/poeg/ Path of Exile general

Wisdom fragment tab-edition

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>3.1.2 Patch notes
>Path of Nerfs Manifesto
>Abyss League
>Abyss League Challenges and Rewards
>3.1: War for the Atlas
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1st for wilsons diaper fetish

That skill that skeleton mages use, is that an attack? Can I support it with increased elemental attack damage support?


probably not

damnit, I dont wanna waste this 5l, what's a good red support gem for minions?
already got all the duration I could want

Which nodes are essential for attack speed with 1H swords?
How much faster are claws?

someone buy my 70 shaped vaults damnit

I'm stupid.
Why are people buying vaults of insanity and other guardian maps?

melee splash etc etc. Throw the gems in there and see if the letter pops up on the icon.

>doing elder
>run to zana bubble
>its visually small for whatever reason
>elder explodes and I die

Literally died at zanas feet, worst rip ever.


There's not a lot if they're casters. Does Empower empower the skills used by the minions? You're probably best off recolouring it.

>on mages

I checked, they are indeed spells

I recently blew SO MUCH of my currencies on an attempt to 5link and correctly colour my weapon. then I found a 5l armor (chain) at the vendor and alchemy'd it. then I blew my remaining chromatics getting 3blues and 1 green

Why bother covering genitals when you do godless experiments on people you consider lower than animals?

the thign that makes me wonder ever more is why zana would have the table in her decorations inventory

I just beat Elder for the first time !!
\( 'ω')/ウオオオオオオオオアアアアアアーーーーーーッ!

Does this guy have any exclusive uniques?

>\( 'ω')/ウオオオオオオオオアアアアアアーーーーーーッ!
what did he mean by this

and then i jizzd in mah pants
oh wait i dont have any pants xD

nuts :D

because pussy-stank. I wonder if GGG is going to update the doodad models too to not look like they're from unreal tournament 98

no, stop using nipponese emojis and gtfo

something something weeaboo

pretty comfy mapping inventory setup
maps on the right with le ancient crane method


sorry meant for


Any idea what I should charge for this? T1 Life (max roll), % Lightning (1 off max), and crit chance (1 off max), t3 all attributes, t5 flat phys, and an open prefix.

So what should I drop on this?

check the ilvl then sell it

Its 82 so it could be a bit better. No idea on how to price something like that though.

no idea either, check poe.trade
although I'm pretty sure you're going to be dissapointed if it's just 82

I did, but the closest I found were these, which are still vastly superior to mine. I've half a mind to slam it, but not sure if it'd be worth it.

a turkroach roastie with the most viewers on twitch. gratz poetards, another battle lost with decency.

normally we have a blue haired irish man, checkmate hater

>managed to get 64 life on it with my first attempt
Shit. Can't really slam it now I think. Should have tried to get rid of that "30% stun duration" first. Don't know of any meme builds out there that still rely on stuns.

You called me a nigress, user?

anyone tried rolling abyss jewels for themselves this league? howd it turn out? a proper abyss jewel would give me about 10% increased dps, but i dont want to waste thousands of alts for naught either

wrong our manatee (raziqt) is top right now

dude lmao EPIC trading system sure didnt make it easy for me to get the item i wanted there chris ;-) thanks for making the game harder for me so i can enjoy it more

>ask some cunt who refuses to respond to a buy request if hes a cunt or price setter
>muted for 80 minutes for personal attacks :^)
>explain this to cunt mod
>automated response to make a ticket

I fucking hate these "people"

>act like a retard
>get treated like a retard
who would have known?

>asking if someones a cunt is a personal attack

I bet you get excited every time GGG releases a new shitty MTX don't you goy?

>know trading is not supposed to be easy
>get mad when trading isn't easy

just relax, the item isn't that important

i think you forgot to take your retard medication this morning friendo

>tfw no deeps jugg that relies on life regen to mitigate nebuloch fuckery
>roll this

Its like the mods were hand picked to be as bad as possible.

does it matter if i add a sacrifice + zana mod to a elder map? will it increase shit he drops?
>tried using 3 sacrifice things on a corrupted map (no guardian)
>only one was consumed

probably not, the elder guardian areas aren't even the same zone as the map

Dont they need to be placed in their proper position? Did you use 3 dawns or something?

I started playing this game a few weeks ago and I'm currently level 60'ish. I'm thinking about making a new character. Is there a point in waiting on the new league that's coming up in a month or so? I do not care about the cosmetics we can get.

