/drg/ - Danganronpa General

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Better Kaede edition.
>/drg/ OP pastebin (just copy it and paste previous thread link)

>Danganronpa News Updated 11/15/17
pastebin.com/n83HpxJC Spike Chunsoft opens North American publishing branch

>New to DR
pastebin.com/mnduF4qj - Spoiler free guide *MUST READ IF YOU ARE NEW*
pastebin.com/MUdQJedT - In-depth gameplay mechanics and information
pastebin.com/M1sg5ftn - Danganronpa V3 Bonus Mode starting guide
Modding guides: docs.google.com/document/d/1J1kzVZus2k1ci8uiNUYuyXfHuGfnoDHELQ9httsdCMw/edit

>Danganronpa 1&2

>Danganronpa AE: Ultra Despair Girls:

>Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony:

>Danganronpa Interviews and Articles Updated 28/12/2017

>Download pastebin *contains DOWNLOADS "wink", art assets, sprites, manga, novels, music, anime, media, charts, and icons.*

>Danganronpa fan works pastebin *contains links to fanart, fan-fiction, and dr-related artists*

>Winter Danganronpa:

I love Junko!



I want to beat up Mukurofag so badly

How can one woman be so perfect, lads?

Make sure to stay hydrated /drg/! Have a glass of water!

Best girl!

7th for Faggot-kun killing himself!

I love her stinky sister!



I'm going to end /drg/. So don't any of you go and do anything unnecessary, alright?

Is fucking trash

You got 8th.

I hope you all have a terrible day tomorrow.

>Better Kaede
It's a guy.

Aw, Faggot-chan looks so cute~

Congrats user, you can count. Do you want me to pat you on the head?


Then you should have an even worse day!


You get nothing.
Off yourself.

Better everyone!

Wtf I love zeussu now

Honestly you are trying way too hard.

I love mommy! She's so sweet thinking about everyone's hydration! Everyone should love mommy!

>implying I'm a zeussufag

-metal band vocalist!

I want male Kirumi to look at me condescendingly when I suggest he suck my dick

Everyone always tries so hard to insult Faggot-chan... They clearly have not drank enough water today.

I still think she's cute!

so, /drg/, how many times have you masturbated to your Dangan within the past 24 hours

unironically backflip onto a landmine

They are called friends.

0, I haven't had the time to beat off

>anonymous posters on Veeky Forums
How delusional do you have to be to believe this?

Be nice

Are we posting bukis?



Friends come in all different shapes and sizes. Just because we aren't greats friends doesn't mean we aren't friends. We have also talked on discord!

No thanks!

But we are friends! We talk on Discord too!

kaito making racist music videos

this is perfect

holy shit the cancer is terminal

>using a program I don't use

It's actually funny how hard you are trying.

I wonder how pathetic you have to be to think a literal messaging platform is cancerous...

for now anyways

kaito making everyone listen to his shitty mixtapes

kaito dying of aids before his new album release

I wonder how pathetic you have to be to beat off to pretending to have sex with fellow obese neckbeards on the internet?

Heard people talkin shit


have you read their terms of service, by any chance?

Get lost faggot

I'm sorry, I'm afraid you've misunderstood. The only thing I "beat off" to is Oumaede. I'm a girl, so I'm not sure how jacking off would work without a penis...?

Let's be real, who does?

At least try to be original with your insults honestly. I don't think you could even offend a small child with this shit

Pretty good bit




>hhurrr durrr ur being unoriginal, arent I clever by being meta??????
Good to know you have the cognitive capacity of David fucking Cage.

I mean... It's not wrong, you're not really offending anybody here.

Mommy won't lose to you bullies


>still white-knighting the unironic faggot who left to go cry himself to sleep
Neck yourself.

I know I keep saying it, but you are really trying too hard. It honestly just seems like you are 14 years old.

I'm legit almost in tears from laughter. These posts are gold.

I don't exactly feel like it right now!

It's really hilarious how hard people try, isn't it?

You see an oom on the floor
What do you do?

>keeps repeating himself

Best mage Himiko! I hope you all have a wonderful day! For those of you posting about how much you love your waifu or husbando I have a message for you They love you back

I hope this bullying stops soon.

Hello, based Himikofriend! How are you on this wonderful day?

The bullying is pretty funny, honestly.

I'm still here my guy. As I have said about 100x, I've seen way way waaaay worse than this. You really can't offend me.

Oof that's real offensive. I'm hurt. Use some more capital letters.

Sorry, Himikofag. I'll stop when faggot-chan dies or leaves
Slitting faggot-chan's throat!



>pretends that his fee-fees aren't hurt
>h-hahaaa guis, im fine!!! look at how sarcastic i am!! i lo-love admitting how cancerous i am!

I already want to worship them~

Oh boy he's run out of ideas. That didn't take long at all.

Add me on discord, Akamatsu-chan. I'll be your Ouma if you send nudes

...You really think that our feelings are hurt by this?

Lucky 5

I think people are just annoyed that faggot-chan announced he would become an avatarfag and is basically forcing his presence

He deserves to force it. He's the best.


You missed your chance, I'm afraid!

Damn. SHSL luck pulling through hard.

Doesn't every avatarfag force their presence? Isn't that the whole point of putting a name for yourself on an otherwise user message board? To force their presence to be known?

Unlucky 6

How do these horns even work?

>deleting the failed get

>keeps saying I've run out of when I'm the only one not repeating myself
Crushing Faggot's knees with a sledgehammer! Covering the jagged mess of bone with salt and lemon juice! Grabbing on a loose bit of torn skin and pulling it until it breaks! Taking the sledgehammer lower, to his shins, to his feet! Leaving Faggot unable to walk, watching him vomit on himself, struggle, and scream!

Not as peaceful as before but still fine. Hopefully your morning is still going well.
This is just really extreme and odd to me more so than real bullying

please reconsider friend.


I don't have anything else to say. You keep mentioning me, which is exactly what I want you to do. You aren't very good at this. Do me a big favor and reply to this post ok?

Oh no, watch out, Faggot-chan! Some guy fictionally killed you!

My morning's just fine, I'm glad you're doing alright!

2 for ace attorney being the superior series.

The absolute state.

Name a time and a place, bitch.


Send nudes anyways

Again, negative-positive ratio is too skewed at this point for any 1-9's to make a difference at this point, and you just further the status quo on the off-chance you fail, which isn't that low of a chance apparently. Just wait for a big get or something at least.