/wfg/ - Warframe General

Rhinoposter edition
previous thread:>READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros NFA or the Alliance: i.imgur.com/gu5HZxZ.png
(Due to a large influx of applications, the clan is full for the time being.)

>Notable links
/wfg/ Discord: discord.gg/kYhdYFc
Wiki: warframe.wikia.com
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
Farming Prime parts: war.farm/index.php
Riven Prices: semlar.com/rivenprices
Droptables by DE (probably rigged): warframe.com/repos/hnfvc0o3jnfvc873njb03enrf56.html
WF news, Riven Calculator, Zaw and Fish parts: semlar.com/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
DPS calculator and build planner No.2: warframe-builder.com/ (frames, weapons and companions)
Top guns: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mdgJUyNrsHWRMveKwFrpdMJQWyyEGE4Wpo34e8BzE74/edit
Frames and Modding: pastebin.com/D8Ckdz0c

CURRENT UPDATE: Plains of Eidolon (Update 22.11.0)
> forums.warframe.com/topic/914315-plains-of-eidolon-update-22110/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/893859-plains-of-eidolon-mirage-prime-2270/

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

first for people projecting this shit everywhere like parasite infested creatures transformed to spread the disease that consumes them

>Have so many Lith relics
I have like hundreds so I'm just running them solo.
You mad?

Fuck DE

>literal reddit cancer edition

How do these ``people'' play with less than 144fps?

How do I solo eidolon?

Why doesn't Konzu the shit give me a night vision for Eidolon night?

it's 2018, upvotes change things

this is how vox populi works, you shame, intimidate, get likes and DE must obey

only post in /wfg if pretend being retarded when you want to do something pointless and meaningless yet 100% harmless

wfg is far from harmless. The amount of shitters this place breeds in the name of epic trolling is fucking disgusting.

watch youtube video of someone doing it, copy presented build and repeat their actions


Judging from the fact that I had no idea this weapon even existed, I assume it's free endo?

Gas frame akin to the Nox when?




you have never been in a facebook warframe related group, huh?

It's like diving through liquid fecal mater

of course you leave at one point but you will never fully recover from overwhelming amount of shitposting, attention whores asking obvious questions and unironically retarded bragging

weren't we suppose to get his weapon months ago?

Which one /wfg/

Hek or Marelok.

>having a facebook

so uh
How do I go about killing an eidolon

Shoot him with your potato until he blinks red and you can no longer damage him with potato.
Switch to warframe and shoot his limbs until he blinks blue and releases huge explosion,
Rinse and repeat.

thanks bby
time to go in with my level 0 amp

>region NA
>get matched up with ching chong ding dong man

it's almost like NA is diverse

left right?

What use would I have for fear?

why user

how the FUCK do I not die as IVARA
I start a mission with like 30 energy and then end up dead
what is this bullshit?
help me master this nerdy SLUT

i wish hate was good, i've had this thing for years and i'm always looking for an excuse to use it since i love that it looks like a big pickaxe but god it's so average and the stances kinda suck

>stances suck
nigga wat
don't you want to spin to win?

Ivara is not about skill but build

you can feed from energy pizzas if you put invis bubble and decloak 3rd power inside

you need to be invisible all the time, no exceptions or you will be vaporized

but I wonder, what's froggbutt appeal now since kiddos are much better at doing stealth spy

Cute butt, artemis bow, some of the quiver arrows, navigator shenanigans and that one riven challenge that requires you to not kill anything in a survival.

How is exp split between teammates, you and your amp?

>that one riven challenge that requires you to not kill anything in a survival
You don't even need a stealth frame for that shit.

>he hasn't had the "take no damage" riven yet

most ivara players are massive shitters

remember when kiddos were gonna be able to use zaws?

Yeah, thank fucking god they scrapped it.

Still it's easy mode, just walk around the enemies and prowl the life support out of them instead of running around and opening and smashing boxes 'n shit.

How is equinox?


How much longer until I get personal quarters? I just got to the Saturn Junction.
What do I build on Saryn?

focus farm

range and duration

Don't know about the Saryn part, but as for the personal quarters bit, you need to complete the War Within Quest. Then, once you've completed that, you need to build a segment for it. Then you get it.

