

Oooh yeah. The nerf hammer is gonna come down hard on Maiev. Already looking forward to the tears, just have to wait 3 weeks.

butcher needs all around buffs

Why does a space marine with a highly advanced powersuit have less hp than an armorless gnome or dryad

Yeah I have been playing Maiev, and as someone who plays Kerrigan a lot she feels just so much better as a melee assassin. A lot more survivable, however she doesn't have a stun. Which is about the only thing Kerrigan offers I feel over her.

Chromie needs deletion

Kerrigan needs like 25 armor and re-worked talents, they're so fucking bland.

How does a siege tank get poisoned by toads and dumb deer spears?

Genji needs 15 baseline armour.

Why does a mechanical construct drop fresh meat


There's someone piloting it sweetie.

No he doesn't.

corrosive acid from the toads

literally any character deletes chromie stop standing still

poison corrodes the metal plating checkmate athiests

there's nobody inside Probius

Wait there is someone inside Probius?

imagine being this guy

Fun fact: There is a tinier probe inside probius controlling it, and there is a tiny protoss man inside that tinier probe.

what's the interaction between shields and percent damage on them? are shields good vs malthael or leo drain or does that end up healing them more?

how does a dead skeleton king, a lich, a flame elemental, and beings of pure light drop meat when they die?

I don't even like SC and even I know probes are just droids, no pilot needed.

If your up is 1000 and an attack does 10% of your HP in damage, then you take 100 damage regardless of any shielding or armor. If you have 1000 HP and 200 shield, you still take 100 damage.

deepest lore