The deer have evolved to fight back

And they have tasted human blood.

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Oh shit, meant to post this in /k/.

Mod please delete.

What happens when a monster deer reads Marx and tries to convince the other deer to become commy?


deers are notorious fascists

Why if it cause a war where the fascist deer try to exterminate the commy deer and lose?

Define fight back

Argentinians imported red deers to southamerica for game purposes. Now argies being the retarded niggers they are, didn't bother to invest in proper fencing, so the animals went off the game farms and are now a plague in the whole southern tip of southamerica, and they have killed people who walked the forests unawared of this animals being there. The same happened with boars, beavers and some other animals.

Damn some invasive species are brutal.
Is this just like with native americans and smallpox but with deers?



african buffalo too

>The deer have evolved to fight back.
The deer rises.
Deep deer resistance when?

You think these antlers are just for attracting mates, you bald monkey?

We're going to rise up and take over your Wal-Marts. Soon, all the bags of corn and deer cane we can eat will be ours for the taking.

Get read to prep the buck, humancuck.

>mfw even the deer rising is already ongoing and the betas are still pondering if they should

Reminder Bambi is nothing but deer propaganda.

Wake up sheeple


A deer can seriously fuck you up if it wants to.

I blame Disney for the bowdlerization of nature.


Deer aggresion is a flase flag meant to legalize deer hunting. Deer are exclusively herbivorous.
Stop shilling OP.

I used to walk to school with deer, and they freaked me the eff out. They're like the quiet kid in high school.

Had a stag try to flip my mom's car. Being a herbivore does not mean it does not have aggression

I think rhinos are herbivores mostly if not completely as well, but try fucking with a rhino without technology and see how far it gets you

Deer detected. You can't fool us, you monster.
>6. Deer

We know all about your agenda. You think it's any secret a lot of deer hunters are also preppers and have guns that are way too powerful for hunting? It's because we know the war is coming, and we're stocking up to blow you away once and for all.

Our ancestors fought one another, our two species are natural enemies. The evolutionary arms race brought your kind ahead of us, but as we developed tools and civilization we exploded past you. But now, you've developed the ability to speak and post on the internet, you've even infiltrated human civilization and try to get us to surrender using buzzwords like "animal abuse" and "conservation".

The arms race may never end until one of us is annihilated. There can only be one survivor. We both know this. Only the victor will see the end of the war.