>literally every single guardian and elder drop except for the jewel is shit and even then you have to hope the jewel rolls affixes that combo
why do this? I'd rather have something like a guaranteed map drop of at least the same tier as the map that spawned them

if you just started out, use the remainder of this league to learn the game and then start fresh with a bit more knowledge the next league in 4ish weeks.

thanks mayne

an elder unique map dropping only from red elder or something would be neat, with a fuckton of elder mobs, abyss cracks everywhere and a bigass super elder fight at the end
missed out on that opportunity i m h o

What do you think it is like inside Kitava?

why isnt pic related recommended and used more for projectile spell builds?
free LMP seems really really strong.

there are references and hints to some kind of fourth elder fight in the game files, with unused character voice lines and shit
maybe we're getting uber elder with the next patch

heres to hoping
and i also hope to god they redesign the elder fight itself, half of it is just killing portals while shaper holds him in place, pathetic really

you can make a great build with both of those +2 proj swords, that one you use with spectral throw, the other you use with molten strike

i dont remember .
i though the proper position was only for opening the apex of sacrifice

You dual wield them so you don't have to link gmp

does the "2 additional projectiles" part only apply to attacks with the weapon itself (so only attack projectile skills like spec throw" or does it also apply to spells you cast?

It should be global, so yes to spells, but I'll quickly test it


>spent over 2k fusings one league sure it would be the next one

Never again.

It's global, works with spells

they're making fun of us in /v/ again

i dont see it

use vorinci for fuck sake

worth it at this point to carto seal my bricked atlas so i chain like 3 maps?

jesus christ no
a) sextants are extremely expensive, youd never make the currency back even if you went full vaultism
b) the league is dying out
but if you dont care about either of that then go for it i guess

they're changing sextants next league right


i wouldn't count on it.
probably the league after.

why would you want to use these though
their dps is shit

why. People really need to stop giving a shit about how others run their maps

fuck dailys and fuck masters system

here's a thought experiment for you:
'in reality path of exile is a really poorly made and not that fun, but people play it because:'
>its the only game of its type with an active development in a dead genre
>they try to mimic gameplay and norms that you'd find in games released in the early 2000s
>it goes out of its way to be counter-intuitive, which keeps players occupied and gives people a sense of elitism
>its extremely grindy which motivates good players to learn the grind feel superior, and new players get motivated to amass currency. think of it like having a bunch of money as a kid and you'd count it over and over again
>there's MTX
>there are superficial challenge leagues that really haven't added much to the gameplay experience for a very long time, but they used to therefore the playerbase peaks during start of leagues

now post your zana

>more than 50 monsters left
>scour map for em
>it was just like 6 of those grub spawning abyss geysers

Every time.

weird considering zana is the daily i do since i could and the others took more time to start doing dailys (and i fucked up vorici dailys a lot too)

Why do people play ED? Heavy investment, shitty gameplay,so-so dmg even with mirror tier gear...

If you call adding 3x more shitty mods changing(so people will have bad time sextant blocking), then maybe.

for molten, it's like equivalent to a 400 dps sword from what i remember

spec throw you're getting rid of a less multiplier and adding another more multiplier, you also get far shot which is another multi, and you get extra zoom for QotF

it's probably equivalent to dual wield 400dps swords too

>We are unlikely to be able to resolve this issue before the end of 3.1.0
more like "we acknowledge we fucked up and are giving you false hopes but we're not even going to look into this because we'd rather work on more MTX"

>life based ed

why the fuck is the launcher patching shit again

Any interesting Charged Dash builds? Skill is weird.

people tried it a lot in harbinger league and found the skill to be lacking and not worth the effort

Doesn't change the fact that it deals no fucking damage.

>game crashes while loading guardian zone
>game frezes till i die when i get infront of eradicator
i love how this shit works fine 1 day out of 20

it's shit because it converts half your physical damage to shock and there aren't good ways to convert the rest

>we cant fix abyss mechanics before the league is over
>btw we decided to not add abyss to the core game, seems like we dont need to fix it at all :^)

what do you even get for finding the 15 memory fragments? just the shaper orbs?

that's right, but you're still a retard who doesn't know how to make builds
i mean, scion for ed? how the fuck would that ever be a good idea?

Spreading rot + allelopathy + breath of the Council + impresence + despair+ wither totem?
You do plan on using blight, right?

its normal that eradicator give me trouble on yellow map but can kill others guardians just fine?

forgot to say red guardians
>quality red guardian drops

Blight totem with thresh jewels + wither totem in hat. Ascendant is an easy way to get 2 totems running and also get -chaos resist from occultist. Not gonna stay in place and cast blight.
Even on LL build with +3 staff it barely passes 500k dps on shaper.. Impressence is nice, but I need +1 curse amulet and it eats gem slots. Doesn't give that much damage compared to just using witchfire.

>sunder single target

when i tried other skills for single target it did less damage
frenzy is being leveled to try