/fhg/ - For Honor General

Fifteh-Fifteh Edition
Couldn't guess and died >Season 5 Info

>For Honor v1.18 Patch Notes

>New players:
>If you plan on using a controller, it is highly recommended you go into your settings and shrink the dead zone

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character values

>Gear modifier values

>Gear Stat Help

>Gear appearances

>Max Punish Guide

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Other urls found in this thread:


Do not

Touch the nobushi

unless she wants to be touched

by her husband Warden.

Someone buff Highlander, he ran out of stamina!

I want the nobushi to rub my dick back and forth over and over again until i cum in her eye.

>my picture gets used in the op

my dudes, what feats y'all roll for warlord? is deadly good or crap? tempted to grab speed revive for my bros

run all the passives so that you turn become a raid boss

even regen? is that even good?

Reminds me that I once saw a soldierpost in /dbg/

oh no regen is shit use auto revive

>Tier 1
Speed Revive is and helps your team overall if they die. You can rez them in under second.
Rush is good from getting from one place to another.
Deadly is nice too since it adds 15% damage on follow up hit, meaning the headbutt followup deals more damage. With 20% Attack gear score you can deal 13! Damage on your headbutt instead of 10.
>Tier 2
Bear Trap is again a good feat. Smartly put it and you get a free ledge attempt.
Juggernaut is again one of better feats giving you 10 second of 50% damage reduction. This feat is basically Revenge mode defense for 10 whole second. You have HA during all actions even GB,all your GB will auto-tech.
Flesh Wound is okay. Like deadly it'll only activate after you get hit for 3 second reducing 25% of damage.
>Tier 3
Fury. It's a good feat that gives you rushi, slight defense and offense. Not worth it.
Punch Through. Really fun feat. Adds flat 10 damage on all your attacks and makes them enhanced meaning if someone blocks your light you can continue chaining. Also it kills people on low health.
Tough as Nails. Adds good 35 HP to your health bar, turning already tanky WL to even more tank. wellacctospreadsheet
>Tier 4
Regen. Only works when you are out of lock and walking/standing. Only useful in Tribute.
AutoRevive. Revives you with 50% HP. If you go extra turtely during last bar and make sure you only die to a light you'll have extra 50% HP.
Flask. Decent feat that controls an area since there aren't many madmen who'd rush through it.

i usually run

more utility in getting where you need to be faster and can work well with shield charge
>flesh wound
can tank those hard to react attacks ie pk/ward/orochi zones and also works well when you trade with heavy
>tough as nails
raid boss time
>fire flask
the other two are nerf'd to shit just go with the molotov

If we're talking feats right now, what do most people usually run on Raider in dominion?
I usually go with body count, mark for death, battle cry and fire flask.
I'm pretty sure those are the best overall choices for raider except for mark for death, I'm not sure if I should be using that or something else.

Tireless. It's too good. You don't really need Body Count at all since unlocked side heavies and zone will clear minions for 15 miles and you will only be taking like 10-15 damage at best. You can always go back to point to heal. Alongside high "Stamina Cost Reduction" gear you might as well spam your zone 4-5 times in combo.
Bear Trap and Inspired are both good for tier 2. One means your gank potential is increased other means free charge or top heavy both of which do high damage. I run with Inspired.
Battlecry is fucking amazing feat since it clears B Zone.
Rest of his tier 4 feats are trash so flask.


>pick up game after a break
>feel like I've got nothing I can fucking do do (playing warden) that doesnt get dodged or parried into some absurd punish
>can't even fucking see during ganks
>outside attacks from behind swap guard directions
>Seems like everyone's got 10 fucking unblockable moves and All I can use is a fucking shoulder bash that drops my guard when I go into it
>timesnap removal makes everything pretty much unreactable unless someone throws a raw heavy
>pic related in every match
Boy I wonder why FH doesn't get many new players...

Name a single game with AC gameplay before AC (11 years old by now)

Spiderman 2 on ps2.
It's also repetitive in it's own game, since the missions have no variety.

Could spiderman not climb on spiderman 1?

You mostly just web slung around a bunch of bottomless buildings.
In spiderman 2 it's a full city and the combat is also the mash square and hit triangle to counter gameplay.

Hey... is Nobushi mask-cumming user still here?

Found this for him

What if... that guy who was about to kill himself and was saved in Fore Honeurr was merely attentionwhoring since he is now retweeting newsstories about himself.
I mean would someone actually do this? Go ahead and threatening to kill themselves for attention? Lie on the internet?

you might not realise it but a lot of people seek any kind of attention cause they are desperately lonely or it might be a cry for help
they might not even realize it themselves, depending on severity

Is this a subtle cry for attention user?

I don’t know. Are you the guy who says nigger on both the Ubi forum and Reddit and expects not to get banned?

>le 50/50 man complaining about unblockables

lmao. reap what you sow, warden shitter

>t.hey guys! Warden main here!

No? What the fuck made you assume that?

