/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous: >Valentines 2018

Semiramis is always in the rate-up
Pick up gacha 1
31-4 Semiramis
5 Artoria
6 Mordred
7 Altera
8 Orion
9 Artoria Lancer
10 Nightingale
11 Jeanne Ruler
12-15 Semiramis

Pick up gacha 2
5 Medb
6 Quetz
7 Drake
8 Jack
9 Osakabehime
10 Sanzo
11 Schez
12 Tamamo

Sestubun Rate-up
>Tomoe and Ibaraki are always on the rate-up
Kintoki: 4, 7
Shuten: 5, 7
Raikou: 6, 7

>Fate/Extra: Last Encore
28/1 to 11/2
Drake is always on rateup
Nero: 4, 11
Gawain: 5, 6, 11
Rhyme: 7, 8, 11
Shuwen: 9, 10, 11

February 2018 Monthly Mats
>Eternal Gear
>Magic Cerebrospinal Fluid
>Chain of Fools

>Part 2 prologue


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Servant/CE list and datamine

Boudica is cute!

Type-Moon is dead.
Fuck F/GO.

Cute Boudica.

Onii-chan I'm laughing at you!

No increase at all it looks like.

Melt thread

This was Bryn first fight, say something nice.

Type-Moon is dead.
Long Live F/GO.

TM only exists because of ufotable you stupid cocksucker, and once they finish making their buck off HF this zombie franchise will finally be laid to rest.

Your grail choices are fucking retarded

So autistic characters have autistic fans who would've thought


Post certified /fgog/-original memes.

How high is that nobunaga's NP level ?

Who has the best feets? Meltryllis or Nataku?

What made you decide to let her fight?

She's very endearing when she smiles.

Nice Parvati.

>8 turns

>Grail choices
gameplaycuck still crying about someone else's problems.


It's been 2 years since this happened, She's forgiven now.

It's not even that, that's just shit taste

I love you scale Azalea, do you love me?

Well this will be hell for the next 5 days


>(Me) at 11m chocolate
>Even the non farmCHADS are already beyond that amount


Why is Nitocris' characterisation so damn inconsistent?

I'm at 2m don't worry.
What's wrong with it?

What does she want?

>Grailed to 100
>This is her first fight
What the fuck user

Just smash her with a buffed GOLDEN DRIVE.

Wow, it's amazing that likable and cute girls turned out to be popular. What an unexpected surprise.

just remove her buffs with her NP then kill her with a brave chain anyway

What kind of high-quality bryn porn made you grail her first without sending her to the battlefield ??

Degenerates, all of them!

>the same garbage drop
What even the point?

Provide examples.

new guide when?

>isn't back yet
>already rape/kidnapping scenarios involving the new characters
Why can't we have good comfy things?

>getting porn
nice joke.

7 minutes ago

She's a complete uguu moeblob by Bond 5, but she's back at her Bond 1-2 bossy Pharaoh attitude in her Valentines scene.


Caster bronze Sheba
Archer silver Tesla
Berserker gold Nobunaga

Drops are still the same you should be upgrading the chocolate factory then go back




good morning based pornposter

doujin when

Her ascension lines have her getting over her confidence issues but that characterisation is nowhere to be seen anywhere else.

>Bryn porn
>Nice joke
B-but... I'm a delusional pornfag who want's to believe it will happen some day

Hokuso's gacha flopped so hard that they had to extend it just so that they could make as much money as last year's New Year's gacha.
The year of the foreigner lasted two months.

She has like 2 doujins and it's all f/u/ta so i wouldn't call it good.

>Hokuso's gacha flopped

Phone charging rn, whats in the new nodes?

Same shit, different classes.

Delusional pornposter.


Anyone have a new drop map?

>Second month just started
>Year of the foreigner has lasted 2 full months already
>running at 100% bonus efficiency
holy shit.

> Tfw now I use Abby's first form to cut short her NP animation
Sorry, intern kun

>shit drop
>still took like 9 turn
Fuck this new node,there nothing good out of it

Gratz user, I just did this 2 days ago

marie buffs when?


>All deez nobubros with NP5 orange bikini nobu
>400 quartz last summer and didn't get her or rider saberface

I'll join the club in a few days too.

Congrats Azelea.

I've accepted they'll never come but animation update please tho


***,*93位/***,*92位 (***,203 pt) [*,*11予約] 2018/06/06 Cooking with Fate 1 [Blu-ray]

Is this good?

Yeah speaking of which, when did they say they would update all the starter servants' animations?

It's amazing that she has received 0 buffs after 2 years.

Last year. It doesn't matter though because they release animation updates so slowly it will take until 2021 for them to finish even if they really mean it.

You have Abigail, buffs are entirely meaningless to you.

No, fuck SN fags you /a/ cuck.
We GO here.

Why does it matter
Not even ufo cares about the sales for this anime it's an merely an ad for their cafe

>trying to pretend that fgog wasn't happy to see it announced
Back to /v/ with you.

Yeah I know they said so last year but I meant did they say when we'd be getting those updates?

Pardon my poor phrasing.

>tfw I have her at NP4
>still need 1 more copy for NP5


>I meant did they say when we'd be getting those updates?
No. Probably because it's kind of on the backburner.

please understand.

Probably yeah. Those pts are a bit low though. Check back in half a year.

No, they didn't. The only release one every few months, even they have no idea when it's going to be done. Definitely years though.

Okay, so I finally hit 2000 fous for Martha. Who should I feed my leftover gold fous to? Seiba or Gil?

>Seibah or Gil
neither you bastion of horrid taste

How long do they think this game will last? How long do we?

I would have started with Seiba but she didn't come to me until after I started feeding them to Martha so Seiba is my second project.

I love my wife Melt

>bastion of horrid taste
I'm just asking.

Puzzles and Dragons has been going for 6 years now.

At least four more, I really don't see this game losing popularity any time soon and it makes so much money

Might just do this. Gotta stick it out till the strengthening quest, right?


Instinct is good
t. nasu

Are the drops any different in the new quests aside from the obvious mob drops? If not I'm sticking to the lancer node