Saryn big chest

Forgot to specify, but you need to get to Sedna to unlock the quest, so you've got a while.

What the fuck happens in day freeroam pubs on the plains? Fishing parties?

>Not going out like this!

Incursions (or whatever the fuck are those mini bounties called) give some mods you can't get in the regular bounties so maybe that.

so, we'll probably have news of the new prime within the next month and have it in two or three month
which frame do you think it will be, with wich weapons will it come?

>DE in charge of customization

What about survivability? The pastebin talk about it but if I follow what it says I would be building for health, energy, and shields. I forgot, I have Saryn Prime.

Tertiary is the piping behind the drum, accents is the little slits in said drum. Virtually useless but not literally useless.

Is it actually possible to sell rivens in this shitty game? I constantly get poor stupid niggers trying to trade shit for my rivens instead of actually buying them.

Your 2 serves as a decoy but if you still have issues with survivability, the augment for it can help.

How do I make it good, it feels so fucking satisfying


loki + shotgun to the face works fine for me, never getting damaged, maybe silence your weapon

Good and efficient. The problem is that unless you've been using it for a long time you usually go "what the fuck does this do again?" and mainly use one form instead of both.

I saved it with a riven to get 105% crit chance total but then hunter munitions happened and I switched to Vulklar altogeher

but yeah, it feels great and needs wrath version with more reload speed

>Fire weapon without a silencing mod on it
>"Wooow, they know where I am?!? What the fuck?!"

Or you could just fucking play Loki and mow your entire way through a level with an Ignis Wraith.

>says the dude in shining pink armor with glowing leds strapped all over it and with a pink glowing sentinel hovering above his head

>ghoul pops out of thin air
>constantly runs in front of mining laser when you're invisible

>Go to do plains missions
>Get filled into a squad
>Door won't open
How to do I fix this? I just want to run at super speed with volt.

I got Atlas, Banshee, Equinox, Hydroid, Loki, Mag, Mirage, Nezha, Nova, Nyx, Oberon, Octavia, Saryn, Titania, Vauban, Volt, Wukong and Zephyr ready in my foundry. I only got one warframe slot left though. Any recommendations? I'm probably gonna pick one with a prime so that I can trash the basic and replace it.


I actually already have that one.

Welcome to the plains of eidolon. No seriously we all get it.

then you don't need any other frame

Try getting closer to the door. It only opens if you are close enough.

Frost Prime or Ember Prime my guy

I'm not your guy, friend

post your foundry's.

I'm not your friend, pal



>Farm Lua for two hours
>Power Test still hasn't spawned
>Agility test has spawned four times in a row

I'm so starved for content that I even gladly accept the nerfs just to finally feel something else than boredom

>Get a map with 2( ! ) tests while clearing chart, nail 'em both
>Fuck up rescue because do dumb


>like 6 frames baking
>not even gonna use them because I'm in love with frost/oberon/rhino

>t. MR 4

I'm MR15 though?

So glad that fucking idiot died

how come you're still playing starter frames?

>got crimson dervish stance
>suddenly hit like a raid boss

>starter frames

Is there any warframe that isn't used by shitters?

>Cute butt
Is it really that good though? I feel like other frames have cuter butts.

Ivara is a dumb meme by retarded shitters. If Loki was a female frame no one would ever touch Ivara.

Why does Nikana have such low disposition? I barely see it used and I thought it's commonly though of to be a trash melee weapon.
Is disposition shared between different iterations of the weapon? Because I assume this is partly by low MR bois who MUST use a KATANAH

they make shit dispo for anything that's fashion frame
shit looking weps have good dispo

no weebs allowed

I just Forma'd Ash and his playstyle is really cool if you maximize efficiency so you can spam smoke bomb, seeking shuriken and bladestorm

Can Loki walk through lasers on Spy missions?
I didn't think so.
If Ivara wasn't slowed during her stealth, no one would ever touch Loki.

anyone notice how Frost's default idle animation is like a nigger stance?

So it's been a week since I began playing on a whim. I've maxed all my starter weapons and it's become clear that I can't have all the mods I want maxed with only 30 capacity. How do I get stronger at this point? Since the other dmg mods deal in percentages, is it the idea that I should focus most on the basic +%dmg (to max?) and fusing other mods come second? Or will there be like a second tier of mods later?