>be shit and also out of practice
>play a shit character
>be unfamiliar with match ups and meta since at least the most recent DLC characters apparently
>blame everything but yourself rather than simply git gud

I like deadly wwhen it works.

Drawfag here again, anyone want more OC? :2

Pic related is a female shugoki I was experimenting with, prob wont finish.

>always keep to original roster
>have to fucking mind game every game, literally use my 160 IQ to calculate geometry of every move and plan everything 10 moves ahead to win the game

>finally pick up centurion
>spam unblockable at a different speed everytime
>nobody can parry it because it's virtually impossible to matchup parry timing on an attack that can hit at ANY fucking speed
>literally win every game just using one move


Forgot to put pic in.. I am a fucking fool..

I know it isn’t a template, but could you do a kensei staring at the screen and then to us. Still can’t beleive this general doesn’t have one

Dw, no template required my dude.

Should I color it?

>t. I fight shitters while having the worst connection
So is this what a Dominion baby looks like?

I just want to say, I love you for being here. No matter what happens please don't leave us. We need draw people here.
Take your time with art but as long as you continue.

SM2 was the funny one right? I might be confused.

Yes. In just basic color default if you want

Haha, Dont worry my guy, I love for honor and always will.

>being appreciated for doodling pictures on the internet

If you see an autistic Nobushi poster, theres a chance its me..


Could the draw user also do a Centurion or Aramusha in the door and a assassin on the floor.


Yes I could.. Anything else? Tired of cent, so Ill do aramusha.

You think Batman is a warden fag? What flash?


Aramusha says “It’s time to ring the bell” and any assassin (anyone’s fine at this point) on the floor saying OP or some shit

Got it, gonna finish anons kensei request first.

It should be reversed then because both of these absolutely job to assassins kek

It’s a joke for all the fags that keep saying “infinite stunlock” when ever they lose to Aramusha


Let the servers survive the regular playerbase first before you attract a massive wave of free players

>destiny avatar
>probably ps4 player
user, you really want these subhuman d2 refugees in your game?

fair point

>Playing Dominion as Conq.
>Go to point C.
>Valkyrie spams, "I got this" and keeps hitting me.
>Go to point A.
>Aramusha spams "I got tis" and keeps hitting me.
>Go to B to be usef-
>Valkyre is spamming help in 1v1
>Rush to help her and she has killed the guy. >Starts hitting me.
>Go to B to be use---Raider wide sweeps keep interrupting me.
>Ara is getting ganked.
>My time to shine.exe
>Ara manages to ledge everyone.
>Do absolutely nothing till end of match.
>Enemy team is breaking.
>Ara leaves his point like hungry assassin.
>Finally get a sweet point to myself.
>Get him to critical health.
>Keep blocking/parrying everything he does.
>Keep him there for 1 minute until Ara fires his dumb bow.

What was I supposed to do entire match?

Go to B


Would destiny refugees be really bad guys?

I don’t I play on PC

desticles are notorious for their complaining about every aspect of the game they occupy until the devs comply and tip the scale in favor of the desticle

Wait for your rework or be a scarecrow.

Will we ever reach Sieges height

Drawanon here.

Heres my progress.. gonna get some lunch am starving.

Really well done! thank you!

"The Desticle is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Desticle and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out”.

>Tfw the devs will never accept that consoles need some separate patches from pc
I'm so fucking tired of PK being an unstoppable god on console. Zone is practically a free hit unless I'm anticipating it, and if they feint a heavy into a random direction light you cannot react in time

Not at all.. :)

I need more Kensei pics for my folder so I sincerely thank thee.

Do I get taco bell subway or chic fil a for lunch guys?

Yeah for sure.

Thank you user your to nice to us

Why wouldnt I be nice to my bros?

But someone please tell me what I want for lunch. :I

Eat more chicken. Cows are god

It looks great! Thank you for making it!


Narrow it down to two so you can have a 50/50

You want Burgerim



Eww Peacekeeper is a poor girl

So is bushi

Bushi is that elegant country hobo

PK is that nasty city hobo


"Selected from the desperate, the humble, or the devoted. Sworn to secrecy by unbreakable oaths; what they know could destroy legends... or create them"

So she could be royalty too?


Good choice anons, this chick fil a is legendary

no, siege is an fps which is infinitely more accessible than what ever for honor is

This user is right blocking is such a high level mechanic

The beta was the beginning of the end of this IP

When Ubisoft stops trying to discourage lewdness and waifus.

Fuck you Jason

Fucking fuck you and I dont get why would you go to a fucking MMO

*shuts down your lewdness*

I'm glad he left, as soon as he did they started to work on dedicated servers

Eric Pope is BASED!

>They add dedicated servers
>It still doesn't fix the absolutely autistic community who insist that brawls and elim are just duel with spectators
I just want to play the fucking game without my teammates intentionally throwing it because they are too fucking retarded to go to duel

>Community Manager laying down the smack on waifu fags

You can improve connection but not stupidity and souls fags harping that this was the true successor to souls 1v1s. It’d just a unfortunate mix